Posted: Dec 23, 2010 5:11 AM GSTUpdated: Dec 24, 2010 2:33 AM GST
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Mysterious creature found in Nelson County
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Other Masters
You have stated that there are other masters beside Christ?
Yes, all bringers of spiritual revelation can be deemed masters. All great religions have had the influence of an individual who either formed the basis of the 'belief', or who enhanced a religion that was already in existence. I won't go into the many names of men who enhanced
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Church
Now, we have briefly discussed Jesus and his manner of teaching by parable. Jesus, like other masters before him, attract a following who pass on their master's teaching once the master is removed from the scene. Now, it is absolute ignorance to believe that the teaching delivered
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Earthly Deception
I cannot understand how the occult teaching can be in harmony, or reflect anything about Christianity, who solely base their faith on Biblical teaching which they maintain to be the word of God. They deem that anything outside this faith is doomed for destruction.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The female aspect in the Church
Do women have a place in, what you call, the inner circle. The Catholic Church in particular has definite rules assigned to women, which, suggests an air of chauvinistic ideals. What are your views on this?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I believe that you have been in the past strongly affiliated with the Spiritualist Movement. I understand also that the Christian Church in general does not approve of spiritualism, in fact, they give strong warnings against it. What are your viewpoints concerning the Churches stand on this?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Inner Circle
Well, I can relate the 1st Adam and the 2nd Adam to Christianity - but I still cannot relate to this dual consciousness concept. It doesn't seem to be a teaching of Christianity.
Well, we are not dealing solely with dual consciousness alone, but the Law of Duality - the duality in all things. The Christian theologist would not interpret the two Adams in the manner that I do; he teaches that the 1st Adam represents the first human, whereas, the 2nd Adam represents Jesus Christ. Now, this all sounds very nice but this is not how it is.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Conversation with a Mystic
Firstly, why do you call yourself The Hermit? You obviously don't live alone. So how do you associate yourself with this name?
I use the term "Hermit" solely to form a spiritual, as well as a physical perspective. Base it on personality, if you like. I've also used other terminologies, or pen names, such as "Ancientson" or "Angelofold", even "sunoforion." acquiring a username, and a desired uniqueness, is very difficult these days. But I've been doing alright and have a personal connection with all the names I've used.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The freaks don't give up
Another night of demonic attack. It lasted for about 20 hours. They are getting filthier and filthier with what comes out of the mouth. My reaction was angry…disgusted…but controlled. They know exactly what your weak points are and what to say. It is well placed psychological attack. They are aware that I know they are acting through her…but that does not stop them…they just want me to leave. It's her they want and not me. I put 2,000 Euros in the pocket…angry enough to find a room for the night and book a ticket for the first plane back to Australia, to a quiet life. I was foiled again as I left my leaving too late and the motel was closed.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Ignorant Waitress
Spent a nice few hours walking through the snow on Margit Sziget. Is this really where she lived? Some say the real sziget was up near the Duna Bend. Earlier name "Rabbit Island." Why? Where's all the rabbits? Went to Nyugati pu to check time table for train to Esztergom. Bought a coffee and got dish water. These cafes really need to learn how to make coffee. In Australia they would be bankrupt and their rude waitresses out of work.
Turkish coffee…spit..spit…in Australia I used Turkish coffee to get rid of unwanted guests.
Stupid waitress…telling a customer in not an endearing way "they come from the west and settle in Hungary." Called her over and asked if her parents were Hungarian. Yes, she said. Oh, I said, I thought you were Slav, or something. My parents are from the Ukraine, she answered. Ahhh, I thought so. You see my companion, I said, she has dual citizenship. She is from the Arpad bloodline, and further back to the Mesopotamian Royal House, called by Divine Providence to return to her roots, and I'm her bodyguard. So before you again open your ignorant unknowledgeable mouth, why don't you return to your own roots.
Pasted from
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Suicide on Szabadsag Hid
Finally managed to get the TV clip of the suicide on Szabadsag hid (Freedom Bridge) in Budapest. A 40 year old emotionally disturbed man set himself on fire and jumped off. It was caught on camera by a local TV station and aired publically with no respect or consideration toward his family. A constant reminder of how desperate one can get when there appears no way out.
The video is extremely graphic and will only provide the link for those wishing to see it for the pursuit of human understanding.
The video is extremely graphic and will only provide the link for those wishing to see it for the pursuit of human understanding.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Into the crypt
Managed to go deep into the crypt of Egyetem Templom, built in 1720 over a much older church dating back to medieval times. Formally a Dominican Church later to be claimed by the Pauline Order of Hungary after the Turks were driven from the land by combined German and Hungarian troops. I felt at ease there amongst the bones as I felt half dead myself.
Yet to seek out the several lids of coffins that are infused with light..similar to the Turin Shroud. In order to see them you must know where to go and whom to ask. Something tourists are not invited to.
Finally commissioned a lawyer to handle the Hungarian red tape.
Days have been beautiful and sunny. Our new apartment is inviting and comfortable.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Descending Spirit
The Illumination
Behold Earth, what has come down to you!
From planes above to realms below, my spirit goes, illumined by the Light of Heaven's glow.
To walk in realms where shadows roam,
I left my home, to live in body, for a time destined,
my spirit must sustain temptation from misguided ways.
To darkened corners where souls lament, to there I'm sent, to reveal my wisdom, spread my Light, to raise thy spirit from earthly plight. The world to you, so real and true, with a blanket of doubt, it has covered you.
The soul within, whilst steeped in sin, rejects the Light I bring.
The stones of logic, lust and greed, are planted before thee, so attempt to see, or stumble blindly toward your destiny.
So hear the voice that summons thee: Even you who is reading this,
you must today decide, to remain a slave or to be set free.
Should Darkness be thy soul's delight, then this shall be thy gift in life.
Visit to the Docklands
Went to visit the Enterprize docked at Waterfront City Docklands, Melbourne. Can't believe that it carried 300 sheep in 1840.
Besides catching a bad cold and spending the following day recuperating, I guess it was okay.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Reaching Out
Behold, Earth! What has become of you? With toil and sweat by human hands you work the ground from which you come. In the dust you grovel, day after day, contented with your labor pains.
Raise your heads to heaven high - behold the beauty which there hides. At night when skies are dark, when the moon departs, the stars with glory there do shine!
A universe with resplendent form unfolds to reveal the countless stars and galaxies. The Milky Way, it’s outstretched arm. . . a path of gold and silver stone.
The vastness of space, no ruler can pace: it has no beginning nor an end: the stars that abound no wise man can count.
Your wisdom fails and faces pale as you try to comprehend. But on you go, there seems no end, to the determination within man.
The outer planets you reach with grace, and say: Behold the wonder we achieved this day! Your cheers of joy, echo with ploy, as they leave your little world.
But the things achieved, only deceives the mind of mortal man. The wisest man upon your world, is naught but a baby, from out of his cot he crawls!
Your foolish ways, O Sons of Earth, fill all your books of history! Look at Me, for here I Am, stretching out the heavens with my hand…..I tempt you to understand! To every star I give a name, this I do to suit My fame. The galaxies of inner space, are naught but toys to me.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs'
From: Janis Gilbreath <>
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010
Subject: [spirit_truths] Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs'
Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs'
* By Peter Farquhar, Technology Editor
* From:
* August 25, 2010 3:40PM
AFTER 10 years of comparative slumber, the sun is waking up - and it's
got astronomers on full alert.
This week several US media outlets reported that NASA was warning the
massive flare that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier
this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that
had the potential to wipe out the entire planet's power grid.
NASA has since rebutted those reports, saying it could come "100 years
away or just 100 days", but an Australian astronomer says the space
community is betting on the sooner scenario rather than the latter.
Despite its rebuttal, NASA's been watching out for this storm since
2006 and reports from the US this week claim the storms could hit on
that most Hollywood of disaster dates - 2012.
Similar storms back in 1859 and 1921 caused worldwide chaos, wiping
out telegraph wires on a massive scale.
The 2012 storm has the potential to be even more disruptive.
"The general consensus among general astronomers (and certainly solar
astronomers) is that this coming Solar maximum (2012 but possibly
later into 2013) will be the most violent in 100 years," astronomy
lecturer and columnist Dave Reneke said.
"A bold statement and one taken seriously by those it will affect
most, namely airline companies, communications companies and anyone
working with modern GPS systems.
"They can even trip circuit breakers and knock out orbiting
satellites, as has already been done this year."
Regardless, the point astronomers are making is it doesn't matter if
the next Solar Max isn't the worst in history, or even as bad as the
1859 storms.
It's the fact that there hasn't been one since the mid-80s. Commodore
had just launched the Amiga and the only digital storm making the news
was Tetris.
No one really knows what effect the 2012-2013 Solar Max will have on
today's digital-reliant society.
Dr Richard Fisher, director of NASA's Heliophysics division, told Mr
Reneke the super storm would hit like "a bolt of lightning", causing
catastrophic consequences for the world's health, emergency services
and national security unless precautions are taken.
US government officials earlier this year took part in a "tabletop
exercise" in Boulder, Colorado, to map out what might happen if the
Earth was hit with a storm as intense as the 1859 and 1921 storms.
The 1859 storm was of a similar size to that predicted by NASA to hit
within the next three years - one of decreased activity, but more
powerful eruptions..
NASA said that a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences
found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause "$1 to 2
trillion in damages to society's high-tech infrastructure and require
four to 10 years for complete recovery".
Staff at the Space Weather Prediction Center in Colorado, which hosted
the exercise, said with our reliance on satellite technology, such an
event could hit the Earth with the magnitude of a global hurricane or
The reason for the concern comes as the sun enters a phase known as
Solar Cycle 24.
All the alarming news building around the event is being fuelled by two
The first is a book by disaster expert Lawrence E. Joseph, Guilty of
Apocalypse: The Case Against 2012, in which he claims the "Hurricane
Katrina for the Earth" may cause unprecedented planetwide upheaval.
The second is a theory that claims sunspots travel through the sun on
a "conveyor belt" similar to the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt which
controls weather on Earth.
The belt carries magnetic fields through the sun. When they hit the
surface, they explode as sunspots.
Weakened, they then travel back through the sun's core to recharge.
It all happens on a rough 40-50-year cycle, according to solar
physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science and Technology
Center in the US.
He says when the belt speeds up, lots of magnetic fields are
collected, which points to more intense future activity.
"The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," Prof Hathaway said.
"Old magnetic fields swept up then should reappear as big sunspots in
Most experts agree, although those who put the date of Solar Max in
2012 are getting the most press.
They claim satellites will be aged by 50 years, rendering GPS even
more useless than ever, and the blast will have the equivalent energy
of 100 million hydrogen bombs.
"We know it is coming but we don't know how bad it is going to be," Dr
Fisher told Mr Reneke in the most recent issue of Australasian
"Systems will just not work. The flares change the magnetic field on
the Earth and it's rapid, just like a lightning bolt.
"That's the solar effect."
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010
Subject: [spirit_truths] Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs'
Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs'
* By Peter Farquhar, Technology Editor
* From:
* August 25, 2010 3:40PM
AFTER 10 years of comparative slumber, the sun is waking up - and it's
got astronomers on full alert.
This week several US media outlets reported that NASA was warning the
massive flare that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier
this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that
had the potential to wipe out the entire planet's power grid.
NASA has since rebutted those reports, saying it could come "100 years
away or just 100 days", but an Australian astronomer says the space
community is betting on the sooner scenario rather than the latter.
Despite its rebuttal, NASA's been watching out for this storm since
2006 and reports from the US this week claim the storms could hit on
that most Hollywood of disaster dates - 2012.
Similar storms back in 1859 and 1921 caused worldwide chaos, wiping
out telegraph wires on a massive scale.
The 2012 storm has the potential to be even more disruptive.
"The general consensus among general astronomers (and certainly solar
astronomers) is that this coming Solar maximum (2012 but possibly
later into 2013) will be the most violent in 100 years," astronomy
lecturer and columnist Dave Reneke said.
"A bold statement and one taken seriously by those it will affect
most, namely airline companies, communications companies and anyone
working with modern GPS systems.
"They can even trip circuit breakers and knock out orbiting
satellites, as has already been done this year."
Regardless, the point astronomers are making is it doesn't matter if
the next Solar Max isn't the worst in history, or even as bad as the
1859 storms.
It's the fact that there hasn't been one since the mid-80s. Commodore
had just launched the Amiga and the only digital storm making the news
was Tetris.
No one really knows what effect the 2012-2013 Solar Max will have on
today's digital-reliant society.
Dr Richard Fisher, director of NASA's Heliophysics division, told Mr
Reneke the super storm would hit like "a bolt of lightning", causing
catastrophic consequences for the world's health, emergency services
and national security unless precautions are taken.
US government officials earlier this year took part in a "tabletop
exercise" in Boulder, Colorado, to map out what might happen if the
Earth was hit with a storm as intense as the 1859 and 1921 storms.
The 1859 storm was of a similar size to that predicted by NASA to hit
within the next three years - one of decreased activity, but more
powerful eruptions..
NASA said that a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences
found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause "$1 to 2
trillion in damages to society's high-tech infrastructure and require
four to 10 years for complete recovery".
Staff at the Space Weather Prediction Center in Colorado, which hosted
the exercise, said with our reliance on satellite technology, such an
event could hit the Earth with the magnitude of a global hurricane or
The reason for the concern comes as the sun enters a phase known as
Solar Cycle 24.
All the alarming news building around the event is being fuelled by two
The first is a book by disaster expert Lawrence E. Joseph, Guilty of
Apocalypse: The Case Against 2012, in which he claims the "Hurricane
Katrina for the Earth" may cause unprecedented planetwide upheaval.
The second is a theory that claims sunspots travel through the sun on
a "conveyor belt" similar to the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt which
controls weather on Earth.
The belt carries magnetic fields through the sun. When they hit the
surface, they explode as sunspots.
Weakened, they then travel back through the sun's core to recharge.
It all happens on a rough 40-50-year cycle, according to solar
physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science and Technology
Center in the US.
He says when the belt speeds up, lots of magnetic fields are
collected, which points to more intense future activity.
"The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," Prof Hathaway said.
"Old magnetic fields swept up then should reappear as big sunspots in
Most experts agree, although those who put the date of Solar Max in
2012 are getting the most press.
They claim satellites will be aged by 50 years, rendering GPS even
more useless than ever, and the blast will have the equivalent energy
of 100 million hydrogen bombs.
"We know it is coming but we don't know how bad it is going to be," Dr
Fisher told Mr Reneke in the most recent issue of Australasian
"Systems will just not work. The flares change the magnetic field on
the Earth and it's rapid, just like a lightning bolt.
"That's the solar effect."
Thursday, August 26, 2010
An Encounter from the Past
There are times when you become an influence upon another without fully realizing it. This was the case in Alice Springs. Although most that I worked with were boozers and rough necks…but there is always that one odd ball that doesn’t quite fit in with the rest. While the others were trying their utmost to prevent me from luring them into a corner, there was this one young fellow called, Mark, who listened intently to what I was saying while the others sat about drunk trying to comprehendo the strange words they had never before heard, and, unfortunately, will never again hear, unless a miraculous event changes their perspective on life.
Monday, August 23, 2010
An example of individual divine intervention
To give an example of individual divine intervention I need to resort to my own personal experiences, as only within your own experiences, are you best able to understand intervention; and it would not be far off to refer it as spiritual manipulation. So once again I return to my friend from Alice Springs, solely as the link has long been broken. Naturally, this doesn’t mean that it cannot, at some time or another, during this incarnation, be re-established.
Group Souls and Divine Intervention
Another subject you don’t hear very often within discussion groups is the concept of Divine Intervention. When people hear mention of “Divine Intervention” the immediate thought that comes to mind is either Christian oriented or the descending of angelic beings. Because most of us don’t personally experience such descending divinity within our own environment we tend to not think much about it. So very little is known and understood of the subject that we never really give it much significance, at least not enough to cause us to ponder on the subject.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Cosmic rays point to Orion
Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory's Milagro observatory and their collaborators have pinpointed two side-by-side sectors in our region of the Galaxy that are generating more than their share of cosmic rays. Seven years of recording over 200 billion cosmic ray collisions with the Earth's atmosphere went into the calculations.
Action and Repercussion
In all earthly situations it is of the utmost importance to always remember that you are not a physical being but an intense spiritual force. And realizing this, live accordingly. Every thought pattern is an unleashed power. The power that you unleash can do harm as easily as it can do good. None of us are free from not having contributed evil forces within this world. For this we are all guilty.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Marriage and Adultry
To bring up the subject of divorce and its possible consequences in today’s so called modern and “free society” can be somewhat of a sensitive issue. People usually have a bag full of excuses ready to justify “their” reasons of why they had ended either the marriage or relationship. In most cases, the reason why, regardless of the excuses, is usually centered around selfish ambition. In earlier years it was extremely difficult to dissolve a marriage: the party seeking the divorce needed to provide evidence to the court to prove that adultery had been committed, as adultery was just about the only excuse granted for divorce. Naturally, the difficulty behind getting a divorce is Biblically oriented.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Group Souls Pt 4 - The rich man and Lazarus
There was a certain {rich man}, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Group Souls Pt 3
The diagram above may provide you with a clearer understanding how group souls are arranged and how, via the links, groups express influences upon others immediately below them. The lines across the page are the frequency border ranges of various planes of ascension. The lowest of these planes is the earth’s aura, or electromagnetic field, which others may call the etheric plane. This is where the consciousness drifts into during periods of dreams. The next one above that is the Astral plane which has various sub planes but which aren’t listed in our diagram due to space. The more advanced souls usually find themselves there, in either of the sub planes. The higher astral cannot be casually reached but takes some conscious effort to get there. The dreamer can go no higher than the frequency of the astral body. In other words, you end up in a state of frequency that is in harmony with your own. Bad dream experiences or nightmares can only take place in the lower astral, especially so in the earth’s aura.
The 2nd heaven is usually the place suggested as Purgatory, the in-between plane where all impurities must be shed before it is possible to ascend into the 3rd heaven, or spirit world. The spirits that are in the 2nd heaven are usually still grossly empowered by their astral bodies which must disintegrate before ascension is possible. In Revelation this is called the 2nd Death. During the purging process the spirit inside the astral body falls into a state of unconsciousness and reawakes when the final purge is complete and in another state of existence, but minus the astral body. This plane vibrates at a particularly high frequency and those who are not in harmony with this frequency will find their state of purgatory in one of the lower astral planes. Naturally, the purging process there is far more traumatic and many don’t ascend from this place but linger there. This is why a spiritual life is so very important, at least to ensure your after death journey to the 2nd heaven.
So what is considered as impurities? Anything that is not in contrast to the spirit are impurities and will hamper your ascension. Anything like bad habits, drinking (a very difficult impurity), smoking, gluttony, lustful desires, etc, etc…these are all in conflict with a spiritual existence. Thought patterns of how you think and act can also be impurities and not in harmony with spiritual existence. For instance, the graving for a good ‘cuppa tea’ can only be partially satisfied and would probably make you look like a twit, more than anything else. The spirit has no taste buts to satisfy and you would look foolish carrying around a cuppa tea. But surprisingly, you won’t look too out of place as it is a weakness that quite a few deadies are too habitual with. No one makes fun of them.
There is mention of these planes, either directly or indirectly, within most major religions, though they all assign different labels to them. For instance, both the Buddhist and Egyptian books of the dead are simply a compilation of prayers designed to guide a particular spirit through the various planes of existence after its time has come to depart physical existence. It is regardless whether we label them as the Buddhist Bardo or the Egyptian underworld or the three heavens of Christianity, they are still the same planes of existence – various planes the spirit must pass through on its way to the afterworld.
It is not mere coincidence that these major religions have all assigned traumatic, and often fearful images, or apparitions, that the departing spirit encounters on its journey home. Unfortunately, they are not simply images or apparitions, but elementals and negative thought patterns, as well as lower discarnate entities that are trapped within the lower spheres of the astral world. Both Peter and John describe their experiences passing through the first two realms within the Gnostic Gospels: which were rather undesirable until they reached the 3rd level. Paul, on the other hand, doesn’t make mention of the first two levels, instead, he appears to have been taken directly to what he called the 3rd heaven. This is not particularly unusual, as the more advanced spirit often passes beyond these levels without conscious distraction. Because of the speed of the passing the images or entities have no time to appear.
Purgatory is not particularly a Christian teaching. It was never a teaching of Jesus nor is such a place mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. We must not confuse the Biblical Hades or Sheol or the later hell concept to have any association with the place called Purgatory. The creation of a purgatory – an in-between place – became necessary due to Paul’s reference toward “those who sleep in Christ”. The problem faced by the Church was – where exactly do these souls sleep whilst awaiting the “Rapture”? Surely there can’t be provisions made for them in hell? So not to conflict with the Church’s, or Paul’s teaching, Purgatory became a part of the Catholic faith.
This concept may well have been introduced to the Church by some wayward mystic monk who had managed to grow his astral wings. We cannot know the extent of his experience to what he may have encountered in the lower planes, but, due to the Church’s description, it may not have been pleasant, and perhaps he is fortunate to have survived the experience. There is not one particular place that we can actually define as purgatory as it is simply a state of frequency. Understanding the nature of frequencies than we have to accept that there must also be different levels of purgatory. For instance, one who has lived a sinful life cannot be drawn to a plane of frequency that is above his own personal range. He will not be in harmony with that higher frequency.
At this point of time, don’t stress your brain trying to understand the nature of frequencies, as we will explain this as we go along. For now we refer you to the diagram on the front page. You will see that we have included the Biblical Lazarus and the Rich man in broken squares. For those who do not know this parable of Jesus we quote it in the next post.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Group Souls Pt 2
Over the years the phenomenon of Group Souls had sneaked into various discussions dealing with the esoteric. Even some of the new age gurus have attempted to make some reference toward them. The attempt at obtaining some kind of intelligent purpose of “being” behind them is usually short as not much is known about what group souls are. It seems that no one really wishes to discuss the matter in detail in fear of being contradicted by the more experienced occultists. Even on the internet’s public debate forums group souls never come into the basis of conversation. There are certain subjects people are prepared to discuss and there are some subjects they choose to shy away from. The deeper the subject concerns the occult wisdom, the more they shy away, mainly as they lack a proper foundation of knowledge where from they can draw their basis of discussion. From out of 100 participants you might find 3 that know and 97 that think they know, or at least pretend they know, and always attempt to brush the subject away with non intelligent responses.
Group Souls Pt 1
I rather got to like Mrs. Betty Swollentoes and might continue with her. I'm kind of curious now in her acting career and wonder whether she played a part in the well known play of the "Exodus". What role did she play in the film? Was she chosen as one of the leading actresses or was she just a "fill in", or movie "extras" as they are often called.
Like Betty Swollentoes, we can each ask ourselves the same question – if at all we were there, what parts did we play? What story would be written in the chapter of our autobiography which we titled "The Exodus"? Unless you had incarnated into some other part of the world, or at that time been in the in-between stage, then you would most likely have been there.
I was there in that era. And if I was there, then you probably would have been there. We are starring in something similar to a soap opera, or series, a continuation of the one drama. Certain groups of individuals had gravitated together, they had begun something, and whatever had been "begun" has continued through the ages. This is why I had pointed out at various times concerning the "ancient affiliation of the circle", how, in each different era everyone that had been connected, in some way or another, will gravitate back towards it.
The era of the Exodus was a very important era, though not exactly as it has been reported in the Old Testament, which is mainly a fabricated account introduced later by the House of Judah. There was no freeing of the Israelites that were held in bondage, as there was no bondage in that era. The Exodus was quite peaceful and brought on more by spiritual unrest than anything else. Due to my involvement I have been shown certain things where it concerns this circle and my claims of ancient affiliation of past and present individuals, and some I have placed, with the help of spirit, directly within that era. This is what makes me so confident about it – if they were there, you were there. And I don't mean that I have gained this knowledge through meditation or clairvoyant readings, all which can be faulty – but was taken directly by spirit to observe aspects of that era, mainly where these individuals were concerned.
One woman in particular lived in Alice Springs and I lived in Daylesford at the time she was revealed to me…at that time she was nothing but a total stranger, and I don't mean Barb's dog. Although the distance was considerable, and I had no interest in Alice Springs – I was lifted up by angels (if Peter, John and Paul can quote their experiences then damn well I can also) and taken into the reflections of ancient Egypt where she was shown to me and told that I should go to her. I had no particular intentions of going – but you can't argue with spirit.
Four or so months later when I ended up in Alice Springs, one or two miracles later, I ended up living next door to her. She didn't recognize me as an angel from out of her past but did develop a sudden attraction toward me, in fact, she continuously kept spying on me through her kitchen window. When I finally bailed her up in her front yard on one warm summer night, I was rather disappointed to discover that she was very much like Betty Swollentoes. She came across as not having a spiritual bone in her body and had me wondering what on earth was she doing connected with me in the first place. If she had been a Priestess of the temple then I'll be Boris Karlof's love child! But then, she did have the looks and the body to have been one, I thought, picturing her in white linen, as certain priestesses were assigned for the pleasure of the priests – not that I ever partook of this service, of course.
Anyhow, first impressions that come out of the mouth can be misleading, although, being a Betty Swollentoes, she became enraptured by my casual discussion on spirituality and became a virtual shadow that followed me around, even to the point where her boring defacto locked her out of the house at night, as she would sit and chat with me till 1 or 2 in the morning. Seeing that she was emotionally connected with me, I thought…ok then…and the astral experiences that followed were phenomenal.
What I have written should suffice until we get into the discussion of personal lifelines a few discourses down the track, where I might reveal the purpose of our encounter. The main point that I'm making here is that, like Betty Swollentoes living the part of the housewife, will continue playing that role through centuries on end, unless a Henry Silverknight intervenes upon the path to steer her in a different direction. In most all situations such intervention only has an effect if an emotional connection is established between the two parties. Care should be taken that the connection is maintain as it was divinely ordained, and once it is broken, you may well end up back out on your own. With this too we will deal with when we discuss the laws of the Triangle and action and repercussion.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The hills are alive with sound of mystics
Story taken from the Budapest Times
Written by Peter Bognar
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
The Pilis Hills, on the Danube Bend north of Budapest between the cities of Esztergom and Szentendre, attract not only cyclists, climbers, hikers and families on a day out, but also mystics, exorcists, heathens and shamans who believe that the hilly terrain is a holy and magical place.
It is claimed that you will hear the heartbeat of “Mother Earth” if you put your ear to the ground at the highest point of the Pilis Hills, Dobogókõ. The Dalai Lama reportedly made his way to Dobogókõ to meditate while visiting Hungary 20 years ago. He is quoted as having said that according to tradition, the Earth’s heart chakra (or energy centre) is in Hungary. Other sources, however, variously identify Glastonbury Gate, the river Ganges, Bali and the Palace Square in Berlin as Earth’s heart chakra.
According to Gergely Born, a historian of Hungary’s prehistory who is popular in mystic circles, the “two energy flows” of the Pilis Hills cross directly below Dobogókõ and symbolise the cross on the Holy Crown of St. Stephen. Some Pilis researchers believe that the secret coronation rituals of the kings of the Árpád dynasty took place on Dobogókõ. To back up their claim they point to contemporary pictures showing the location of the coronations surrounded by hills.
Seat of Árpád dynasty & Attila the Hun
Not only coronations are said to have taken place in the Pilis Hills. If one believes the self-appointed researchers of Hungary’s prehistory, the hills were the site of both the residence of the Árpád rulers (1001-1301) and Attila the Hun (who died in 453). Some researchers place the residence of the Árpád dynasty where the town of Pomáz lies today, while others believe that it was near the village of Pilismarót between Visegrád and Esztergom. The legend goes that the Rám Gorge near the village of Dömös, a popular destination among visitors to the hills, was one of the halls of the subterranean Árpád castle until the ravages of time caused the roof to collapse. Accordingly, the graves of Prince Árpád and his successors, which remain clouded in secrecy, are believed to lie somewhere in the hills.
Origins of the Pauline Order
The only order of monks founded in Hungary, the Pauline Brothers, has its origins in the Pilis Hills. The order’s “lost cloister,” named Szentkereszt, is said to have been here. According to Vince Árva, a Pauline monk today, Szentkereszt once lay on the area of what is the modern-day village of Pilisszántó. In the year 2000 Árva made a sensational find. In the old cemetery of Pilisszántó in a ruin appearing to be medieval he discovered a stone on which a cross ornamented with tendrils was depicted. To Árva’s mind there was no doubt that this stone belonged to the grave of Eusebius, the founder of the Pauline Order.
Since then, Pilisszántó has become a place of pilgrimage not only for Catholics but also for those who call themselves “ancient Hungarians” and mystics. Plenty of rather outlandish stories are told about the “magic stone” allegedly from the grave of Blessed Eusebius. For example, the equipment belonging to a team from the TV channel RTL Klub was supposedly damaged when they tried to make a film about the “holy stone” but failed to approach it in the appropriate frame of mind. Anyone wishing to read more on the topic should visit one of the many “Szkítia” bookshops, where vast numbers of books about the prehistory of the Hungarians and in particular the Pilis Hills can be found. A certain degree of scepticism is advised.
The Concept of Reincarnation
Christianity has never served as a champion of the doctrine of reincarnation. For this we can thank the later leaders of the Church who were too indoctrinated by the ways of earthly life and who had not the slightest inclination of spiritual existence. The doctrine of the resurrection was pure and simple as it was taught by Jesus yet they turned it into a major complication. Resurrection was never a major doctrine taught by Jesus as it was already a well established part of the Pharisee belief structure and only the Sadducees did not believe in the doctrine. The differences between the Eastern concepts of reincarnation and the Pharisee resurrection were only slight, hindered only by a lack of comprehension, and it is only on the building of this comprehension that Jesus worked upon.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Star Seeds
As received through email….
Hi Jewels,
A beautiful post - thanks

On 31 July 2010 02:23, Jewels Ascend <> wrote:
This is another one from off my personal group but one I got a long time ago, so I thought I would forward it as well, I have lots of info on this topic that I have gotten over the years since my awakening to being Pleiadian...
Loyalty toward Church
Before we continue with our explorations into the past, we should, perhaps, in this discourse, explore regions of ourselves, seeing that we are, individually, upon our own personal quest of self discovery.
Vision from the past
The picture below is of a Christian nun who became a saint. It's not the nun I'm interested in, but the uniform she is wearing. The finding of this picture solves a puzzle that I had for some years. It's more the head wear that I'm intrigued in. This head wear was worn by a friend, as seen via the Akashic Record, around the period of 1860's. I believed her to have been a nurse, who wore the same head gear as the nuns.
It may have been during the American Civil War and she was a field nurse. I don't think she was a nun, due to her present occupation. I was connected with her during that period though we never really had the chance to discuss the past life experience.
She was always drawn to me but different life situations prevented and real connection.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Day I died – Pt 2
The Akashic Record
This is a continuation of my stay in hospital and how on this occasion I was given the opportunity to view the Akashic Record.
The day I died - Pt 1
The pain was unbearable. The pain was in my stomach enveloping my entire body. I knew I could not drive so I got a friend to drive me to the local country hospital. My doctor, who had been falsely diagnosing me for months, took one look at me and arranged for an ambulance to take me to a lager hospital in Ballarat. It was acute Appendicitis,
now burst and slipped into the back of the spine, gangrene was taking place. Slightly different to being flem in the stomach as had been diagnosed for months and my truful diagnosis ignored. A patient should never tell a doctor what's wrong with him.
The Atlantis Egypt Connection
One of the most mysterious fellows in Biblical history is the patriarch Abraham who was to become the father of the Hebrew nation. Once again we have to resort to the writings of Moses to gain any kind of insight into his character, who he was, and where he came from. Once again we need to rely on the accuracy of Moses' writing, and that is somewhat doubtful to his cryptic style.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The dual aspects of the Old and New Testaments
Every Biblical scholar or student should recognize the dual nature of the Bible. Without this recognition the Old Testament can never be fully understood. The Old Testament symbolizes the physical aspect, or man, whereas the New Testament symbolizes the spiritual aspect, or spiritual man.
The days of creation
- Light cast upon a formless and waste earth
- The expanse – a dividing between the waters and the waters
- Growth of vegetation
- The "making" of the two great luminaries
- The creation of both land and sea creatures
- The incarnation of the creatures to the earth plane. Male and female created.
The duality hidden within Geneses
Regardless of the pledge Moses may have sworn, some of the Egyptian Mysteries would not have been entirely excluded from his work. He would have included them by means of parable and concealed sentences that would only be recognized by those versed in these mysteries. The most important mystery of all would be the "Duality", so lets see where it may be hidden within Geneses.
The Book of Geneses
The Book of Geneses is the Old Testament story of creation. Written by Moses, it is his somewhat reluctant attempt at explaining the creation of man which would form the basis of his religion.
Before the days of Moses
Traditionally, before the Moses era, the children of Israel had referred to their god as the "Unknown God". The story and apparent history of the three main patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, would have been shrouded in mist, if at all remembered.
Christianity – the off shoot from Judaism
When we are considering the Bible and its relevance to truth it is always helpful to have some insight into its originality. It is also helpful to remember that Christianity had its birth through the Jewish religion of Judaism, or so it is commonly taught. But this is not actually the entire truth.
The dual nature of man
In this discourse we wish to discuss the creation theory so will only briefly outline the dual nature of man, simply to assist you in the understanding of creation when we discuss it. Suffice it for now that man exists within two states of consciousness to which we associate duality.
Animal Experiences.
Animals, as in the case of humans, have an allotted, preordained time on how long their stay on earth should be. Although the journey of evolution between animals and humans is vastly different, all the same, the same principles apply. This principle revolves mainly around predestination.
The Creation Concept pt 2.
The origin of the term "spiritual"
Have you ever wondered where the term spiritual originated and the reasons behind it? No, of course not. For why should you, let alone should you even have an interest.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Auditorium
Re discussion in Discover Spiritualism
I once found myself in what I now call "The Auditorium." I know others who have found themselves there as well. It is a large circular room, much like s theater. There must have been at least a thousand souls present. On the platform there was a speaker. I was seated somewhere half way up listening to him. He was quite a distance away. He suddenly spoke to me directly and said it's time for you two to meet. I looked around and saw a female looking down at me, with a smile. End of visitation.
Does the Universe listen?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 12:32am
Originally posted in discussion on Facebook.....
I decided to post this to my note section as there are others, not particularly on Facebook, who read my stuff to further aid their own development. I find your mention of the universe warrants more than a one liner.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Animal Communication.
Animals also go to heaven, you know. Only their heaven is slightly different to ours according to their evolution of consciousness. They evolve like us. I have not discovered whether we can visit their worlds but I know they have no problems in visiting ours. In the animal lines of evolution, like us, some species are more evolved than others. As humans, some of us have actually attained to the level of Homo sapien sapien while the greater population is still struggling to shake off the Homo Ignoramus part of their being. At death, animals usually return to their collective soul, similar but different to our own group souls.
A beloved cat.
During the last couple of weeks I've noticed some people have experienced the loss of a family pet. Some of them have been quite grieved over the loss. So what's the story with animals - do their souls continue after death? Of course they do. Not only do they continue, they, like us, also reincarnate, even though their process of evolution is different to ours. The below cat story is just one example concerning my animal experiences.
The Creation Concept pt 1
In Discourse 1 and 2 we had made some suggestions to the probability of the origins of religion. To us it is more than a probability but an eventuality, which, unfortunately, due to the passages of time can never be proven, but nor can it be disproved.
The origin of religion
To have a better understanding of how God worship first originated and its later link with other civilizations, we should try and place ourselves in the environment experienced by our most ancient ancestor. Whether this ancestor was Homo sapiens or Homo erectus is not important and you will understand why when we explain the concept.
The legacy of God worship
Due to the technological advances within modern society there doesn't appear that modern man has much in common with his ancient, and not so ancient ancestors. It is not that we have evolved beyond them, we have simply grown smarter. There are no fantastic physical differences between modern Homo sapiens sapiens compared to the same species of a 120,000 years ago. But there is one undeniable thing that we did and still have in common—and that is a belief in an omnipotent being that has created the very world we live in.
The Mystery of Sahelanthropus tchadensis
If at all it can be proven that Sahelanthropus tchadensis did indeed exist 7 million years ago, then this would place him before the Lemurian root race existed, perhaps some 30,000 years ago.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Anunnaki of the past
With compliments from Google Groups. For the readers discretion.
Recently, I watched the movie The Fourth Kind. While I found the film to be thoroughly entertaining, I immediately knew that the producers claims that the film was based on factual events containing footage from actual hypnosis sessions involving the victims and their therapist were false. In spite of that, what I did enjoy was the fact that the film makers touched on a subject that is of great interest to me, but perhaps not commonly known among the majority of the population.
Recently, I watched the movie The Fourth Kind. While I found the film to be thoroughly entertaining, I immediately knew that the producers claims that the film was based on factual events containing footage from actual hypnosis sessions involving the victims and their therapist were false. In spite of that, what I did enjoy was the fact that the film makers touched on a subject that is of great interest to me, but perhaps not commonly known among the majority of the population.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The non publicized passing of Lulin
How many of you were, in 2008, aware that a rarely ever seen green comet passed through our solar system? The orbit of the comet indicated that it came from the outermost edge of the solar system, the so-called Ort Cloud, which is about 100,000 times more distant from the sun than the Earth. Supposedly, it has taken millions of years to get here and won't be seen for another few million years.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ana's alien encounter.
The encounter occurred about 20 years ago when she was away from her family home and living in the seaside town of Lake's Entrance in Victoria. She was renting a small caravan in a Caravan Park whilst working in a local fishery. She lived alone in the van and just casually associated with the town folk or other park residents.
Black Triangles Again
Learning to communicate with Extra Terrestrials – young children in India-China Himalayas use strange sign language Staff Reporter January 29, 2005
In the deep region of Himalayas, people are reporting strange behaviours in children. They are using sign languages that is unknown to their families and any one around. Many of them draw pictures of triangular objects flying in the sky. Many of them do not know what they saw and how they learnt these sign languages.
Some in the region of Aksai Chin believe that these children regularly communicate with the extra-terrestrials who are only visible to these children and communicate via spiritual telepathy. The children learn the sign language to communicate back to these beings from another Galaxy or Universe. According UFO research materials, some Mexican children also manifested similar behaviour when many in the area reported for a long time UFO sightings.
The extra terrestrials communicate with children first because they are always easy to become friends with.. They teach children the sign language they can understand.
According to some teachers in the schools in that area, young children are extra agile and extra talented these days. Their problem solving skills have increased and they are much more disciplined. They continually use a strange sign language among themselves. However they cannot teach this language to adults!
The locals in the area believe UFO is visiting the area for thousands of years. It stopped for a while and now it has started!
The Indian and Chinese local authorities are indifferent sighting the fact that every thing is perfectly normal – children often use strange behaviour to play among themselves!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Red Probe
During the week of the UFO activity we observed the craft coming from different directions but all converge in the direction of State Forest and Pine Tree plantations. We did, out of curiosity, drive along the dirt roads winding through the forest but found no evidence that any of the craft had actually landed. But that was to change a day or so after.
It was already dark. Three of us were outside by the car, the best vantage point, free from the tall pines that bordered my property, being able to look up the highway in both directions. While looking up the highway, west towards Ballarat, I suddenly caught sight of a seemingly small red glowing object slowly crossing the highway. It came from near the rear of the house, a paddocked area. It wasn't flying very high, about half the height of the reasonably tall Gum trees on the other side of the highway. The glowing object slowly and carefully was maneuvering between the trees and disappeared into the forest.
My immediate reaction was quick and, after pushing the others into the car, I set off in pursuit of the object. I don't know why but I knew that the object was a probe and that it was returning to the craft that had sent it out. My intention was to out maneuver it, or head it off at the pass, so to speak, and I knew the roads and bush tracks like the back of my own hand. I knew, considering the slow speed of the object, a bit of speed on my part I would most probably intercept it.
Well, I didn't catch sight of that probe again. Instead, I stumbled onto something else. The actual craft itself. And I tell you, my adrenaline was pumping pretty fiercely at that stage. I spotted the craft as I was tearing around a bend sending gravel flying in all directions. It was situated down a small embankment, say 30 yards away. In the darkness i could not make out its shape but naturally it was black and had dim lights leaving several windows. I can't recall now whether they were round or square.
Fearless that I am, after about 30 seconds evaluating the craft, I jumped out of the car to go down and introduce myself. Duhh :-) I asked the other two with me to come down with me, unfortunately, they were petrified and refused to leave the car. Fine, its up to me to take the glory. As I made my way down the slight embankment, as perhaps like a lost species of Homo Erectus would, or Silver Back straight out of Africa, I must have scared the visitors as I suddenly felt a force that froze me to the spot with a very, very strong impression in my head, "Don't come down!" The force freed me and without any further hesitation turned on my heels and clambered back up the embankment, sending a thought force back in their direction, "Well, if that's the way you feel about it." I didn't hang around and drove away, slightly disappointed.
About a week after the UFO Flap ended in my area both Geelong and Melton, about 90 or so Ks away experienced a week long UFO Flap. Unlike mine, theirs was lit up like Christmas trees and made all the major news channels. In Melton, they were even chased by police cars. I could not help but wonder whether what I had been witnessing was a preparation for the show to come. One thing for sure, they were not in the mood to abduct anyone, where I was concerned. Bad luck, they missed the opportunity in abducting a good specimen.
It was already dark. Three of us were outside by the car, the best vantage point, free from the tall pines that bordered my property, being able to look up the highway in both directions. While looking up the highway, west towards Ballarat, I suddenly caught sight of a seemingly small red glowing object slowly crossing the highway. It came from near the rear of the house, a paddocked area. It wasn't flying very high, about half the height of the reasonably tall Gum trees on the other side of the highway. The glowing object slowly and carefully was maneuvering between the trees and disappeared into the forest.
My immediate reaction was quick and, after pushing the others into the car, I set off in pursuit of the object. I don't know why but I knew that the object was a probe and that it was returning to the craft that had sent it out. My intention was to out maneuver it, or head it off at the pass, so to speak, and I knew the roads and bush tracks like the back of my own hand. I knew, considering the slow speed of the object, a bit of speed on my part I would most probably intercept it.
Well, I didn't catch sight of that probe again. Instead, I stumbled onto something else. The actual craft itself. And I tell you, my adrenaline was pumping pretty fiercely at that stage. I spotted the craft as I was tearing around a bend sending gravel flying in all directions. It was situated down a small embankment, say 30 yards away. In the darkness i could not make out its shape but naturally it was black and had dim lights leaving several windows. I can't recall now whether they were round or square.
Fearless that I am, after about 30 seconds evaluating the craft, I jumped out of the car to go down and introduce myself. Duhh :-) I asked the other two with me to come down with me, unfortunately, they were petrified and refused to leave the car. Fine, its up to me to take the glory. As I made my way down the slight embankment, as perhaps like a lost species of Homo Erectus would, or Silver Back straight out of Africa, I must have scared the visitors as I suddenly felt a force that froze me to the spot with a very, very strong impression in my head, "Don't come down!" The force freed me and without any further hesitation turned on my heels and clambered back up the embankment, sending a thought force back in their direction, "Well, if that's the way you feel about it." I didn't hang around and drove away, slightly disappointed.
About a week after the UFO Flap ended in my area both Geelong and Melton, about 90 or so Ks away experienced a week long UFO Flap. Unlike mine, theirs was lit up like Christmas trees and made all the major news channels. In Melton, they were even chased by police cars. I could not help but wonder whether what I had been witnessing was a preparation for the show to come. One thing for sure, they were not in the mood to abduct anyone, where I was concerned. Bad luck, they missed the opportunity in abducting a good specimen.
UFO Flap - Black Triangles
It was just before nightfall. I had left the house and was doing things around the car that was parked outside the main gate to the driveway. I at this time was living in a small town just outside of Daylesford in central Victoria, Australia. Something made me look up into the sky in a northerly direction. I noticed a flying object, about the size of a small conventional plane heading in my direction. I immediately knew this was not a conventional plane, but something weird. The area in which I lived covered no particular flight path and it was rare to see planes flying overhead. Realizing I was onto something unusual here, I retrieved the binoculars from the boot of the car and focused it on the object. I was pretty quick as the object was already practically flying directly overhead. The speed was not fast and its altitude was approximately 50 feet or so above the tree tops, low enough that the binoculars were hardly needed. The object was black and triangular. The object made absolutely no noise what so ever. Once having passed overhead it slightly curved and changed direction, heading toward a pine tree plantation several kilometers away.
Exited about having seen a UFO I called others from within the house to come outside. Gathered around my car we didn’t have to wait long when we spotted another triangular craft approaching slowly from the same direction as did the first. Daylight by now was quickly failing but still light enough to distinguish features. While our eyes were peeled on the approaching craft we were more surprised to observe a second craft approaching low from the west, and then another from the south. All slowly flew in the direction of the pine tree plantation. Neither of the craft made any noise. The evening was deadly silent.
A peculiar thing about this sighting was: my house was located just off from a reasonably busy highway, yet none of the traffic seemed to be aware of the craft overhead. Not a single car pulled over to the side of the road for a better look. Sure, unless you looked up, due to the stillness, you would not have been aware of anything flying overhead. But I would have assumed that at least one person passing in a car would have spotted at least one craft.
I can now not remember whether I noticed any writings or symbols. The flap would last for about 3 hours per night, and we observed them for at least a week. We never again saw approaching groups of three, but at least one every twenty minutes or so. During the darkness there were at least four navigation lights, white, blue, red and green flashing on and off, two on the front of each wing. I don’t remember seeing any windows or portholes.
There was one observation that took my interest: one craft slowly approaching suddenly stopped mid air. Hover, if you could call it that. It remained just motionless. The increasing humming sound of an approaching plane soon made me realize why the object became motionless. The object stopped there to watch the plane. Once the small plane had passed the object moved away.
The invitation to a skeptic
This occurred during what was to be the last night of the UFO Flap. During the week we were discussing the appearance of UFO with several townspeople, and one shop keeper, somewhat to our surprise, had also been watching the UFO activity during the several nights. Others that we were talking to were not aware of what was taking place in our night skies.
Somehow we managed to get drawn into conversing the subject with an entire skeptic whose sole belief was that half a pound of bacon makes a damn good soup and his vision didn't go much further than that. Considering the events of the last week we were quite certain to invite him down to witness the activities and, without any doubt, make a firm believer out of him. It was going to be a long and drawn out night with the real possibility of him going home empty handed and us being made to look like fools.
Activity had practically diminished to nothing. Nothing was happening. Close to 1 am, with the night getting nippy, and rather feeling foolish for being out there for hours, we decided to call it a night, with our skeptic friend confirming his disbelief in such nonsense. But then suddenly…it flew ever so silently over our heads. It turned out to be the best sighting yet. This black triangular thing was huge. Much lower than all the previous, and it seemed as though we could practically reach out and touch it. Also, unlike the other smaller craft, this monster was lit up like a Christmas tree with white lights covering its underbelly. Quietly it disappeared out of sight. For several minutes we stood in the silence awestruck.
The skeptic went home that night a believer.
Exited about having seen a UFO I called others from within the house to come outside. Gathered around my car we didn’t have to wait long when we spotted another triangular craft approaching slowly from the same direction as did the first. Daylight by now was quickly failing but still light enough to distinguish features. While our eyes were peeled on the approaching craft we were more surprised to observe a second craft approaching low from the west, and then another from the south. All slowly flew in the direction of the pine tree plantation. Neither of the craft made any noise. The evening was deadly silent.
A peculiar thing about this sighting was: my house was located just off from a reasonably busy highway, yet none of the traffic seemed to be aware of the craft overhead. Not a single car pulled over to the side of the road for a better look. Sure, unless you looked up, due to the stillness, you would not have been aware of anything flying overhead. But I would have assumed that at least one person passing in a car would have spotted at least one craft.
I can now not remember whether I noticed any writings or symbols. The flap would last for about 3 hours per night, and we observed them for at least a week. We never again saw approaching groups of three, but at least one every twenty minutes or so. During the darkness there were at least four navigation lights, white, blue, red and green flashing on and off, two on the front of each wing. I don’t remember seeing any windows or portholes.
There was one observation that took my interest: one craft slowly approaching suddenly stopped mid air. Hover, if you could call it that. It remained just motionless. The increasing humming sound of an approaching plane soon made me realize why the object became motionless. The object stopped there to watch the plane. Once the small plane had passed the object moved away.
The invitation to a skeptic
This occurred during what was to be the last night of the UFO Flap. During the week we were discussing the appearance of UFO with several townspeople, and one shop keeper, somewhat to our surprise, had also been watching the UFO activity during the several nights. Others that we were talking to were not aware of what was taking place in our night skies.
Somehow we managed to get drawn into conversing the subject with an entire skeptic whose sole belief was that half a pound of bacon makes a damn good soup and his vision didn't go much further than that. Considering the events of the last week we were quite certain to invite him down to witness the activities and, without any doubt, make a firm believer out of him. It was going to be a long and drawn out night with the real possibility of him going home empty handed and us being made to look like fools.
Activity had practically diminished to nothing. Nothing was happening. Close to 1 am, with the night getting nippy, and rather feeling foolish for being out there for hours, we decided to call it a night, with our skeptic friend confirming his disbelief in such nonsense. But then suddenly…it flew ever so silently over our heads. It turned out to be the best sighting yet. This black triangular thing was huge. Much lower than all the previous, and it seemed as though we could practically reach out and touch it. Also, unlike the other smaller craft, this monster was lit up like a Christmas tree with white lights covering its underbelly. Quietly it disappeared out of sight. For several minutes we stood in the silence awestruck.
The skeptic went home that night a believer.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
UFO - Spiritual Focus.
My next UFO experience draws more toward occult perspective and is better understood by those who are reasonably advanced in spiritual matters. This experience occurred some time after my previous experiences. It happened during a time when I was briefly staying at my parent's home. I was in bed, preparing to sleep after I had finished reading a few pages of a book. I lit a cigarette and switched of the lights. It happened while I was peacefully lying there in the dark.
A very loud sound became audible in the room. It was very similar to a vacuum cleaner being switched on. As the sound increased I began to feel the sensation of being sucked up into this vacuum cleaner. Accompanying the sound strong thought impressions entered my mind: "it's only us. We are stationed tens of kilometres above your home." The image of a circular spaceship was displayed in my mind, somewhere way out in space. I was not the slightest bit disturbed or felt uncomfortable with what was happening.
The noise and the sucking sensation was intensely strong. I could practically feel the bed jumping around in the room. I remember the thought coming to me that the activity was bound to wake my parents in the next room. I knew what was going on and what these aliens, or whatever they were, were intending to do: mainly to draw the spirit from the body. And this worried me. I was smoking.
With the alien intention and the predicament of the cigarette I had to forcibly prevent my spirit from leaving the body. I was gripping with one hand onto the bed whilst with the other I was desperately trying to reach the ashtray on the night table. I was well aware that if the spirit leaves the body would succumb to sleep and I may well end up being barbequed. If I managed to survive the fire, then certainly, my mother would execute me with a frying pan. I was still too young to die.
Though the experience probably only went for about 30 seconds, the desperate struggle to reach the ashtray felt more like minutes. Eventually I did manage to drop the cigarette into the ashtray and I resigned myself to just resist and give into the suction.
Everything stopped!
The noise and the suction ceased and the bed assumed its normal still position within the room. Everything was quiet. "Hey, come on!" I quietly called out. I was ready to go. But nothing further happened. Was I disappointed? You bet your life I was. I could even say I was slightly angry. There I lay in the now still bed and quiet room with no place to go. The whole thing took on the atmosphere that nothing peculiar had happened. There were no mental impressions.
A very loud sound became audible in the room. It was very similar to a vacuum cleaner being switched on. As the sound increased I began to feel the sensation of being sucked up into this vacuum cleaner. Accompanying the sound strong thought impressions entered my mind: "it's only us. We are stationed tens of kilometres above your home." The image of a circular spaceship was displayed in my mind, somewhere way out in space. I was not the slightest bit disturbed or felt uncomfortable with what was happening.
The noise and the sucking sensation was intensely strong. I could practically feel the bed jumping around in the room. I remember the thought coming to me that the activity was bound to wake my parents in the next room. I knew what was going on and what these aliens, or whatever they were, were intending to do: mainly to draw the spirit from the body. And this worried me. I was smoking.
With the alien intention and the predicament of the cigarette I had to forcibly prevent my spirit from leaving the body. I was gripping with one hand onto the bed whilst with the other I was desperately trying to reach the ashtray on the night table. I was well aware that if the spirit leaves the body would succumb to sleep and I may well end up being barbequed. If I managed to survive the fire, then certainly, my mother would execute me with a frying pan. I was still too young to die.
Though the experience probably only went for about 30 seconds, the desperate struggle to reach the ashtray felt more like minutes. Eventually I did manage to drop the cigarette into the ashtray and I resigned myself to just resist and give into the suction.
Everything stopped!
The noise and the suction ceased and the bed assumed its normal still position within the room. Everything was quiet. "Hey, come on!" I quietly called out. I was ready to go. But nothing further happened. Was I disappointed? You bet your life I was. I could even say I was slightly angry. There I lay in the now still bed and quiet room with no place to go. The whole thing took on the atmosphere that nothing peculiar had happened. There were no mental impressions.
Communication via telepathy as per 1st experience prompting me to venture outside and look into the sky.
They obviously know me and have been showing me attention / attracting my attention for reasons yet unknown.
They have the ability to draw the spirit out of the body, which was in my case, and probably also have the means to draw up the entire physical body should they wish to do so.
They can probably, even while hovering miles above in space, view into our private lives without us being the slightest bid aware of their observation. This is not disturbing as spirit does that anyway.For those reading this with confusion keep reading the "Interview with the Hermit" where, as it progresses, aspects of the spiritual being will be more thoroughly discussed.I will also link here an internet discussion where I mentioned this experience. As soon as I can retrieve it from the Google archives.
Friday, May 21, 2010
First Alien Contact
Am I interested in UFO's? Not really. Do I believe in UFO's? Yes, mainly as I didn't have a choice in the matter. Following now, in sequence as I can remember, are some alien experiences that I have had:
Around thirty years ago. It was night and I was lying on the bed watching a television documentary. I can't remember what it was about, but I liked it. It was about 9 p.m. and the weather outside was chilly.
I suddenly had a very strong impression in my head to go outside and look up into the night sky. I ignored the impression and continued watching the documentary in the warm confines of the room. I ignored it as imagination, just one of the thousand random thoughts that pass through the consciousness without even thinking.
The impression for me to go outside was unrelenting, even to the point that I became loudly verbal with myself to not to go outside. I don't feel like it. It's too cold. I'm watching this damn program on the telly!
The impressions continued without cease and I became frustrated with these thoughts in my mind and, with a huff and a puff, I decided to go outside and look up into the damn sky. Get rid of this damn impression so I can get on with my documentary.
Leaving through the front I ventured onto the front lawn and, not unlike an idiot, glanced straight up into the dark sky. I saw it immediately. The sky was cloudless with no moon. The stars were bright on the dark canopy. A large cigar shaped object passed me slowly overhead. There was not a sound to be heard. It was hard to distinguish just how high up it was as I'm not fantastic in estimations. It appeared to be black and I could see lights along the length of the body.
Ok, it was interesting and I then certainly didn't regret going outside. Naturally, I did then, and I still do today, so many years later, ponder on the question - why me? Why would they be so persistent in wanting me to see them flying overhead?
I suppose some would consider my experience a bit bothersome. To think that, whoever they may be, is aware of my humble, insignificant existence, knows where I live and how to locate, and to tune into me. Make me aware of them. If they are aware of me - they'll be aware of you.
Around thirty years ago. It was night and I was lying on the bed watching a television documentary. I can't remember what it was about, but I liked it. It was about 9 p.m. and the weather outside was chilly.
I suddenly had a very strong impression in my head to go outside and look up into the night sky. I ignored the impression and continued watching the documentary in the warm confines of the room. I ignored it as imagination, just one of the thousand random thoughts that pass through the consciousness without even thinking.
The impression for me to go outside was unrelenting, even to the point that I became loudly verbal with myself to not to go outside. I don't feel like it. It's too cold. I'm watching this damn program on the telly!
The impressions continued without cease and I became frustrated with these thoughts in my mind and, with a huff and a puff, I decided to go outside and look up into the damn sky. Get rid of this damn impression so I can get on with my documentary.
Leaving through the front I ventured onto the front lawn and, not unlike an idiot, glanced straight up into the dark sky. I saw it immediately. The sky was cloudless with no moon. The stars were bright on the dark canopy. A large cigar shaped object passed me slowly overhead. There was not a sound to be heard. It was hard to distinguish just how high up it was as I'm not fantastic in estimations. It appeared to be black and I could see lights along the length of the body.
Ok, it was interesting and I then certainly didn't regret going outside. Naturally, I did then, and I still do today, so many years later, ponder on the question - why me? Why would they be so persistent in wanting me to see them flying overhead?
I suppose some would consider my experience a bit bothersome. To think that, whoever they may be, is aware of my humble, insignificant existence, knows where I live and how to locate, and to tune into me. Make me aware of them. If they are aware of me - they'll be aware of you.
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