Thursday, June 30, 2011

Israel the Chosen

By the evidence within the New Testament itself should convince you that there was an inner circle that was started by Christ and that there was indeed a secret knowledge that he conveyed to them, but was revealed only in parables to all outside that circle.  Those outside the inner circle are viewed as the "sheep."

Many people shun away with the words granted, or chosen, for instance Christianity itself teaches that the Jews are the chosen race.  Many people don't feel comfortable with this.

Christianity does not teach that the Jews are the chosen people.  This is all based around ignorance and misinterpretation.  The average person is blatantly ignorant when they hear the word "chosen", that Israel are a chosen people and that Israel represents the Jews.  Israel is a plural creation and not singular. The chosen factor began with Abraham.  This concept is erred and based on the patriarchal dominance of the time.  The entire story of Abraham and Sarah has been deliberately falsified.  The real main principle of the story is Sarah and the child from her womb, Isaac.  Sarah was a Mesopotamian princess and her destination was Egypt where she wed the ruling Pharaoh, the greatest conquering Pharaoh of the era.  Abraham betrothed with Hagar, an Egyptian midwife assigned to Sarah, and also through another concubine.

Are you suggesting that the Pharaoh was the father of Sarah's child?

Well, don't you find it funny that Abraham, after all those years, could not make Sarah conceive?  But as soon as she is taken as wife by the Pharaoh, Sarah is suddenly pregnant. He had no problem impregnating Hagar or his concubines.  Isaac was the only child had by Sarah.  And she was not 90 years old as the Old Testament states, but probably in her early 20's.  The blessings from this point on go through Isaac, down to Jacob (who became Israel) down to Joseph, where it was shared amongst the tribes of Israel.  It is Israel that was chosen, the Jews make up just one small portion of the House of Israel, being the House of Judah.  We must also remember that Judah split away from Israel, thereby the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah came into being, and these two nations were at constant war with each other.  The nation of Israel was scattered by invading peoples and became the Lost Tribes of Israel.  One hundred years later, Judah was taken into Babylonian captivity.  We know the journey of Judah, but not of Israel.  And while we are speaking of Sarah and her marriage to Pharaoh we can find some different meaning to the name Israel, for instance, Isis/Ra/Elohim.  Word play?  Coincidence?  Who knows.

There is much more that can be said about Abraham and Sarah but they are not the basis of our discussion.  There are many serious researchers who have studied the story of the two Biblical characters and a Google search will produce many interesting links.  Just sieve through the mountains of misinformation.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beginning of the Inner Circle of Christ

Okay, let us continue with the latest dispensation of knowledge brought by Christ.  There are several obstacles with the deliverance of this knowledge.  Individual and national karma played a major draw back on how this knowledge was to be delivered.  People of the time were absolutely not deserving of this wisdom.  Jesus himself made it quite clear when he said: " is a wicked generation that asks for a sign and none shall be given except for the sign of Jonah.  On another occasion he reprimanded Nicodemus for the ignorance that he displayed about the resurrection: "You, a teacher of Israel and you do not know these things?  We speak of the things we have seen and of the things we have heard, and still, you do not believe our testimonies.  If you do not believe the things we tell you concerning the earth, how much more will you not believe when we tell you things concerning heaven?"  By this comment alone the average person should realize, due to the disbelief factor, that Jesus discussed very little of the truths of the kingdom, especially of the heavenly things.

It's only fair to say that Nicodemus later became a secret disciple of Christ.  He had many secret disciples, secret only because of the positions of importance they held within religious or political arenas.  There were many more than just his twelve disciples.  But it is mainly with the twelve that the inner circle of Christ began.  Here again we have the concept of the milk and solid food scenario.  But the secrets of this scenario are much more concerting as it follows ancient prophecy.  And this prophecy eludes to eternal spiritual blindness, and in worse scenarios, spiritual death.  "If thou eatest from that tree of the knowledge of good and bad, on that day thou shalt surely die."  I did emphasize before that that action constituted spiritual death and not physical death.  But this is only the beginning of the prophecy made against man.  It is later to be further intensified.

I feel that I can explain these mysteries to you and by doing so I am not acting contrary to spiritual law.  The revelation of mysteries will only be taken to heart by those ready to understand and act upon them.  To others, the information delivered will be looked upon with foolishness.  Ones as these are still a long way away from the hidden path.  Most of them will be young lions and therefore shall be deliberately detoured from the path.

According to the karma of the people of the time Jesus only spoke to them in parables when he referred to spiritual existence and the Kingdom.  This is relevant to the comment he made to Nicodemus: "how much more will you disbelieve when we tell you things concerning heaven?"  But this is not the case with his disciples.  We find on various occasions when they withdrew from the grounds "he expounded to them all things."  In other words he explained to them the meaning of each parable.  For he did say to them: "for you, my disciples, it has been granted for you to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, but to all these others, all things must come in the way of parables…"

These "…secrets of the Kingdom of God…" were later conveyed to all who became a trusted and worthy disciple of Christ.  We know that there were many who had become close followers of Christ and who were sent forth to teach the Kingdom long before the crucifixion.  On one occasion he sent out 70 at the one time.  Later in the "upper room" with the coming of the Holy Spirit, there were at least 170 gathered there, all eager to be baptized by this Spirit.  We can only assume that all 170 were baptized and sent out to preach to those who "…have eyes to see, but cannot see, who have ears to hear but cannot hear, for if they did see and hear, then they would turn back to me and I would heal them."

By quoting this last verse Jesus was confirming the ancient degree placed upon man.  We will get into that.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Hidden Path

Explain the meaning of the vulture and the young lion.

It states "for there is a path the vulture has not seen nor the young lion trodden up."  This should be quite simple to understand.  How many paths do people say now lead back to God? Every religion, denomination or sect is considered as a path of salvation.  Millions of individuals walk upon them.  But there is another path, a path of mystical attainment, a path, no matter how high the vulture flies, he cannot see it, and thereby cannot land upon it and profane its holy soil for its lust for prey.  This path is protected and hidden from all undesirable elements.  It is also a path the young lion, the less spiritually evolved can not venture on.  One must grow spiritually, become mature with wisdom, an old lion, before this path can be opened for him.

But lets get back to the inner circle.  All who tread on this hidden path would possess the knowledge of the inner circle.  One has termed this path, and the inner circle, quite appropriately by stating, "The adapt converses at his best with the adapt.  Around them there is a sacred circle.  The Brotherhood of consecrated lives admit all, and all who are excluded, have excluded themselves."

We have so far only discussed the inner circle that once formed an important part of the Catholic Church.  But this inner circle did not originate there.  The inner circle has existed for eons of time, each eon represents a new cycle of incarnation, a new dispensation of knowledge to enhance what is already known.  The latest dispensation was brought by Christ under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  Since then there have been lower classed entities to stimulate that enhancement.  There have also been the incarnate entities of darkness with the sole intention to interfere with this dispensation and to compound it with the spirit of confusion.  To say the least, they have done a tremendous job to achieve this end.  As stated in Revelation: the entire world has been deceived.

So, with that said, we will start with the incarnation of Jesus, the latest dispensation of knowledge, without at this point, discussing previous dispensations.  What we are waiting on today is a further dispensation, a new enhancement to the wisdom that Jesus brought.  This will undoubtedly occur with the so called Second Coming.  We can also disregard the claims that he came from the "House of David," which is a deception introduced much later with the attempt to connect him with Old Testament prophecy, where the Jews themselves don't, and never have, believed that he was their distained messiah.  In fact, they are still waiting for the prophecy to be fulfilled.  All I will say is that he came from the much more ancient "House of Joseph."

For those who are not aware of the significant of the "House of Joseph" I shall briefly outline it.  Joseph was the son of Jacob born from the mother Leah, the most loved, and the purest of the bloodlines that eventuated from the four females that contributed to form the 12 Tribes of Israel.  Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers into Egypt where later, through divine province, became the highest prince of Egypt, responsible only to the pharaoh himself.  Joseph's off spring, by marrying into Egyptian royalty, created the Amenhotep king line.  The last surviving male of that off spring was, of course, the well known boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamen.  

There is a further mystery surrounding Joseph and that is the Coat of Many Colors, which I discovered actually forms a spiritual group of entities.  I know this only by a being who worked with me for about five years, and through these five years, little concerning this order was revealed to me.  So, even to me, it remains a mystery.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Exclusion of the Apocrypha

If your concepts on the various spiritual manifestations is true than why isn't any of this mentioned in the Bible?  The Church, nor any of the many denominations, certainly don't teach this view point.

Well, it's like I said before, from the very beginning this knowledge was conveyed as solid food, fed only to those who possessed the spiritual discernment to understand what they were being told.  In other words, the solid food was only shared within the inner circle and not expressed to the outer circle, the main congregation, that was considered as babes in Christ, capable of only digesting milk.  It is important to understand the vast differences between what is referred to as sold food in comparison to milk.  The Church in general cannot teach something of a higher wisdom if they lack the keys to spiritual understanding.  Or, which is a high possibility, they are aware of the higher knowledge but deliberately do not include this knowledge in their main doctrine of accepted teaching.

That the Church once possessed a higher knowledge not shared with its parishioners can hardly be disputed.  Prior to the King James Version of the Old and New Testament the Books of the Apocrypha  was a part of the Canon.  In the earlier versions of the KJV was an introductory footnote explaining why these books were no longer included, considered being a work not for the average person, but to be read by priests only.  I have my reservations whether this introduction footnote is still included in modern printouts of the KJV.  Now, were you to obtain the Jerusalem Bible, or other versions, you'll be surprised to discover that the Books of the Apocrypha are still included.  With this alone we can see that some attempt has been made to control what we should or should not read.

The Books of the Apocrypha make for interesting reading.  The Book of Tobit, for instance, is one of my favorite as it reveals how angels can, and do, intervene in the affairs of man under special circumstances.  I would sooner prefer that what I choose to read is left for me to decide, not to be decided for me by old men seated around a table whose motives may be questionable.

Regardless of the perhaps hidden secrets that may lay within the Apocrypha, these books barely scratch the surface of the wisdom guarded by the inner circle.  As I have before stated, the New Testament, especially the writings attributed to St. Paul, consistently mention, but never really reveal what he regarded as the Sacred Secrets, or Sacred Mysteries, hidden deep within the path of Christianity.  For it is written in the Old Testament…"for there is a path the vulture has not seen, or the young lion has trodden upon."

Can you understand this mystery?

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Church and its Spiritual Manifestations

The proper understanding of the Imperishables was maintained within the Inner Circle of the Roman Catholic Church.  This Inner Circle did not exist within any of the denominations which later broke away but stayed solely within Mother Church, the original started by the Emperor Constantine.  Now I'm sure there are many who will scorn at the mention of Constantine, and perhaps rightly so, but in all reality it was ordained to be so.  Indeed, for the Christians who were being fed to the lions at the time, Constantine was indeed a blessing from above.  Their persecution suddenly came to an end.  The Roman Catholic Church was ordained to bring hope and consolation to millions, and to many thousands of others, deep despair and suffering.  That it was ordained to be so is further verified by the vengeance wrought upon Rome by Attila the Hun, for when he arrived at the gates of Rome he was, by the advice of angels told to spare Rome, for there rests the bones of the Apostles.

I can safely state that the Church was ordained to fall from the beginning.  What the Church calls Satan, was there from the very beginning.  We should always remember what Jesus himself said: that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.  The Church became the instrument for the Spirit of tests and trails for millions.  Even so, as the powers of Darkness have overshadowed the Church through many centuries, so also have the powers of Light overshadowed the Church.  Everything goes in cycles.  Every church has an angel commissioned to it, regardless whether Light or Darkness controls the cycle.  They are there to ensure that the prayers of the righteous and the virtuous manage to penetrate the darkness and ascend to higher realms.  It is not the interest of the Teutonic Knights whether darkness governs a cycle or governed by Light, they are the protectors of the Church and its sheep.  Today, though an Order of the Teutonic Knights exists in the physical world, they are name sake only, as with the Knights Templar,  whereas, the real Order of ancient times operates from spiritual planes. 

So far we have only discussed the Church viewed only through the physical, material perspective.  We have not touched upon its many spiritual manifestations upon the various levels of existence.  Each plane takes on an entirely different manifestation.  The higher the purer the manifestation becomes.  The forces of darkness, for instance, can only penetrate the lower manifestations and thereby influence and control that manifestation, whereas, it has absolutely no penetration or influence on the higher manifestations.  It is on these higher levels of manifestations wherein the saints exist and still interact with what we term the Lost Souls still caught within the lower manifestations.  Here also reside the individual spirits of the Imperishables while their physical bodies, or lets say, vehicles rest in hidden slumber.

If these things are true, then it is not really advisable to knock the Church?

Exactly.  They are judging and condemning the Church based on its physical appearance.  It is a lack of spiritual discernment.  You would have noticed that the brunt of the attack is aimed at the Catholic Church, more than any of the other break away denominations.  Sin exists within all.  Sure, we cannot excuse the sins of the past but we should also realize that the miscreants, when their time comes, will be dealt with, not so much by God, but by the Divine Law he put into place, Divine Justice from which there is no escape.  You may regard the Second Fire of Revelation an act of that Law.  In other words, most probably, instant reincarnation.  Whereas, those who sinned less, their hands not stained by mortal sin, may spent many years in peace and rest, until they too, get cast into the Second Fire.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Imperishables

Let's refer back to your visitation of the Knights Templar and Teutonic.  I'm slightly intrigued by the figure dressed in the white robe and who he might have been.

So am I.  I probably won't know for certain until I myself return to the great beyond.  But I might have some idea.  In medieval times, as I'm sure I have already stated, I served as a Teutonic Knight in Transylvania, then a part of Greater Hungary.  The most prominent religious order in Hungary at that time were the Paulines, an order of white robed monks, believed to have possessed high spiritual attainment.  Though the ranged in the thousands, no burial place for them has ever been found.  It is believed that these monks were chosen for imperishability, their physical bodies, or vehicles, kept alive buried somewhere deep in the Pilis hills.

It was the responsibility of the Teutonic Knights to protect the borders of Transylvania from invading Turks and to ensure law and order was maintained and that the precepts of the king was adhered to.  The Teutonic Knights were a strictly religious order and would have been well acquainted with the Pauline monks and often acted as their protective force.  It should not be, should you possess spiritual insight, be considered as absurd or fantasy to believe this service is still continued on the spiritual planes.

If you have read "A Mystical Journey into Hungary" and attempted to watch the video on Pilisszanto at the end of the article, you probably found that the link didn't work.  I have since rectified that problem. 

Okay.  How do you think these bodies are kept alive?  These can be considered as the asleep in Christ?

Imperishability of the physical body is not too difficult a concept to comprehend should you know the laws involved.  Firstly, disregard most of the Imperishable bodies the Catholic Church puts on display.  These are not the asleep in Christ.  Many of these so called Imperishable have been waxed over in order to hide the black decomposition taking place.  It is very unlikely that any of these bodies will come back to life, as many Catholics believe they will.

The real Imperishable bodies, or those asleep in Christ, are well hidden, probably even from the Church.  The bodies that lie in seclusion are entirely unblemished and kept alive by the body consciousness though the spirit, or consciousness, that once inhabited them are in the spiritual kingdoms where they await the command to re-enter their former bodies.  These physical bodies are virtually, asleep.  They are well protected and guarded from any external interference by angelic beings.  What is planned for these beings, their future role on earth can only be speculated.

I have already discussed the aspects of duality and you should re-read what has already been written.

There is just one more thing I like to point out about the Imperishables.  A few years back there had been some serious scientific investigations into the Shroud of Turin.  I have not noticed any of the findings of these investigations openly discussed or brought to public attention by the main stream media or any other scientific journal.  These investigations had concluded, in one instance, that the body of Christ never even touched the slab of stone that he had been lying on.  In other words, the body rested in a state of suspended levitation, perhaps several inches above the slab.

This is all in harmony with reports of some exhumed Hungarian saints.  It was reported that when they exhumed the body they found that the soil never actually touched their bodies.  It was as if the soil, by some mysterious force, had pushed the soil back from the physical body. Obviously, to keep the body as pure and uncontaminated as possible.  This is all interesting research.

Addition on 12/6/11.....For your interest.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Missing Books of the Canon

Where the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights are concerned, can you give us any hints to some of the secrets they claim to possess?  If the Church has no excess to these secrets then how are these Orders revealing these secrets to the world.  I would have thought that would have been the Churches position.

Well, secrets wouldn't be secrets if they were all revealed.  There has always been a body of secret knowledge that has been passed down through out the ages.  We have the knowledge from Lemuria down to Atlantis, the great Indian Vedas to the Egyptian Mysteries, carried down to the beginning of Christianity.  Every ancient civilization was given a dispensation of knowledge brought to them through the incarnation of a spiritual master.  Not all of this knowledge remained in its pure form as it was passed down through oral traditions then translated onto paper.

Isn't it a bit deceptive of the Church not to reveal knowledge pertaining to man's salvation?  The average church goers are quite ignorant of any secret knowledge being hidden from them. 

It's still a mystery as how much knowledge the Church has hidden in it's archives.  It's still uncertain how much knowledge was revealed to the Church through the inner circle, and just how much of this knowledge actually survived.  People are also foolish in believing that the "Freedom of Information Act" obligates any authoritive body to bear open that what it declares as "Top Secret."  They still produce information only what they want us to know, and to convince us of their sincerity, they lay on the table a few juicy documents.

Outside from the Knights Templar, is there any other evidence, in scripture perhaps, to suggest that there is a hidden knowledge?

Okay, we can only guess what the original Knight Templar discovered.  We do know that it involved Mary Magdalene as they built cathedrals in her honor.  They wouldn't have done this were she a mere repenting prostitute.  What the Freemasons proclaim as knowledge is disputable.  Leonardo da Vinci for instance, and his depiction of the Last Supper, obviously was in possession of some secret knowledge.  People claim him to have been a Freemason, but he is also known to have been connected with the Rosicrucians.  So he got his information from somewhere.  Hence we have two females included around the table of the Last Supper.  To the Church, this would be an offence as it has long been regarded as an event shared only with his Twelve Disciples.  To do this, da Vinci had to exclude two of the disciples, and that we don't know why.

We must also bear in mind that, outside the Old and the New Testaments, there exists various other manuscripts which have been excluded from the Canon.  For instance we have various works of the Gnostic writings and the Apocrypha.  We are also certain that many documents were removed during the various ecclesiastical councils held throughout the centuries. 

There is no need for me to list the names of the many documents quite readily available over the internet if one wishes to research ancient writings.  Bear in mind that most of these documents are deemed "uninspired" by the Church authorities, even some that once were a part of the Canon.  The Book of Jasher, for instance, though referred to in the Old Testament as a cross reference to particular events, has been excluded.  It is somewhat strange that the Old Testament writers considered the book of value by referring to it twice and yet the much later Church Fathers found it of little importance.  We can understand why as it deals with the Biblical Exodus but in a very different light.  Another example is the Book of Enoch.  This is also considered "uninspired" even though the New Testament letter of Jude quotes from it, a sure indication that the Book of Enoch must have been extensively used by the first century Christians.  Why would Jude quote prophesy from the manuscript if he himself considered the work unimportant?  In this book alone we can see a body of secret knowledge not accepted or taught by the Church.