The diagram above may provide you with a clearer understanding how group souls are arranged and how, via the links, groups express influences upon others immediately below them. The lines across the page are the frequency border ranges of various planes of ascension. The lowest of these planes is the earth’s aura, or electromagnetic field, which others may call the etheric plane. This is where the consciousness drifts into during periods of dreams. The next one above that is the Astral plane which has various sub planes but which aren’t listed in our diagram due to space. The more advanced souls usually find themselves there, in either of the sub planes. The higher astral cannot be casually reached but takes some conscious effort to get there. The dreamer can go no higher than the frequency of the astral body. In other words, you end up in a state of frequency that is in harmony with your own. Bad dream experiences or nightmares can only take place in the lower astral, especially so in the earth’s aura.
The 2nd heaven is usually the place suggested as Purgatory, the in-between plane where all impurities must be shed before it is possible to ascend into the 3rd heaven, or spirit world. The spirits that are in the 2nd heaven are usually still grossly empowered by their astral bodies which must disintegrate before ascension is possible. In Revelation this is called the 2nd Death. During the purging process the spirit inside the astral body falls into a state of unconsciousness and reawakes when the final purge is complete and in another state of existence, but minus the astral body. This plane vibrates at a particularly high frequency and those who are not in harmony with this frequency will find their state of purgatory in one of the lower astral planes. Naturally, the purging process there is far more traumatic and many don’t ascend from this place but linger there. This is why a spiritual life is so very important, at least to ensure your after death journey to the 2nd heaven.
So what is considered as impurities? Anything that is not in contrast to the spirit are impurities and will hamper your ascension. Anything like bad habits, drinking (a very difficult impurity), smoking, gluttony, lustful desires, etc, etc…these are all in conflict with a spiritual existence. Thought patterns of how you think and act can also be impurities and not in harmony with spiritual existence. For instance, the graving for a good ‘cuppa tea’ can only be partially satisfied and would probably make you look like a twit, more than anything else. The spirit has no taste buts to satisfy and you would look foolish carrying around a cuppa tea. But surprisingly, you won’t look too out of place as it is a weakness that quite a few deadies are too habitual with. No one makes fun of them.
There is mention of these planes, either directly or indirectly, within most major religions, though they all assign different labels to them. For instance, both the Buddhist and Egyptian books of the dead are simply a compilation of prayers designed to guide a particular spirit through the various planes of existence after its time has come to depart physical existence. It is regardless whether we label them as the Buddhist Bardo or the Egyptian underworld or the three heavens of Christianity, they are still the same planes of existence – various planes the spirit must pass through on its way to the afterworld.
It is not mere coincidence that these major religions have all assigned traumatic, and often fearful images, or apparitions, that the departing spirit encounters on its journey home. Unfortunately, they are not simply images or apparitions, but elementals and negative thought patterns, as well as lower discarnate entities that are trapped within the lower spheres of the astral world. Both Peter and John describe their experiences passing through the first two realms within the Gnostic Gospels: which were rather undesirable until they reached the 3rd level. Paul, on the other hand, doesn’t make mention of the first two levels, instead, he appears to have been taken directly to what he called the 3rd heaven. This is not particularly unusual, as the more advanced spirit often passes beyond these levels without conscious distraction. Because of the speed of the passing the images or entities have no time to appear.
Purgatory is not particularly a Christian teaching. It was never a teaching of Jesus nor is such a place mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. We must not confuse the Biblical Hades or Sheol or the later hell concept to have any association with the place called Purgatory. The creation of a purgatory – an in-between place – became necessary due to Paul’s reference toward “those who sleep in Christ”. The problem faced by the Church was – where exactly do these souls sleep whilst awaiting the “Rapture”? Surely there can’t be provisions made for them in hell? So not to conflict with the Church’s, or Paul’s teaching, Purgatory became a part of the Catholic faith.
This concept may well have been introduced to the Church by some wayward mystic monk who had managed to grow his astral wings. We cannot know the extent of his experience to what he may have encountered in the lower planes, but, due to the Church’s description, it may not have been pleasant, and perhaps he is fortunate to have survived the experience. There is not one particular place that we can actually define as purgatory as it is simply a state of frequency. Understanding the nature of frequencies than we have to accept that there must also be different levels of purgatory. For instance, one who has lived a sinful life cannot be drawn to a plane of frequency that is above his own personal range. He will not be in harmony with that higher frequency.
At this point of time, don’t stress your brain trying to understand the nature of frequencies, as we will explain this as we go along. For now we refer you to the diagram on the front page. You will see that we have included the Biblical Lazarus and the Rich man in broken squares. For those who do not know this parable of Jesus we quote it in the next post.

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