Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wickedness of Halloween

It’s probably appropriate to say a word or two concerning the eve of 31st of October.  An old expression of the evening was Allhallows Eve, it was an evening spent in prayer and meditation, an evening of entering into the Silence, to evoke the Saints of the past, to abide with us, to bring us cheer and good will and blessings from the Spirit above.  To show respect and appreciation of the unbeknown Mercy bestowed upon us because of their sacrifices, their becoming whole and complete before the eyes of God.  Through their sacrifice we benefit.  We are just not aware of this.

With the passing of the Hallowed Eve we enter midnight All Saints Day.  Between midnight and the coming dawn much spiritual enlightenment can fall upon us, should your ritual be conducted with holiness in the mind.  Let the motto of that night be “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to thy sight here tonight.”

When the completion of All Saints Day has passed away we enter into All Souls Day, the 2nd of November.  On this day all those who live should make a pilgrimage to our local cemetery and pray for those who have passed and who may be in assistance of our prayer, and the power within that prayer, which, hopefully, should have been fully spiritualized during the devotion of All Saints Day.  This prayer is Light and will descend into Darkness and gravitate toward the soul that is lost.

But this has all changed.  Allhallows Eve is no longer a holy night but one filled with darkness.  There is no more Silence and entering into the mystery of Midnight.  The pumpkin symbolizes wholeness and completeness, it symbolizes what the Hallowed have become.  But we pay them sacrilege by cutting out the wholeness within, so that that is no longer complete,  and we mock the holiness by cutting ugly demonic faces upon the now empty shell.

Yes, sure, it’s only for fun that we do these things. 

But, not known by the masses, there are others who are active during Halloween.  And their rituals are not holy and clean, not to saints but demons, and we, in our ignorant silly blindness, the mad activities of the night, subliminally condone their rituals – and they still adhere to blood sacrifices. 

Innocent blood.

Latest vampire discovery 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Arizona Wilder Conspiracy

Arizona Wilder, now she is a unique study.  Is she for real?  Only she knows that.  Though she has a large following.  It’s been many years ago since she told her story and I haven’t found anything new on her since.  To the best of my knowledge she seems to have disappeared. 

Do I believe her story?  I would say 80 percent – where the dark brotherhood is concerned and her involvement within their dark activities and rituals.  The dark brotherhood is still conducting blood sacrifices, of this you can be sure of, choosing those of innocence and purity, for instance, the blood of young children.  There are many of these devils connected with hospitals and are in high positions.  I’ve had contact with various people who have had very real and frightening experiences within the health industry and if they were to speak about these experiences they would be regarded as having wild delusions.  I know these people and certainly believe what they say.  I myself have been drawn into their dark practices and, the various individuals I went to have it out with, always had to leave their employment just prior to my coming to see them.  So I don’t doubt Arizona’s claims concerning these things.

The problem I have with this is: why have they allowed her to go public?  They could very easily have done her away with.  Maybe it is true when she said they still have need of her.  And if she has indeed disappeared – she is either back under their control, hidden away, or either dead.

Arizona Wilder

And we have David Ike on our list of conspirators.  He doesn’t have anything good to say about the Royal Family.  Even to the point of being absurd.

Yes, and why is he still walking around free?  Why haven’t they put him out of business?  If they wanted to they could entirely bankrupt him.  Sue him for everything that he has, yet they leave him alone.  Obviously, they don’t see him as any great threat, or he is being used by them as a vehicle for misinformation.  I believe Ike was one of the first, if not the first, to interview Arizona Wilder.  Now, I’m aware of other authors, for example, David Irving, the famed holocaust denier, whose life was torn to shreds and spent time in jail for his beliefs.  They could break Ike just the same.  It seems that many important people are just closing their eyes to his ranting and wild accusations.

Let’s just say I don’t disregard Ike’s accusations I just don’t further elaborate on them.  Let’s just say there are various fingers pointing at the Royal Family.  And they are a branch of the ruling elite bloodline.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Phil Schneider Conspiracy

There has been much discussion concerning what we term the ‘whistle blowers’, for example, naming the most incredible of them - Phil Schneider and Arizona Wilder.  Can you comment on them?

Yes.  Their videos are readily available on YouTube.  They are interesting indeed.  Even though I have been contacted by aliens myself, they were personal experiences for myself, but I have not encountered face to face any Greys or Reptilians what others are referring to.  Mind you, I do not discredit the alien experiences of others, and I cannot say whether they are true or not.  I have not experienced any shape shifters, for instance, as the Reptilians are purported to do.  But, my companion, has had such an experience and she has got the ability to see and I certainly do not doubt her experience.  Read the story here  For my own experiences read the tag of Alien Connections.

I find the life story of Phil Schneider the most interesting and most creditable.  Mainly, unfortunately, because he died under somewhat mysterious circumstances, as did some of his friends.  His official death notice is death by suicide even though they found a plastic tube knotted around his throat.  I would find that somewhat suspicious.  Was he in fact murdered for what he knew?  His credibility is somewhat tarnished by his wife’s claim that he suffered from intense paranoia.  This throws immediate doubt when evaluating Schneider’s credibility.  I don’t put much credit on her claim as she may well have been warned to make such a statement by the people responsible for his untimely death, for if not, her child may be next.  I discredit her story more than Schneider’s.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Is Nibiru still coming?

Nibiru, any new developments?

I haven’t been following the Nibiru theorists for some time so I don’t know the latest speculations. The blogger whose site I have connected to my own hasn’t posted anything new for eight months. Those pushing the Nibiru conspiracy may be disappearing into the woodworks. Lets face it, we have only a short time to go and there is no sign of any red planet heading in our direction. It would be more than visible by now. I don’t think anyone wants to be on that band wagon any more.

The person whom they are accrediting the Nibiru theory to, Zechariah Sitchin, he himself had stated that Nibiru is not coming in 2012. So what can we make of the much publicized Hopi Indian predictions? At the moment, not much. None of their claims have come about. There was much fear mongering with the approach of the comet Helenin with it’s supposed collision course with the earth. It turned out it was nowhere near us. Some even went as far as to say it only looked like a comet, when in fact it was really a giant spaceship, and more yet, it was being followed by other large spaceships, all coming to invade the planet earth. Nothing has happened.

There will, of course, be remaining die hards who will continue to push the Nibiru conspiracy until the 21 of December. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The 3rd Secret

We have already discussed the 3rd Secret and how the real truth is being kept from us.  There are many sincere and devout priests who are adamant that the real secret is being kept from us.  This belief is strong within the Catholic Church and growing stronger.  This also includes that something had happened to Sister Lucy sometime after 1960 and that she had been replaced by an imposter.  These aren’t just wild speculations made by conspiracy theorists. 

The average Christian that lives by faith alone relies fully on their faith that the Bible is the pure and untainted word of God.  Yet they are aware that the Church had been through various centuries controlled and dominated by debauched and evil men.  By faith they maintain the belief that these men had been inspired by God to do the right thing to pass down the truth unsaturated.  No alterations or additions or no removals of truth that mankind may need to assist in his salvation.  They absolutely do not question or doubt this.

Yet we can see by the experience of Fatima, that the direct commandment, given to the seers that Russia was to be consecrated to the heart of Mary had been entirely and deliberately ignored.  This was not a request but a direct commandment.  This indecision or deliberate refusal to abide by the commandment brought on the Second World War.  We all know how devastating that was and the millions of lives it cost. 

And this was only the first disobedience to God.  The 2nd command was that the 3rd Secret was to be made public after 1960 or at Lucy’s death.  This was an unconditional demand.  But refused. 

By this we can see that, whether by inspiration given to the Fathers of the Church, or through peasant girls, the ultimate decision to act, whether for right reasons or wrong reasons, is left entirely to the conscience of free will.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

False Prophesies

What interests me are the various Doomsday prophecies and conspiracy theories that are still circulating around the internet and other media outlets and many of these have already run their course and have disappeared.

Exactly.  Various dates have come and gone.  The Doomsday theory has been around for centuries.  You cannot classify all of them as kooks as many of them sincerely believe that what they are prophesying is real and that these predictions have come from higher accurate sources.  For instance, even St. Paul believed the end of days was going to come about in his century.  We now regard Paul’s prediction as the Rapture.  But it never came.  And probably every century there after expected it to come about during their life time.  Two thousand years later and we are still waiting.

And he claimed to be in communication with, Jesus.  Wouldn’t you think that Jesus would set him straight?

Yes, you would.  Yet he did not interfere with Paul’s misleading information.  But how do we know that his writings had not been interfered with?  Paul was well versed in the “Sacred Secrets” and that he was taken to the 3rd heaven so we cannot doubt the wisdom he attained and which he only partially revealed to the general body of the congregation.

We accept perhaps too blindly that what has come down to us is accurate truth.  We have no originals to verify the authenticity of that truth.  Jesus himself stated that Satan was seated within the 1st century church and he only rebuked the congregation for allowing him to be there, and he has remained there throughout the centuries, to this present day. 

In revelation itself he has stated that the entire earth has been misled.  And this is solely through dark influences and satanic manipulation by both physical, and none physical devils that have infiltrated the Holy Church.  There has always existed a battle between Light and Darkness within the Church to this very day.  It is divided within itself and a house divided will fall.  We should not exercise blind faith, especially since we have been warned.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Three days of darkness

It's interesting that you should mention Jesus' three days in hell.  This brings to mind the prophesized 'three days of darkness' we are to experience just prior to the coming judgment.  Could there be a symbolical link connected to the three days in hell?

It's possible.  Personally, I don't believe such a physical event will occur.  These three days of darkness may well be symbolically connected to the death experience.  For instance, it takes three days for the silver cord, that what binds the soul to the physical body, to entirely disintegrate.  The soul will not be free until that connection is severed.  During this time of darkness many things can occur which may well terrorize the soul which is already in a state of fear and confusion.  In such a situation the spirituality we have formed within our being may well serve as a protective shield against astral attack.

We have already discussed hell in detail in previous conversations.  To review those conversations may be advisable.  But I will mention again that the advanced soul can transcend the lower levels rather than to be needlessly caught up in states of limbo.

We are all on different levels of spiritual evolution, so we all experience death differently.  I doubt that Jesus had to experience those three days in hell but that it was his choice to experience for the sake of assisting the entrapped spirits.

For those who are not familiar with the three days of darkness should read this and form their own conclusions:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Should destruction come

There are some who believe that on the 21st of December mankind will ascend from this physical state of existence into a higher state of consciousness.  Can you concur with this teaching?

By what means have we earned such a great transition?  I am aware of what some are teaching but I have not been paying it much attention.  I need to know just how they believe this mass transition is going to take place.  Where I am concerned this transition will only occur at death.  This physical universe, what we call the 3rd dimension, will not just disintegrate into nothingness but will continue to exist in its present state, as it has for many millions of years.  There have been greater spiritual civilizations on this planet eons of ages ago.  Their civilizations ended with destruction.  There was no easy way out.  These soothsayers are not interpreting correctly what they may be perceiving.  It may well be mass instant death - the sudden release of millions of spirits into the spiritual spheres.  Such mass transition is not appreciated and causes much disturbance.  Many, many spirits will be in their astral vehicles confused and disturbed, all congregating on the lower astral planes.

For the inexperienced and uninitiated spirit, a release from the lower levels my take eons of time.  This is especially so with the ungodly and the ignorant who did not pursue God or yearn for a spiritual life.  The last time the earth experienced mass destruction was during the Great Flood during the days of Noah.  We can safely assume that this flood was global as many cultures have left records of this catastrophic event.  There were many survivors, not just Noah and his clan.  Scholars today agree that the event recorded in the Old Testament is certainly not original to the Old Testament, perhaps borrowed from older cultures.  Many agree that this global event probably occurred about 10, 000 years ago, at the end of the lased ice age.

Now, depending on the vastness of the global population that may have existed during that time, when destruction came, many millions of souls would have suddenly found themselves instantly released from physical existence.  This mass destruction would have created intense fear and hysterics.  It is impossible to state how many of these souls would have been caught in the lower astrals and what state of confusion existed within their beings.  We know this as it is recorded in the New Testament that Jesus, during his three days in hell after the crucifixion, taught the gospel to these lost souls who had been trapped, or imprisoned there since the 'days of Noah.'  We also know that many were raised up and freed from their imprisonment during those three days.

So you can see, if the earth is again destined to meet with mass destruction, bringing with it mass loss of life, not all will find themselves delivered into a blissful state of being.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Coming end of days

It has been some time since we spoke and, seeing we are nearing the end of 2012, mainly the 21st of December, the end of the Mayan Calendar, I thought it appropriate that we may speak a few words concerning the feared end of the world which is supposed to be occurring on this day. What are your personal views on these things?

My personal views are that people should just continue with their lives and worry more about their personal 'end of days' which will one day inevitably come.  The end will ultimately come, whether it be on a great worldly scale or your own personal end.  No one can escape this end of days.  But I do only mean end of days, not end of life; for life will continue, just not as we currently know it.  Jesus himself stated that ''no one knows the day or the hour,'' also, ''I will come like a thief in the night.''

So, worry not about perishing, for, should you believe in reincarnation, then you should realize that you have, so called, perished, many times before.  Concern yourself more in leading a good life to the best of your ability; enhance your spiritual life with the hope that you can escape the cycle of life and death.  This was the main emphasis that Jesus taught.