Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I believe that you have been in the past strongly affiliated with the Spiritualist Movement. I understand also that the Christian Church in general does not approve of spiritualism, in fact, they give strong warnings against it.  What are your viewpoints concerning the Churches stand on this?

Well, not understanding the mysteries of Christ is one of the glorious wonders of the Church leaders.  It makes no difference to me who these shepherds lead as long as they don't lead me.  If the so called learned of the Church had any truth about them they should have the intelligence to realize that the 1st century Christian Church was nothing but spiritualism.  The testing of spirits, the administration of angels, etc, is quite prominent in the Pauline writings.  I would suggest to the doctors of the Church to stop following the old Constantine religion and really, whilst praying for the gift of spiritual discernment, to sit down and unlearn what they have learned from the ignorance of the past and start again.  They really do, as intelligent as they are, lack strongly in spiritual discernment, which must be acquired.

I agree in the sense that not everyone should endeavor to communicate with spirits unless they possess a reasonable balance of spiritual attainment.  Not everyone should endeavor to become a medium or teacher.  Whether you are or not is usually appointed from above.  All spiritual gifts like healing, clairvoyance, prophecy is appointed from above to those who are worthy of such attainment.  In the early Church everyone desired to act as a medium to or for spirit.  Because of this, many aspirants of the early Church were falsely inspired and became false prophets.  This prompted Paul to warn of the fallacies of trusting all spirits that communicated.  Paul's advice was to test the spirits as even Satan can come masquerading as an angel of light.

Then you agree that spiritualism is unsafe?

Can be unsafe.  But then in the hands of fools everything is unsafe.  There are unforeseen dangers in every precinct of life.  We don't exist in this world alone, or in the invisible worlds that surround us.  There are varied spirit forces.  Not all of them are good and it would be absolutely stupid to believe that they were.  The majority of good mediums working on this earth plane were accomplished mediums before they were born.  They have incarnated with the necessary protection and guidance.  They all have guiding spirits accompany them on the earth journey particularly with this work in mind.  Every medium has with them, what we call a door keeper, control, or master guide, all working very closely with the medium.

Unfortunately, I have noticed several mediums giving complacent advice to seekers that there is nothing to fear and thereby, due to lack of understanding, dangerously encourage new comers, many who are curiosity seekers, to blindly pursue spiritualism without first gaining the necessary disciplines and protections.  It may be alright for that medium to state that there is nothing to fear, for they may well have that protection, a protection the aspirant has not yet attained.  So caution, and the acquiring of a trusted, if possibly, proven teacher, should always be the advice that is given.  You may call me the kind of medium that mediums come to when they are in trouble.  And I have encountered many.

So then, why do you believe that the Bible degrees spiritualism as an act of condemnation in the Book of Revelation?

Well, look, you can't really blame the Church, can you?  Or any organized religion for that matter.  The leaders of the Church are supposedly the shepherds of the flock and not administering angels.  Should organized religion give freedom to this then they would quickly no longer be regarded as organized religion, but rather unorganized.  But in truth, the Bible makes no such claim.

The Church uses the term "spiritism" to denounce spiritualism, where spiritualism is a relatively new expression to describe the ancient art of spiritual communication and interaction between man and spirit.  If he who regards himself as a scholar of religion, especially the Christian religion, were indeed a scholar they should be able to tell you that the term "spiritism" is not the original word, and which could be regarded as a deliberate deception.  The original term used by the early scribes was those that practice "druggery" would not enter the kingdom of God.  The term "spiritism" more suited the later Church and its politics.  These Biblical scribes failed to notice that Revelation also warns that should anyone as much as dare to change one word of what is written, they too will also not enter into the kingdom of God.

Free Download: "The Gospel According to Spiritualism."


  1. Sadly multitudes have been double-crossed and so it is that constantine yet rules over pagan catholic/christian systems of religion ;-(

  2. Ahhh, but maybe the Lord cometh soon.
