Friday, November 30, 2012

The Jesus Controversy 4

Blood line and Spirit line

We who are incarnated into these physical bodies are subjected to two distinct evolutionary lines.  The line that is mainly influenced by karma we call the bloodline, and it is the family blood lines we continuously incarnate into.  The more one frees oneself from karma the more control we gain over any particular bloodline.  The more we evolve the more free we become and the more we can choose of what is, and what is not to inflict us while we are down here.  The more we can plan our own destinies.  Mind you, some of us, have a tendency to take on too much to free ourselves quicker, and sometimes we bite off more than we can choose.  When we decide on these things, of what is and what is not to occur to us while on earth, is usually decided in a heavenly state of existence of peace and harmony, having well forgotten the terrible afflictions we decided upon ourselves the last time round.  And while we are down here, "we do indeed groan, we who dwell in the body, wishing to put away this tent and to be with the Lord."

The Masters are not subjected to incarnate into human bloodlines as they are free from karmic chains.  They are fully evolved into Spirit lines.  We who are still struggling on the physical level are also, at the same time, evolving into our Spirit lines, and at death we endeavor to reconnect with these lines, and in this case we call them 'Group Souls.'  The Masters also belong to Group Souls but they are of a more divine substance.  Their incarnations on the physical level is purely voluntary, though they tend to incarnate into holy priestly physical lines.  The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm what I'm writing as they record Melchizedek being a divine being with the title Elohim bestowed upon him, and Elohim is the god associated with the "creation" concept and not the "formation."  Likewise, the  Nag Hammadi Library also confirms that Melchizedek was Jesus.  I try to double check these things to insure the information I'm receiving is as accurate as possible.  And I'm writing in a hurry as  don't have much time on my hands.

I am aware of some chapters of my "Autobiography" as seen through the Akashic Record and through the assistance of various guides and helpers.  I myself have jumped through various physical bloodlines, whereas the one I am currently connected to will no longer exist once I depart this world.  For many chapters now I have always incarnated into Germany as my starting base but have always lived the majority of my days in other countries.  In my last incarnation I immigrated to America, probably around 1850, and crossed the plains into Indian territory.  I saw this quite detailed through the Akashic during the era of the great Chief Sitting Bull.  I also had a close connection with the Cherokees, but of which I know little, but have worked with a Cherokee Princess in spirit, one of the most powerful spirits I've ever had the privilege to experience.

If you want to know who I once was.  I'll give you a clue - I wrote "Silent Night."

You don't believe me?  Well, there's a lot more you will not believe, or at least doubt.  That's only because you are stuck in the chapter of your own story, a chapter still needing completion.  You can never know the story of your existence, and what brought you to this present time, unless you can turn back some of those pages, perhaps to the previous chapter, or the one before that, maybe then you will gain some inkling of who you are.

It's waiting for you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Jesus Controversy 3

Melchizedek Order of High Priest

One of the most mysterious and intriguing characters revealed to us through the Old Testament writings is Melchizedek.  So little is known of him that he rarely gets a mention from church pulpits.  He lived during the time of Abraham and was titled "king of Salem" later to be called Jerusalem.  Salem means 'peace' so he was the king of peace, also Priest of God Most High. Melchizedek has no known genealogy line, no mother or father, no beginning or an end.  So it doesn't take much to conclude that  Melchizedek and Jesus are one and the same spirit.  More on this later. 

I'm bold enough to go back further into the past and say that the great Hindu master, Krishna, was also of the same spirit.  Krishna himself once said that" Fools mock at me when they see me in my transcendental form but do not realize the power that I am and that rules above them." Also: "In order to deliver the pious and annihilate the miscreants I descend myself millennium after millennium." There are similarities between Krishna and Jesus, for instance, Jesus was the incarnation of God where Krishna was the incarnation of Vishnu, both representing the Supreme Being.  Where Jesus is the divine shepherd, Krishna is the divine herdsman. 

All three of these avatars can make claim to the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  The Krishna identity is that ancient that I will deal mainly with Melchizedek and Jesus, his later incarnations.  Jesus himself referred to his ancient predestination by stating that before Moses was born, he already was. 

We have to remember that Judah, now well interbred with Benjamin, forms only a very small part of Israel as a whole and it is in their interest that the identity of the Lost Tribes remains lost.  Bear in mind here that that piece of land today called Israel is in many ways a deception and used only for religious and political purposes.  To reclaim their birth land they should have retained the name of Judea not Israel as it has never been known as Israel, whom they always regarded as their enemies.  The question is: does Jesus fit into any of the houses of Israel?  I don't believe so.

Lets go back to the days of Melchizedek for a clue.  We must remember that Jesus was to inherit his Divine titles hundreds of centuries later.  When Melchizedek encountered Abraham, he and Sarah had not long left Egypt; Sarah having been expelled from Egypt by her husband Pharaoh, accompanied by Hagar, an Egyptian handmaiden.  Hagar's presence in the wilderness, so commissioned by the Pharaoh, is itself a mysterious occurrence.  These nomads, sheep herders, were considered an abomination to the Egyptians, thereby I hardly see it conceivable that the Pharaoh would command an Egyptian citizen to live as a slave to the wandering nomads.  This could never have happened.  So Hagar must have been there for another reason entirely.  My conclusion is that Hagar was a Royal Midwife given charge over Sarah who was in child.  My conclusion also is that Sarah was a Mesopotamian princess, Abraham her carer, and her journey into Egypt was to marry the king of Egypt, perhaps for political alliances, a common practice between royal and noble lineages. After all, Sarah, in Hebrew means princess.

Abraham and Sarah, after their sojourn in Egypt, remained residing in the land of Canaan, which some time after was referred to as 'the divine land' or the 'land for worship' by the gentiles that settled there.  This was before the birth of Jacob, who became Israel and fathered the twelve tribes of Israel.  There was no racial or blood connection between Abraham and Melchizedek, yet Melchizedek was the High Priest of Abraham's god.  They were two entirely different racial lines.  It is through the Divine Priestly line of Melchizedek that Jesus obviously descended from. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Jesus Controversy 2

Genealogy line

What are the first impressions that enter your mind when you hear the word 'Israel?' Isn't it Jewish?  You straight away associate Israel with the Jews, and solely the Jews? But that's okay.  That's how you have been conditioned to think.  And if you are one of these Christians that carries the Old Testament in the back of your pocket you will also associate Israel as God's chosen people, and probably, as St. Paul stated: first the Jew and then the Gentile.  You won't argue this as you were also taught that Jesus himself was a Jew.  You would associate the Jews with the Holy Land without realizing that that land was considered holy by the gentiles long before the Jews settled there. If you were to dissect the name Israel you would get Is/is Ra/Elohim.  Preordained for the English language?

When we consider the historical fact that Israel was constantly at war with Judah we are tempted to question - was Jesus really Jewish?  It's obvious that the early Church Fathers were determined to connect Jesus to the House of David, in other words, Judah.  They even drew out a long genealogy line connecting Jesus all the way down to Adam.  This could not possibly be accurate because the emergence of man is much older than 6,000 years.  They were determined also to connect Jesus to Biblical prophesies to an expected Jewish messiah whereas the Jews themselves never believed that Jesus was the promised one.  They knew that Jesus was from Galilee which was known as the land of the gentiles and thereby not Jewish.  Jesus declared himself as a messiah and the Jews pointed out to him that the messiah is prophesied to come through the House of David, to which Jesus replied: "If I am from the House of David, then why did David call me Lord?"  Did Jesus here deny having come from the line of David?

We have to bear in mind that the gospels were written long after the event and were copies of earlier originals of which we have no knowledge, and we have no originals to compare the accuracy of later copies.  Arguing that ancient prophesies foretold the coming of Christ because these things manifested in his life is no evidence of truth.  Any later scribe trying to connect Jesus to these ancient prophesies could just as easily have added these events as having occurred in his life.  But this doesn't actually mean that they did. It may simply be an attempt to convince people that Jesus was that promised Jewish messiah.  If this is correct, as no one can prove it wrong, then it has worked.  So it remains a matter of personal faith and belief.

Galilee lies in the north of the Holy Land and is where the real ancient Nation of Israel was located, stretching as far south to Samaria, to the border of ancient Judah.  During the time of Christ all this area was under the jurisdiction of Judea under Roman rule.  Although most of the ten tribes migrated abroad during the invasion,  many of them returned to re-settle in their home land once peace was established with the seafarers.  The Samaritans themselves, who were hated by the Jews, had always declared themselves as being part of the lost tribes of Israel.

The closest of Christ's disciples were Galileans.  They spoke a different dialect as the Jews.  We know this because when Peter denied Christ three times and entirely disassociated himself from Christ the Jews still accused him of being a follower of Christ by saying "You are one of them as your speech betrays you."  besides being recognized as Galileans they were also referred to as the Nazarenes.  Jesus of Nazareth is a badly mistranslated title as the correct translation is Jesus the Nazarene.  They were also mentioned as the "sect of the Nazarenes.'  Obviously, although coming under the dictates of Judaism, they were members of a different religious sect, as were the Essen's of the time. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Jesus Controversy 1

A brief look at Israel

Today, as has been prophesied that "knowledge shall be in abundance," more and more people are questioning old Church teachings, especially the controversial genealogy line of Jesus, for instance, was he really a Jew?  So I'll divulge some of my view points on the subject. 

For starters, we need to understand that there are twelve houses forming  the nation of Israel.  The house of Dinah, was not recognized because she was female, otherwise there would have been thirteen houses.  These twelve houses were formed by four different mothers, where Rachel, representing the pure love, whereas Leah, representing trickery and deception, the bloodline that Judah came into existence from.  Whereas, the house of Joseph, came through Rachel and, through jealousy and resentment was forced into slavery by the other tribes, his step brothers.  But this worked in Joseph's favor as he became the most high prince of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh himself.

Controversy over Joseph:
Some historians are debating Joseph's sudden change of fortune and believe there this more to the story than what is written.  They believe his real identity has been concealed during the manipulation of the ancient text.  The more controversial historians point the finger at Isaac, that Abraham was not the father, but that Sarah conceived during her marriage to the king of Egypt.  Then if this is so, we can accept a more realistic reason of why Joseph was in Egypt - simply claiming his royal inheritance passed on through his grandfather Isaac.  Controversial Egyptologists associate the mummy Yuya as being the real historical Joseph.  The Biblical story relates that Joseph married an Egyptian priestess and had two boys - the controversial opinion is that one of these boys married an Egyptian princess and later took the throne becoming the Amenhotep king line.  Joseph himself claims that God has been good to him and made him father to Pharaoh.  If these events are correct then we can have a better understanding of why Moses was a prince of Egypt, aka Akhenaton, the Amenhotep line, rather than the sad attempt of explaining his royalty by being set adrift as a baby on the Nile.  The Ethiopians teach that Moses was not a prince, but rather king of Egypt.

The Biblical writings proclaim that Israel no longer walked according to the precepts of God and was therefore to be divided. Judah and Benjamin split from Israel as a whole and became solely known as Judah, the southern kingdom, whereas the other 10 Houses remained as the Nation of Israel, the northern kingdom.  Until the eventual invasion of Israel, the northern kingdom,  by the Seafarers, and the people scattered, Israel and Judah were at a constant state of war.  A hundred years later the kingdom of Judah was also invaded but rather then being scattered were taken into captivity by the Babylonians.   History has always known the whereabouts of Judah and Benjamin, but the northern kingdom became known as the Lost Tribes of Israel.  Judah was held in captivity for seventy years and regained their freedom when the Persians conquered Babylon.  It is believed that it was during this captivity that the identity of "Jews" was conjured upon Judah and Benjamin.  With Israel now being historically lost for over a hundred and seventy years gave the intermingled Judah and Benjamin the freedom to adjust their historical record and identity.  The temple in Jerusalem was rebuild and they retained their identity as Judah, not Israel, and the area in which they lived became known as Judea and was still called by that name at the birth of Christ.  Hence we have Judeo-Christianity, a strongly Judah influenced religious faith.   

If I have any of my historical references wrong feel free to comment with your accuracies.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A spirit of deep sleep

Judgment against us.

Due to our fallen state we are sentenced to a predestined time in hell.  Part of the judgment placed against us is….God has placed in man a spirit of deep sleep…so they have eyes to see, but never see, they have ears to hear, but will never understand; for if they did see and understand, then they would turn back to me and I would heal them.

The condemnation here is a "a spirit of deep sleep." So what we must do is awake the spirit that lies succumbed within us.  But in the majority of people, it is best the spirit stays asleep.  For this reason Christ spoke in parables to the multitudes, but to his disciples, "he expounded all things", " for to you it has been granted for you to know the secrets of the kingdom of God."  For this reason Mary cried out: "my soul does magnify the glory of my God, AWAKE my spirit so that the Christ can shine upon me."

You must not delude yourself in believing that to the awakened spirit the doors to the kingdoms are closed, even while you are still within your physical state.  No, you do not have to die to experience heaven.  The awakening brings with it a pardon from above and there are enough, " administering angels to administer onto those who are chosen for salvation."  The Jewish Temple and the curtain that separates and conceals the Holy, which symbolizes heaven, wherein only the Jewish high priest could enter, has been done away with, and is no longer applicable to us.  For Christ is the High Priest of the Most High God and he has entered within, and by so entering within, he has ripped apart that curtain, for all who hear can follow within.  "For I am the Resurrection and I am Life, and whosoever believes in me shall hear my voice and come to life…" 

And he rebuked the Jewish authorities: "Woe onto you, for you possess the keys to heaven, but you have no wish to enter, so you prevent others from entering within."

I doubt that the Church Father's really understand the serious implications behind this message or they are deliberately not emphasizing upon it.  During that encounter with the Jewish authorities Jesus is directly accusing them of not wishing to evolve spiritually to enter into the kingdom, obviously because of their earthly power and prestige, and deliberately with holding truth from their fellow Jews and gentile alike, needed knowledge to assist their way into Light and a return to their original spiritual state. 

This conspiracy to keep souls in ignorance and bondage did not just pass away after the death of Jesus.  It has continued throughout the centuries and has infiltrated deep into government, royalty and religious organizations to this present day.   


Saturday, November 17, 2012

How will truth set you free?

The slave and the household.
I often hear spoken the term "the truth will set you free." When I ask them: "what is that truth?" I hear all kinds of explanations that have absolutely no relationship with the wisdom of which Christ spoke.  It suggests to me that they like the sound of the verse but have no idea what Christ spoke about, let alone what he was referring to.  Most people haven't even read the message.  Most Christians, liking the sound of it, simply skim through it without endeavoring to understand it. Yet, those discerned in the "Sacred Secrets" know what this message means.

Those who understand know that the "household" to which Christ referred are the kingdoms of heaven.  Heaven should never be used in a singular term but always in the plural.  Same as "my Father's house has many rooms." Each one of these rooms represents a different state of existence, or plane of consciousness.  Elsewhere Christ promised: "where I am, my disciples shall be also."  By this he meant a place within the household, not immediately with him, for he further said: " I'm going to the Father and I'll prepare a place for you." 

Within this parable Christ referred to himself as a 'son' within the household, and the son has a permanent place within this household.  He referred to us as slaves, and the slave has no permanent place in the household.  He emphasized that all who sin, are a slave to that sin, and the slave has no permanent place in the household.  But if the 'son' sets you free, then you will indeed be free.

There is a lot of confusion about the status of 'son' or the 'only begotten son' as Christ certainly isn't the only avatar who claimed this title.  One of his greatest teachings is the individualization of the soul, and that soul's connection with God, and the individual's intimate relationship with the Father.  Melchizedek, for instance,  bore the same titles as did Christ, and it's not surprising that Christ became Priest of the Most High God after the Order Melchizedek.   The writer of Hebrews referred to Christ as the older brother who went before us.

I will discuss more concerning the 'household' and our apparent place within it and the possible connections aliens have with us.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Our celestial home

Our true state of being.

It is unfortunate that man often dwells in his own self-importance and purity.  None of us believe that we are actually living in sin, and that we commit sin daily.  I too have that same outlook upon myself as I endeavor, to the best of my ability, to do the right thing.  We often hide under the shadow with the belief that Christ died for our sins.  That may not necessarily be the case.  It only takes a few mistranslated words and a whole false doctrine and belief can develop from that mistranslation and misinterpretation of what was actually being said.  It may well be that Christ died because of our sins.  If I'm saved because of Christ's sacrifice - why am I still caught up in the cycle of life and death?  Something doesn't seem right.

We should remember that we are not on this planet because we are clean and virtuous beings, but that we have sinned and have fallen, fallen from Light into Darkness.  Are we any different than the so called Fallen Angels?  I do not believe that we are.  It is applicable to us as it was to the king of Tyre, when he was told by the prophet: you were like a shinning one, an inmate of the heavens, and look from the height you have fallen.  The uninitiated interpreters of this passage, failing to recognize the magnificence of the spirit, fails to see this significance connected with man.  So they assume that this must have been a message to Satan, for surely, individual man had no prior existence in the heavens.  So there is no confusion in what is written and meant, shinning one, is changed to Lucifer, the one and only time this name is used.  This name is pulled out of thin air and has absolutely no truth in what was spoken by the prophet to the king of Tyre.  This was a personal message and warning to the king concerned and was not symbolically directed at some ancient fallen angel called Lucifer.  We should read this carefully as it also refers to us.

Yes, we have had prior existence, and yes, we are on a path of predestination.  As it was spoken to the prophet Samuel, "before you were born, I knew you; and before you proceeded out of your mother's womb, I consecrated you as a prophet over the nations."  Yes, we are as St. Paul said, "citizens of heaven…so keep your thoughts in heaven, and not on this earthly life."

The Dark Brotherhood is well aware of the true nature of man and they prefer the kingdom on earth where they have absolute power and prestige something they cannot have in the higher kingdoms.  So it is in their interests to keep us in ignorance, and through ignorance we fall into sin, and through sin we are overshadowed by the universal laws of cause and effect.  We remain trapped within the cycle of life and death, birth, death and rebirth. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yet evil persists

The Bohemian Grove

I just reviewed the video Dark Secrets concerning the occult activities conducted by the global elite at Bohemian Grove in California.  This sort of fits in with our Prison Planet scenario.  What fascinates me is that this video was made in the year 2000, and twelve years later, nothing has changed.  In 2012 they are still sacrificing children, as well as others to the fires of the ancient demons.  Complacency is the best protection that the dark brotherhood has because they know, let the exposers yell and scream as much as they want, as nobody is going to do anything about it.  What is exposed today is forgotten tomorrow.  Because they have made us far too busy with our lives that we can't be bothered to take these things too serious.

They say that what was sacrificed on the fire was not a real child but an effigy.  This is what they may well tell to the outer circle of the club, several thousand of them, a lake separating them and the priests conducting the ceremonial sacrifice.  The thousands gathered simply enjoyed the show, not realizing that the sacrifice was real and that a real child, or adult, probably subdued by drugs, was being offered up to the ancient demons.  In the dark and the distance involved you wouldn't be able to tell whether an effigy or a real body was wrapped within that blanket. 

We have to realize that this was no Hollywood show or some Freemason ritual conducted by small time average individuals; but a sacrifice, yearly performed by the global elite, prominent individuals, heads of our governments, the rulers of this world, evoking ancient demons to keep them in power and blissful state.  But at the cost of a human life through fire.  What they were doing was deadly serious.  It was no show.  For the demons that they worship and evoke would not be satisfied with a childish burning of an effigy.  The stakes are too high for make belief for the global elite.

Remember, these are our distinguished world leaders and business men who decide on world events, and where we, as struggling individuals with burdens they have placed upon us, so they may prosper, fit into their continues changing scheme of things.  Subdue us, burden us, anger us, to keep us in sin, and through sin, karmic consequences.  Condemning us to an endless cycle of life and death.  These are the anti Christ who want us to be fearful and mistrusting of any alien intelligences, who are looking on, the Watchers, who may well be planning an intervention in the plight of man. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Are we at war with aliens?

There are some conspiracy theorists who are quite adamant that there is a secret war going on between our world governments and aliens.  Some of these theorists are quite prominent learned individuals who have held quite important government positions.  Others have suggested a fake planned alien invasion.  Others have suggested that 2012 will be the great historical year of alien contact.  Well, something had better happen as the year is nearly finished.

Are our governments at war with aliens?  Can monkeys be at war with scientists?  Unlikely.  With a technology that is probably more advanced than our own by a million years or so, that we would even think we had a slight chance of surviving such a power should we resist, is extremely unlikely.  There has been some unusual NASA video footage of stars shooting at each other but this would be extraterrestrial and nothing to do with us.

Over many years now Hollywood has been conditioning us to believe that, should there be alien contact, this contact should not be trusted, that they do not come in friendship but to deceive and then conquer.  Independence Day and the mini series V is perfect example of the fear and mistrust that Hollywood wants to instill within us.  There are many other independent speakers that push the same fear and mistrust scenario.  Should this make us suspicious?  Yes.  So why are they brainwashing us in believing that an alien takeover of this planet would be evil?

Knowing the things we know concerning our governments - do we really need to wonder? 

Take the Greys for instance; the many abductions that they are held responsible for.  Have any of these so called abductees been harmed or injured in any way?  I'm not that researched in it but what I have I can't find any evidence of harm.  I have learned that alien abduction seems to run down the family tree of those that had been abducted.  With some it had started with childhood.  Most of these abductees are not even aware that they were abducted, just that something unusual had occurred to them, something they couldn't recall.  If not submitting themselves to hypnosis the greater majority wouldn't even know, and in time, perhaps, even that 'unusual occurrence' would disappear.  So it seems to me that the abductors obviously intended these individuals to continue with their usual daily lives.

So we come to the old question: is it morally right for these aliens to do these things?  In a 'prison planet' this question may not be applicable.  Does a monkey have the right to say to a scientist "don't experiment with me"?  We might be in that same situation.  But actually, remove all the speculations and assumptions - we don't really know what they are doing or why.

So who can help the monkey from being experimented with?  It takes human conscience to intervene in the plight of the monkey's existence.  It takes people like you and me to reprimand the scientist.  And he will resist.  This may also be the same with the Greys; a higher conscience than their own must intervene.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Prison Planet

I've been noticing on some blogs where they refer to the earth as a 'Prison Planet.' I could go along with that conception.  Where my own interpretation of Biblical literature is concerned about hell I've concluded that earth is this Biblical hell.  Bearing in mind that Jesus never actually referred to any metaphysical hell but only to a place called Gehenna, outside the city gates where they burned rubbish, where the fires burned 24 hours a day and further back in history, a place where child sacrifices were performed.

I believe we can safely assume that, where God's Kingdoms are concerned, the physical universe in which we exist, must be one of the lowest levels of conscious existence.  Don't forget that this entire three dimensional physical universe lies within the Formation, the manifestation of Creation.  The higher aspect of this physical universe will be its electromagnetic field, or it's aura, it's metaphysical level of expression.  This aura functions on a higher frequency but it is not the fourth dimension, or the world of spirit.  It is only a sub plane.  It is within this aura that most spirits find themselves lost or entrapped.  It is also the place where people mostly astral project or where their dreams manifest, unless they are experienced, or advanced enough to raise their spirit beyond this level.  Within the murkier vibrations of this aura is where evil exists and the soul can be tormented in many, many different ways.  Here one experiences emotional hell.

There are many, many planets in this universe of ours.  We do not even have to travel outside of our own galaxy, of which there are millions, in order for us to encounter other worlds with intelligent life.  Much of this other life is very different to our own, we may say, non human, all depending on the molecular structure of its sun and the worlds that revolve around it.  One day we will discover that there are various different beings of intelligence that have an interest in our world, as well as other worlds, and not all of these beings have good intentions towards us.  Due to our evolutionary standing and development these beings, whether good or bad, are forbidden to interfere or disrupt our karmic condition of evolution and advancement.  This decision has been made by spiritual intelligences beyond the physical realms.

But that does not mean that the aggressive intelligences adhere to that ruling.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The living Consciousness

There are other little matters I like to point out where genetic engineering is concerned.  The main point is, and the most important, how do we address the consciousness, or the life giving spirit that needs to emanate that physical body.  Can consciousness, or Spirit be engineered? 

For instance, take the assumed genetically engineered Greys; once the physical body is completed, from whence do the engineers draw the life giving spirit to make this body a living soul?  Without this consciousness that being would have no sentient life.

All spirit consciousness comes from the Universal Consciousness, or what we call God.  The Anunnaki, Reptilians, Greys, or whatever other species exist are not God, and thereby come under the same cosmic laws of cause and effect, or karma, like any other sentient beings. 

The law of Duality is applicable to all things.  Seeing that we cannot pluck consciousness out of thin air, and if genetic engineering is possible where the aliens can create a insentient vehicle, there must be some higher being that allows consciousness to emanate that vehicle. 

From that moment on that consciousness is subjected to cause and effect.

Monday, November 5, 2012

In his image and likeness

11:05 PM
Regardless of whether you are an expert in this field or that field, but should you not possess the gift of spiritual discernment, then you may be well off the mark with your investigations or research.  You should also possess some knowledge of the hidden symbology within the Old and New Testaments.  An understanding of the duality expressed is one of the hidden keys of ancient Biblical writing.  I do not believe that Sitchin possessed these keys, let alone spiritual discernment, basing his entire research around the physical perspective.

I have already stated elsewhere that Geneses deals with two aspects of the Beginning, one spiritual realm and the other of the physical realm.  The early writer distinguishes between these two realms with the terms Created and Formed.  The uninitiated can not differentiate between these two concepts and thereby conforms everything under the banner of creation.  For instance, the man Adam, did not originate within the sphere of Creation, which is pure spirit, but originated within the sphere of Formation.  We must never regard Adam as having been created, but formed, for he was formed out of the dust of the earth, and he did not come to life until he breathed in the breath of life, the essence of creation, the spirit.

It is as Jesus taught, it is spirit that gives birth to spirit and flesh that gives birth to flesh.  I have discussed this in more detail elsewhere in this blog.  The reference 'male and female he created them,' occurred within the sphere of Creation, the heavenly kingdom, and they were created in his image and in his likeness - which is Spirit.  It was only after this act of creation within the world of spirit that the earth began to be formed, once done, the spirits descended upon it, "be fruitful, multiply and possess the earth."

This is where Sitchin, not understanding the duality of Geneses, falsely associates "in our image and in our likeness," to the genetic engineering ambitions of the Anunnaki.  This is very erroneous.  To make us believe that his Anunnaki are the gods of Geneses, our creators, is also very erroneous. 

Naturally, by stating the above, I am by no means implying that the physical constitution of man, his physical makeup, has never been genetically interfered with.  Such very interference is charged against the Greys to this very day.  But such interference is also applicable through propagation between two different species of being, like the "sons of God" having intercourse with the daughters of men. 

When we consider this we need to remember what Jesus taught: it is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no use at all.

The Satanic Salute

1:07 AM
Is this the real satanic salute practiced by the dark brotherhood or are they photo shopped?  Some of these have been floating around the internet for some years.  Are our so called leaders stupid enough to publicly display the salute?  Or are they overly sure of themselves? If so, then they must feel smug and safe.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Anunnaki Experiment

Saturday, 3 November 2012
12:57 AM
It is obvious that Sitchin is well versed in various languages, especially Hebrew, seeing that he is of Jewish descent.  He made emphasis on the Old Testament wording 'there were giants on the earth in those days' stating that giants should be translated as Nephilim, literally meaning, 'those who from above have come.' I don't exactly see his point as Nephilim is also properly translated and also referred to as 'men of renown.'  regardless of these slight discrepancies I fail to see where he makes the connection with the Nephilim being the same entities written of in the Sumerian writings which were referred to as the Anunnaki.

Sitchin's theory is that these Annunaki genetically engineered the already existing species of man on earth more to their own likeness with the sole intention of enslaving them and to have them work in the gold mines.  He backs this theory by quoting the writings in Genesis where it's stated to, 'make man in our image and in our likeness,' also referring to the 'sons of God' breeding with the daughters of man.  He connects both these scriptures with the Annunaki and their genetic engineering. 

We don't know exactly what time period all this had assumedly taken place.  We know that Homo Sapiens have been around for a very long time so the Anunnaki could not have encountered Neanderthal, crow magnum, whatever, where their genetic engineering would bring about the Homo Sapiens species. We must also take into consideration that the 'sons of God' found the daughters of men exceedingly beautiful, so obviously the scriptures can't be referring to Neanderthal man.

I also can't find any direct reason of why the Anunnaki, after having interfered with the genetic makeup of man, would further need to genetically create the Reptilians.  Has Sitchin ever mentioned the physical appearance of the Anunnaki?  I don't know.  So I find some flaws in Sitchin's theories.

There are other researchers studying the Sumerian text who are entirely in disagreement with Sitchin's translations.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Aliens

1:23 AM
Lets begin with the Greys. I am not an expert on Ufology but by what I’ve been hearing over the years many people come across as if they are. Maybe they are. Who am I to argue.  Common conception has it that the Greys are a creation of the Reptilians and these Reptilians are a creation of the ancient gods who many assume to have been the Annunaki. Much of this information, of course, comes from Zecharia Sitchin .  Most of us are comfortable with the over abundance of evidence that suggests we had been visited by extraterrestrial intelligences in our most distance past.  I, personally, believe that there were more than just one race of beings that interfered with our planet in the past, and are still interfering today.  With the evidences that are available we cannot definitely state that the Greys are a by-product of the Reptilians. These conclusions are only based on various investigators assumptions.

These conclusions are reached by Sitchin’s interpretations of his translations concerning, Enki, the commander of the first extraterrestrial spaceship to have landed on earth in our remote past. Zecharia's interpretation sounds convincing - but is it accurate?  I haven't had the time to research the apposing camps to Zecharia's work.

Genetic engineering sounds feasible if everything is viewed from a physical perspective, but in the November archive I'll look at things more from a spiritual perspective.  I ask myself does Zecharia believe in an omnipotent God, or does he simply believe that the Annunaki introduced the god concept to a primitive civilization?


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Welcome to All Saints Day

Thursday, 1 November 2012
12:01 AM

It's is now just past midnight.  The beginning of the new day.  I won't discuss the significance of the number 12 as it is too lengthy to go into detail.  You can research the symbolism and it's connections yourself.  But it is very significant and important. 

Some people call it the 'witching hour' as even the darker elements among us realize that from midnight to the coming dawn a very different energy descends upon the earth and they also try to utilize that energy.  Whereas the Christian mystic enters into a stage of silence and prayer.  To us the energy is calm, silent and all knowing. 

The mystery of Midnight is as old as the ages.  Even Jesus has referred to it.  So it is old indeed.  Due to the stillness of the night and the powers that descend from above it is the best time for your prayers to be heard, and even to be answered.  Make this hour holy.

For it is the time when the Universe listens.