Over the years the phenomenon of Group Souls had sneaked into various discussions dealing with the esoteric. Even some of the new age gurus have attempted to make some reference toward them. The attempt at obtaining some kind of intelligent purpose of “being” behind them is usually short as not much is known about what group souls are. It seems that no one really wishes to discuss the matter in detail in fear of being contradicted by the more experienced occultists. Even on the internet’s public debate forums group souls never come into the basis of conversation. There are certain subjects people are prepared to discuss and there are some subjects they choose to shy away from. The deeper the subject concerns the occult wisdom, the more they shy away, mainly as they lack a proper foundation of knowledge where from they can draw their basis of discussion. From out of 100 participants you might find 3 that know and 97 that think they know, or at least pretend they know, and always attempt to brush the subject away with non intelligent responses.
Today there exist two fundamental divisions between esoteric spiritual groups: one that deals directly through personal “supernatural” experience, the other deals with the concepts of the “mind”, which is the new age way of explaining occult experience, mainly as they lack a solid foundation of experience where upon they can judge the nature of such experience. The new age adherents, drawing the knowledge from the esoteric, have formulated a set doctrine which becomes their bible of teaching, yet lack any personal experience whereby to endorse this teaching. Because personal experience of a supernatural nature has been eradicated and directed rather to the concepts of “mind”, is the reason we see so many new age gurus materializing out of thin air. Today it is regarded as a new fad, an individualisation away from conventionality.
We try not to be judgemental of the masses trying to turn away from conventionalism toward individualism which cannot help but stimulate egotism, which becomes the fire spitting dragon upon the path, which, if not slain, will eventually lead us into very uncomfortable situations resulting from the violation of spiritual laws. With all of us, the spirit within is succumbed by the lower frequency at birth which induces a sleep like state, or spiritual numbness, which, during our growing years may be deliberately stimulated to spur action within, to gradually awaken that what sleeps. When this occurs, and is occurring to many today, there is an increase of the lower frequency, and this increase causes confusion, and often inner conflict if not understood. It is this slight stimulation of the spirit within that compels us to seek out the higher aspects of life. What we gravitate toward is often dependent upon what is available at the time, and should there be too many choices, the more confusing this awakening becomes. Hence, today, we have so many people running around like headless chickens.
During the awakening is the time where spiritual evolution is the most important. The evolution factor of previous attainment will be the “intelligence source” which will guide you toward what you had previously attained. This is an automatic propulsion of karmic influences from which there is no escape. During this propulsion toward your spiritual attainment, other karmic influences are at play also, and these mainly come as a deterrent, a distraction, to lure you away from that attainment, as not your entire previous life was focused upon spiritual attainment. In this way we have our spiritual ghosts from the past as well as our physical ghosts battling with our physical senses, each trying to influence you upon a particular path of direction. Naturally, because your next in-between experience and your next incarnation will be reflected within the light of this present experience, we should always ensure that the spiritual ghosts from our past are the dominant forces that determine our direction.
A proper understanding of “group souls” can only come through the attainment of the higher spiritual intelligence gained through personal growth. To convey the idea upon three dimensional aspects of logic is very difficult as the human brain which interprets ideas cannot perceive accurately enough that what lies beyond the 3rd to the 6th, 7th or 8th dimension, or wherever a particular group soul may have its base of spiritual foundation.
The best way to understand the concept of “group souls” within a physical perspective is to visualise the physical structure of the DNA Strand. In our case, each element within the strand represents one particular group soul. As you can see, by studying the strand, each element is linked and thereby connected to another element within the strand. Each element is comprised by certain nutrients which distinguishes its purpose and place within the strand.
Viewed within the spiritual perspective each nutrient within the element is an individual spiritual personality: the number of personalities within each element is dependant upon individual attainment and spiritual evolution, so the numbers in each vary accordingly. Each element, or group soul, vibrates at a particular frequency, the higher the element within the strand, the higher is that particular element’s frequency within the scheme of things.
Spiritual evolution is best understood by realizing that each nutrient, or spirit within a particular element, or group soul, is endeavouring to evolve to the element or group above it. The spirits in one group, themselves driven by determination to evolve to the group above it, at the same time are determined to assist other spirits within the group directly below it. It is a constant exchange of influence.
It is from group souls where the idea of “soul mates” or “twin flames” have originated from. There is not just one with whom you are closely connected and in harmony with, but with all within the group. Unfortunately for the soul mate concept, it is not often when two spirits from the same group incarnate as physical partners within a relationship. There would be no purpose in such an incarnation. But we do have spirits incarnating as lovers from other connecting groups, and if the connection between the groups is close in frequency, then it is easy to have a mistaken believe that that person is one’s soul mate.
The higher one sits upon the spiritual strand the less this one has toward physical perspectives. This incarnating spirit usually incarnates with the knowledge and wisdom attained by the group intact and governs his or her life around that understanding. Each incarnating spirit has a pre-planned set of objectives for which they will thrive, and these objectives are dependant upon the individual’s stage of evolution, or where they are located within the strand.
The preordained destiny of most individuals is focused around the resolution of past karmic links. Most of these links were created by conflicts with others, material possessiveness and lustful desires spurred on by the physical senses. Until these karmic links are eradicated there is no room in their preordained destiny for much of anything else, especially not the attaining of the higher spiritual aspirations. Their source of inspiration is usually directed from their particular group soul, which is also of the lower frequency. The influence of the group above that in most cases can’t penetrate the density of their physical structure, which usually results with the incarnation of someone from that group into their physical experience to act as the higher influence. Because of their evolutionary status, they are usually influenced by the conventional forms of Christianity.

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