Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Does the Universe listen?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 12:32am

Originally posted in discussion on Facebook.....
I decided to post this to my note section as there are others, not particularly on Facebook, who read my stuff to further aid their own development. I find your mention of the universe warrants more than a one liner.

To further your comments on the universe, and how the universe tends to listen to our requests and, if in agreement with the Higher Forces, does accommodate the things we ask for. I find that the term 'Universe' is a little impersonal and rather contrary in developing a Father Son relationship as Jesus prescribed. But it doesn't matter as the Father has a sense of humour. It is part of the Divine Teaching that, if thou desire a thing, live as though you already have it, and it shall be granted onto you. This also conforms to the teaching of the 1st century Christians. Naturally, most requests are considered by our Guardian Angel and, should the request be contrary to our journey, will block the request from eventuating. Well, that's why they are called guardian angels. These super brains, or know it alls, can see things a little bit different than we do. Jesus further suggests that it can be beneficial to be persistent in your requests, even to the point of annoyance and, even should you not deserve the things for which you ask, this may be granted to you just to shut you up. They are so considerate. The best time to be a pain in the arse is at midnight, so Jesus claims. I personally have only prescribed to this method of workable 'wishful thinking' on a small scale, but enough to realize that it does work.

My real experience with the power of the universe is through the spirit of emotion. Also very difficult as you cannot fake emotion. But if the emotion connects with universal force, then that is a recipe for miracles. This is how it works for me:

Years ago, whilst visiting one of my sisters, my brother and his wife suddenly turned up unexpectedly. They were very distressed as two of their small daughters had eaten poisonous mushrooms and were practically unconscious in the back of the car. They only stopped to drop another child off whilst in the process of rushing to the hospital. The entire episode moved me deeply, and I don't often move deeply, and once they had left I quietly walked out into the backyard. It was a dark and moonless night and the sky above was brilliant. I felt deep anger rush through me and I looked angrily at the stars and yelled loudly - in a psychic loudness - don't let this happen! Suddenly the brightly lit canopy above me started to spin, to the point where I thought I was going to pass out, all the time realizing that I was commanding God, with the sensation that he can strike me with a lightening bolt, ignore me, or grant my request. When the spinning stopped I ventured back inside and made a coffee.

Twenty minutes later my brother and his wife reappeared. They were as pale as ghosts and very excited. Their daughters were alright. They told me that at 9 pm sharp, whilst the doctor and nurses were rushing to attempt pumping out their stomachs, both girls at the same time suddenly came into consciousness and began playing in their cots. Everyone was mystified at their sudden recovery after lingering on the boarders of death. The hospital staff decided no medical treatment was necessary but kept the children in hospital overnight. 9 pm, exactly, is when I commanded the universe to act. To this day I have never mentioned this to those involved. It remained my little secret.

So you are right. The universe, or God, or the great Spirit, does listen and act. From that day on I took a bit of an interest in the power of emotion. And I was granted enough emotional experiences to put my learning into motion. Even one's own spirit force, if the emotion is stimulated enough, can have miraculous results, especially during the practice of spiritual healing. There is only one obstacle - the emotional thought of the person to whom the healing is sent. They, unknowingly, can become their own worst enemy. One of the ancient gods once said, and how true it is:

"Love me, so that I can love thee - for if thou lovest me not, my love can in no way reach thee."

Through experience I made this one of my favourite sayings.

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