As received through email….
Hi Jewels,
A beautiful post - thanks

On 31 July 2010 02:23, Jewels Ascend <> wrote:
This is another one from off my personal group but one I got a long time ago, so I thought I would forward it as well, I have lots of info on this topic that I have gotten over the years since my awakening to being Pleiadian...
Thought I would share these here to help those understand that Starseeds are very different and do not fit in well on Earth, nor are they understood, but their missions are very important nevertheless. If you are one, you are not alone in feeling misunderstood, out of place, an outcast etc and in many ways through your speaking you are taken out of context quite often, but still, the person who reads or hears what you say physically may not understand it but their spirit self does !! and really that is all that matters.
Thought I would share these here to help those understand that Starseeds are very different and do not fit in well on Earth, nor are they understood, but their missions are very important nevertheless. If you are one, you are not alone in feeling misunderstood, out of place, an outcast etc and in many ways through your speaking you are taken out of context quite often, but still, the person who reads or hears what you say physically may not understand it but their spirit self does !! and really that is all that matters.
Most starseeds have problems with expressing human words due to them feeling not of this world. Very very common, but they also can have tragic lives as well during their amnesia stage before awakening. Its not uncommon for them to go down some strange biways and paths. Some turn to drugs and alcohol or are suicidal due to the feeling of not belonging here, or for their longing to go home... Others when awakened to who their divine selves are end up getting attacked by dark for they were hoping they would stay in amnesia mode to try to thwart the awakened ones mission.
I would like to mention Sannie as an example of how speech is varied between starseeds. She is a VERY well known Grey Human Hybrid here on earth and I have spoken with her many times, she and I were on a starchild group together for years until MSN stopped allowing groups. Many known researchers know about her too. She too told of stories of the Reptilians and her people being put into slavery. I mention this because it goes along with my post the other day that I wrote concerning dark and the Annunaki because many of us remember these things. I know hundreds of people who had the pleasure of knowing her on the web, I think she is offline now due to being attacked so much. This is what I call a real shame. ,,, Her language is often broken as she writes sentences, a sign of a true empath often, and so folks got all over her for it and for daring to talk about her memories with the Reptilians when off world. I guess I bring this up to help clarify the why's of speech and presentation. Many came to know Sannie and loved her and knew she was the authentic deal, but nevertheless she did make those that are English majors antsy, nervous and with anxiety for her sentence structure is off as well but I think mostly it was due to them not ready to hear the truth... Very usual too for starseeds to have issues with language even though many are genius but seem not to be, but yet are. ..
Most often editing programs such as MS are not used only because they wish to keep the writing in pure form and untainted. When we do autowriting, many of us are encouraged to not edit but to keep it as Spirit gave. And when the knowledge comes to us through a coupling of our own experience merged with SPIRIT or your Angelic Guides, they have us often keep it as it is. Those that are spiritually attuned or who take the time to read it usually can read between the lines on those occasions and the Spirit takes over during the reading of it..
Sannie still managed to write a book and of course it was edited. This book was about herself and her people and how life as being a starseed in this 3D world is a literal hell in many ways. Facinating book for other starseeds to read, not neccessarily for those that are not because of the issues I mentioned above and how most of all they write to find one another for comfort. I need to go fetch the title to forward it in here. I hope I can find it in my posts. I know stories from her that she has shared about things that have taken place at camp sites when groups of people went for outings together which defy explanation. She looks Grey human too. You can tell even by looking at her. She went through a lot in her life here on Earth. This is very common, she is a credible starseed.. I nearly died over and over as a child myself and I have met many others that go through the same thing. This too is common before angelic experiences open up to a person who is one. It is a sort of clicking on that takes place, the traumatic event can be an accident, illness, or other trauma, usually a life and death one and it is also the catalyst that set off many gifts and abilities.
Most often people do not understand starseeds, hence they seek each other out instead of presenting info to the world, and that is why nobody should bother reading up on them if there is a bias to have things presented as the world would wish to hear it.
Starseeds are very unique,. Individualism reigns. We still incarnate to human form here and are influenced by many things including family, friends, education, experience. When they are called to write it is through great hardship often, that they are aware of but do so for Creator and their mission. Most of all they write to find other souls like themselves; to comfort those of their own kind, and so hopefully while doing that they can effect the few normal ones of the world, or mainstreamers who are less prejudice and opened to hear. They usually pretty much distance themselves from society to do light work unless they are prompted by the Angelic hosts to use them as a messenger, like Jordan Maxswell, Myself, Anna Hayes, Sannie, etc, and so of course when they do speak that opens them up to criticism..
Anna Hayes is another Starseed and brilliant... She too has been said to be hard to understand but it is her own personal style and I frankly don't have a problem with understanding her at all, she gets into physics a little but she is very otherworldy in speech and many do not understand her that are not ready to. ALL STARSEEDS ARE VERY DEEP SOULS.
Anyway, Anna is a speaker as well. I too am a speaker. Dark doesn't care for us too much but we still press forward. The absolute best way to understand a Starseed is to meet them for you know through their eyes and can feel them to yourself and communication is a little bit easier. Many are simple in speech as the Angels are.. There are many missions to starseeds, some are the artists who can tanscend communication through the artwork, yet cannot speak so good, while others are the quiet scientist, and yet again others are indigo's who reveal the system for what it is, hence system busters.. (different then the Crystals ones who are the preparers for the new world)
Anyway, this starseed post below is a good post I feel and so I sent it in here as well.
"Star-Seeds" describe specially selected and evolved souls from another planet, star system, galaxy or dimensional plane... whose specific mission is to act as a bridge between The Great White Brotherhood/Galactic Federation/Spiritual-Angelic Hierarchies and those souls who have lost their connection to their Higher Selves and their divine purpose. Star-Seeds bring with them the skills necessary to help assist and catalyze a global shift in consciousness, eventually bringing on a new golden age.
Because their task is the most difficult one to perform in a very dense dimension such as ours, Star-Seeds were hand-picked. Many beings who volunteered to do such work did so at the risk of forgetting who they are and losing connection with their Higher Selves. Unfortunately - after dwelling upon this or another planet for any length of time - just this thing has happened... too many times.
Star-Seeds usually incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose (just as the natives whose planet they are visiting) in order to acclimatize to and empathize with earth conditions and her peoples. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, allowing Star-Seeds to take up their missions. Their connection to their Higher Self is also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.
Throughout the entire history of human habitation of this planet, there have been numerous cycles of dark and light ages (called "Yugas"). In each "Age", Star-Seeds were sent here in waves (emigrating to this planet) being called upon to awaken/activate/recover/restore/salvage the previously lost wave. Many of these Star-Seed souls (who arrived in previous Yugas) failed in their missions and found themselves likewise trapped, seduced by the intoxicating, materialistic illusions found upon this planet... sinking deeper and deeper into a negative karmic spiral, many never to recover even to this day.
Although Star-Seeds from this most current wave make up a very small percentage of Earth's population, their mission is great and varied. Once their own awakening is accomplished, Star-Seeds can begin to help awaken and quicken other Earth bound Star-Seed souls to their original divine mission (which they have long ago given up on and forgotten). If that mission is not recoverable or is outdated, these souls are taken through new training (usually in the etheric mystery schools off planet) to be prepared to take up a new mission.
The Star-Seeds Quest for Purpose
"What is the deeper purpose for our existence?"
We have all spent so much time and energy trying not to be here - to get to somewhere else and AVOID SUFFERING at All Costs!
Contrary to what everyone is constantly striving to do - which is to be "distracted" or ESCAPE from REALITY as often and as quickly as possible - the goal of spiritual work is to clear the way for your spirit self to FULLY INCARNATE here on this physical earth plane. As a Star-Seed, this is one of your primary goals. Once you have accomplished this basic task, then may you (finally) complete the work that you came here for in the first place.
In addition to receiving the spiritual healings, one must re-adopt the Spiritual Warriors’ “Attitude”, which is to meet every moment of life directly and fearlessly, greeting ALL of life's' experiences as sacred learning opportunities.
The Star-Seed Trans-Mission
"The Sleeper Must Awake!"
A Test
· Do you feel that you are not of this earth, not fitting in or belonging?
· Do you feel that people do not know or understand who you really are, or that they would think you crazy if you told them what you have experienced, felt, sensed, know or believe to be true?
· Do you have a sense of having lived other lives before or even concurrently?
· Are you fascinated with science fiction,fantasy, and extra-terrestrial phenomena?
· Do you feel that you are special, unique or unconventional?
· Are you struggling to discover or manifest a greater purpose in life?
· Are you a dreamer, a visionary, spiritualistic, idealistic, psychic, empathic or artistic?
· Have you had unusual, non-linear, non-rational spiritual or psychic experiences that are incongruous with the "normal" reality of the material world?
· Are you acutely sensitive and affected by the conditions of people and things happening around you?
· Do you care very deeply - whole-heartedly for the fate of this planet and the human race?
· Are you willing to sacrifice all that you have for a cause you believe in?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you are most likely:
A Star-Seeded Soul
A Multi-Dimensional Emissary from The Great White Brotherhood
(Galactic Federation of Light - Space Command)
Or An incarnated Angel in disguise from The Angelic Hierarchy.
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