Saturday, December 18, 2010

Earthly Deception

I cannot understand how the occult teaching can be in harmony, or reflect anything about Christianity, who solely base their faith on Biblical teaching which they maintain to be the word of God.  They deem that anything outside this faith is doomed for destruction.

I would deem this as simple arrogance.  We must remember what is written, simply, that the whole world is deceived.  I suppose they exempt themselves from this calculation?  Either that or the writer of Revelation is a liar.  You can't have it both ways.  If there is, in the Bible that they claim to be wholly inspired by God, as much as one misconception, or even an honest mistake, then it can surely not be the infallible word of God.  For error itself does not exist within God.

Truth be known, we have been deliberately deceived and misled for thousands of years.  The devil, if I may call him such, plans thousands of years in advance.  We can trace the original "lie", or "deception", even back to the time of Abraham.  Jesus eludes to this when he rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for possessing the keys to the heavens and, they having no desire to enter, prevent others from entering.  So, unless Jesus was a liar, which he wasn't, we should pay very special heed to this and consider the consequences very carefully. 

Let me state also, if that of which I speak is in conflict with the various Christian denominations, then so let it be, but I am certainly not in conflict with any of the teachings of the then incarnated Christ.  And further, neither of these denominations can make no spiritual claim of possessing accurate divine knowledge, as this knowledge was not forwarded to them.  Accurate knowledge was only given to the disciples, and in secret, as it was granted to them to receive such knowledge from above, but to all others, it was to come in the way of allurements and parables. 

It is reasonable to assume, where higher divine wisdom was concerned, Jesus referred to this wisdom in parables, and, having explained these parables to his disciples in secret, and only to his disciples, what makes us think that the disciples would act differently when discussing this wisdom with the uninitiated?  By Higher Providence, the general populace could only be given parables, "for they have ears to hear but cannot hear.  For if they did they would turn back to me and I would heal them."  The disciples had absolutely no right to work contrary to that decrement.

There is more evidence of this when we recollect the words spoken by Jesus to Nicodemus, when he said: we speak of the things we have seen and we have heard, and yet you won't believe our testimonies.  If you will not believe the things we tell you pertaining to earth, how much more will you disbelieve should we tell you about things pertaining to heaven?  In other words, we tell you nothing of heaven.  People pay very little significance to this discussion with Nicodemus though it is of fundamental value.

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