Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Red Probe

During the week of the UFO activity we observed the craft coming from different directions but all converge in the direction of State Forest and Pine Tree plantations. We did, out of curiosity, drive along the dirt roads winding through the forest but found no evidence that any of the craft had actually landed. But that was to change a day or so after.

It was already dark. Three of us were outside by the car, the best vantage point, free from the tall pines that bordered my property, being able to look up the highway in both directions. While looking up the highway, west towards Ballarat, I suddenly caught sight of a seemingly small red glowing object slowly crossing the highway. It came from near the rear of the house, a paddocked area. It wasn't flying very high, about half the height of the reasonably tall Gum trees on the other side of the highway. The glowing object slowly and carefully was maneuvering between the trees and disappeared into the forest.

My immediate reaction was quick and, after pushing the others into the car, I set off in pursuit of the object. I don't know why but I knew that the object was a probe and that it was returning to the craft that had sent it out. My intention was to out maneuver it, or head it off at the pass, so to speak, and I knew the roads and bush tracks like the back of my own hand. I knew, considering the slow speed of the object, a bit of speed on my part I would most probably intercept it.

Well, I didn't catch sight of that probe again. Instead, I stumbled onto something else. The actual craft itself. And I tell you, my adrenaline was pumping pretty fiercely at that stage. I spotted the craft as I was tearing around a bend sending gravel flying in all directions. It was situated down a small embankment, say 30 yards away. In the darkness i could not make out its shape but naturally it was black and had dim lights leaving several windows. I can't recall now whether they were round or square.

Fearless that I am, after about 30 seconds evaluating the craft, I jumped out of the car to go down and introduce myself. Duhh :-) I asked the other two with me to come down with me, unfortunately, they were petrified and refused to leave the car. Fine, its up to me to take the glory. As I made my way down the slight embankment, as perhaps like a lost species of Homo Erectus would, or Silver Back straight out of Africa, I must have scared the visitors as I suddenly felt a force that froze me to the spot with a very, very strong impression in my head, "Don't come down!" The force freed me and without any further hesitation turned on my heels and clambered back up the embankment, sending a thought force back in their direction, "Well, if that's the way you feel about it." I didn't hang around and drove away, slightly disappointed.

About a week after the UFO Flap ended in my area both Geelong and Melton, about 90 or so Ks away experienced a week long UFO Flap. Unlike mine, theirs was lit up like Christmas trees and made all the major news channels. In Melton, they were even chased by police cars. I could not help but wonder whether what I had been witnessing was a preparation for the show to come. One thing for sure, they were not in the mood to abduct anyone, where I was concerned. Bad luck, they missed the opportunity in abducting a good specimen.

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