Friday, August 13, 2010

The Atlantis Egypt Connection

One of the most mysterious fellows in Biblical history is the patriarch Abraham who was to become the father of the Hebrew nation. Once again we have to resort to the writings of Moses to gain any kind of insight into his character, who he was, and where he came from. Once again we need to rely on the accuracy of Moses' writing, and that is somewhat doubtful to his cryptic style.
Also we need to question, and quite seriously, the purity, the uncorrupted text that has come down to us over these many thousands of years. Since the days of Moses many different kings have sat upon the throne in the House of Judah, many High Priests of the House of Levi had in possession these ancient writings, many political upheavals have since scourged both houses, and as history relates, most of these were very undesirable individuals, either one having the means to change, add or subtract from these writings. They were the power supreme.

According to Moses, Abraham, or Abram as he was known then, lived in the Chaldean city called Ur, a then thriving metropolis. It is recorded that at the time of his calling, Abraham was 75 years old, and although married to Sarah, or Sarai as she was known then, had never been able to produce children through her. Now, according to Moses, Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah through Shem and was born 352 years after the 'Flood' which brings us to a date of 2018 BC. As we have before stated that Moses had an exaggeration for ages (obviously necessary to fit his genealogical dating), where Abraham's father alone lived to a ripe old age of 205. Unfortunately for Moses, archaeologists have museums full of mummies dating from that period, with most being lucky to have reached 50 years of age. According to Biblical dating, once Abraham's father reached his 205th year, it would have been 2,083 years since Adam's 'formation'.

It is obvious when Moses is writing about Abraham he is referring back to a most ancient period of time. That period would be that distant and obscure that it is inconceivable for us to accept blindly that he would have had accurate knowledge of this ancient era. In all respects, due to the passage of time involved, he would have been writing of a mythological era. The memory of the three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would have been distorted, if not entirely lost, during the 400 hundred years that the Hebrews dwelt in Egypt. If knowledge of the three patriarchs had indeed survived and passed down from family to family it would have been by word of mouth. There would have existed no written records concerning them and their mysterious god. Although Biblical scholars point out that because the Tetragrammaton is referred to that era within Moses' writing, they naturally assume that the name Jehwah Elohim was given to the patriarchs and had already been known as such in ancient Ur. This assumption is absurd. The name could not have originated any earlier than with Moses himself. The Hebrews being merged within Egyptian society had no personal god except those had by the Egyptians themselves. When Moses encountered God on the mountain he was given no name. Although he continuously requested "by who shall I say sent me", the answer he received was always, "I am what I am", and only later he was told, "I am the god of your forefathers, the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."

If we are to understand that Moses, while referring to an ancient past, which to him would undoubtedly have been aspects of mythology, then for the sake of this mythology, there is no better place to place him than in Egypt itself, an empire steeped in mythology. The start of his mythology began with the "Flood" of catastrophic consequences. But this is very Egyptian thinking. The Egyptians themselves claim a heritage from a very ancient culture which met its end by a catastrophic event – the sinking of Atlantis. Moses, being highly educated in Egyptian learning, as well as his mastership within the Egyptian Mysteries, would have been very well aware of the Atlantis story, and would most definitely have been a firm believer in it. So why not, whilst in the wilderness with unbelievers, why not use the story of Atlantis, but with slight variations? He introduced many other Egyptian concepts into his new religion, the sole god concept, for one, so why not a story similar to Atlantis?

Most scientists and archeologists alike are in agreement with one another that the last known Ice Age occurred between 15,000 to 10,000 years ago. Why this came about no one really knows and all that is known is that something very catastrophic had occurred during that period of the earth's history. One of the most popular theories is that the earth was struck by a asteroid which had caused global devastation. The story of the Flood is not a unique Biblical story as similar versions exist within other cultures, virtual duplicates to Noah's Flood, only names and characters have been changed. Due to the lack of archeological evidence that a devastating flood, as described by Moses, having occurred within his time line to Noah, we have moved this assumed time to sit harmoniously with the period that we know for certain, and which can only be during the time of the last Ice Age.

We know through the writings of Plato that a vast superior civilization had existed long before Egypt came to prominence, but which, (reasons are still being debated) met its doom around 10,000 years ago. The story of Atlantis, and its apparent down fall, was related to Homer by an old Egyptian priest who claimed direct descent from Atlantis. By the scholarly circles Plato's account of the story is mainly viewed as mythology. This is despite the discovery of ancient Troy which, also told by Plato, was also regarded as his mythology. The ancient city of Troy was discovered by an armature German archaeologist simply by believing in Plato and following his instructions on where to find it. The treasures discovered during the excavation have yet not been equalled. So if Plato's story of Troy, once regarded as mythical, has been revealed as having actually existed, why shouldn't his story of Atlantis not also be true? It is this very archaeologist, after having discovered Troy, set out in search of Atlantis which, after a period of absence, he had claimed to have found Plato's Atlantis, and which he would reveal to the world, but before he could make this world shattering revelation, he mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again.

The mysterious disappearance of this archaeologist is hardly ever spoken about and not very commonly known. Those that do know about it have suggested a conspiracy behind the disappearance, though this is not taken seriously and shrugged away within scholarly circles. Although the truth of the matter is open for conjecture and speculation – the conspiracy factor itself may carry more weight than many are prepared to admit. To evaluate the conspiracy probability we should consider the consequences should Atlantis ever be taken from out of the realm of mythology and placed directly into the realm of proven fact. Many may not wish to believe that there are powers at hand who, due to their vested interests, would find it of fundamental importance to keep Atlantis exactly where it is – in the realm of mythology.

To understand this better, let us consider the archaeological and historical circles at hand who have already painstakingly drawn out history and its important events, and who have built egos and reputations around their theories. Do you really believe that these experts are prepared to be discredited? Allow the thousands of scholarly novels to be removed from the great library shelves so that history can be rewritten? But these experts are the least of our concerns. There is the Christian Church to be considered and its many millions of loyal worshippers. How would Atlantis fit into their origin of things? This applies not only to the Christian faith, but to all the great religions. How could they possible explain the prior existence of a vastly intelligent and spiritually evolved civilization? When we consider all the devastating repercussions which may result through the discovery of Atlantis then, yes, there may well be grounds to suspect a conspiracy.

But Atlantis was not the only great civilization that existed around 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, and it's not only Plato's writing that we need to content with – for the Indian Vedic writings also refer to prior vast civilizations that were at war with one another. They relate to a war so devastating that no civilization was left unscathed. These writings are vastly ignored by experts because of the weaponry they describe, their destructive potential and the flying ships that housed them. Naturally, to even consider such an event, such forces deployed, would be highly unethical for experts to seriously question such a possibility.

If the Vedic literature stood solely alone with such revelations then we could perhaps conceit to it being the work of an over imaginative writer. But they do not stand alone. Atlantis also possessed such air ships. Also they are found in hieroglyphical drawings pertaining to various other cultures.

The below picture is from a set of hieroglyphs found within an Egyptian temple some kilometres from Abydos. The hieroglyphs depict very modern looking airplanes which have to date not been fully explained. Did the ancient Egyptians possess such craft or were they simply depicting the images from the future? The depictions of helicopters and aeroplanes are too strikingly similar to our own modern airships which has caused many to suggest that they had seen them within a future vision, rather than depicting objects which they themselves possessed. Because of these similarities we also have a tendency to gravitate in the direction of the 'future vision' theory.

Naturally, at the best of times, this hieroglyph is ignored by so called experts. It seems that experts shrug away whenever faced with the unexplainable as if such discussion may result in the humbling of their often overrated expert opinions. It is erroneous for us to assume that we have deciphered history accurately, and to allow those assumptions to form the foundation of our understanding, not only understanding who we are as a people, but also from the people from whom we trace our ancestry. We should never assume that our ancestors were primitives and ignorant of the world around them when all ancient manuscripts, as well as the monuments they have left along the way, show the direct opposite.

The Old Testament itself speaks of too many unexplainable events that had occurred in its ancient days, a time that lays way beyond our conception. The inter-breeding between the "sons of God with the daughters of men", Enoch's mysterious flight through the heaven's, from Elijah's "Chariots of Fire" to "Ezekiel's Wheel", are just some of these unexplained occurrences. We have Daniel's mysterious "Watchers" and the "Pillar of Fire" in Moses' wilderness, to the "Mount of Transfiguration" as late as in Jesus' days.

Despite dreams aspiring the dreamer to reach for higher spiritual worlds, we have the constant interaction between higher advanced civilizations influencing those who have not yet attained that advancement. That previous civilizations had had contact with extraterrestrial beings, due to the evidences available, can hardly be disputed….all we need do is recognize it and explore the reason of why.

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