Thursday, July 29, 2010

UFO Flap - Black Triangles

It was just before nightfall. I had left the house and was doing things around the car that was parked outside the main gate to the driveway. I at this time was living in a small town just outside of Daylesford in central Victoria, Australia. Something made me look up into the sky in a northerly direction. I noticed a flying object, about the size of a small conventional plane heading in my direction. I immediately knew this was not a conventional plane, but something weird. The area in which I lived covered no particular flight path and it was rare to see planes flying overhead. Realizing I was onto something unusual here, I retrieved the binoculars from the boot of the car and focused it on the object. I was pretty quick as the object was already practically flying directly overhead. The speed was not fast and its altitude was approximately 50 feet or so above the tree tops, low enough that the binoculars were hardly needed. The object was black and triangular. The object made absolutely no noise what so ever. Once having passed overhead it slightly curved and changed direction, heading toward a pine tree plantation several kilometers away.

Exited about having seen a UFO I called others from within the house to come outside. Gathered around my car we didn’t have to wait long when we spotted another triangular craft approaching slowly from the same direction as did the first. Daylight by now was quickly failing but still light enough to distinguish features. While our eyes were peeled on the approaching craft we were more surprised to observe a second craft approaching low from the west, and then another from the south. All slowly flew in the direction of the pine tree plantation. Neither of the craft made any noise. The evening was deadly silent.

A peculiar thing about this sighting was: my house was located just off from a reasonably busy highway, yet none of the traffic seemed to be aware of the craft overhead. Not a single car pulled over to the side of the road for a better look. Sure, unless you looked up, due to the stillness, you would not have been aware of anything flying overhead. But I would have assumed that at least one person passing in a car would have spotted at least one craft.

I can now not remember whether I noticed any writings or symbols. The flap would last for about 3 hours per night, and we observed them for at least a week. We never again saw approaching groups of three, but at least one every twenty minutes or so. During the darkness there were at least four navigation lights, white, blue, red and green flashing on and off, two on the front of each wing. I don’t remember seeing any windows or portholes.

There was one observation that took my interest: one craft slowly approaching suddenly stopped mid air. Hover, if you could call it that. It remained just motionless. The increasing humming sound of an approaching plane soon made me realize why the object became motionless. The object stopped there to watch the plane. Once the small plane had passed the object moved away.

The invitation to a skeptic

This occurred during what was to be the last night of the UFO Flap. During the week we were discussing the appearance of UFO with several townspeople, and one shop keeper, somewhat to our surprise, had also been watching the UFO activity during the several nights. Others that we were talking to were not aware of what was taking place in our night skies.

Somehow we managed to get drawn into conversing the subject with an entire skeptic whose sole belief was that half a pound of bacon makes a damn good soup and his vision didn't go much further than that. Considering the events of the last week we were quite certain to invite him down to witness the activities and, without any doubt, make a firm believer out of him. It was going to be a long and drawn out night with the real possibility of him going home empty handed and us being made to look like fools.

Activity had practically diminished to nothing. Nothing was happening. Close to 1 am, with the night getting nippy, and rather feeling foolish for being out there for hours, we decided to call it a night, with our skeptic friend confirming his disbelief in such nonsense. But then suddenly…it flew ever so silently over our heads. It turned out to be the best sighting yet. This black triangular thing was huge. Much lower than all the previous, and it seemed as though we could practically reach out and touch it. Also, unlike the other smaller craft, this monster was lit up like a Christmas tree with white lights covering its underbelly. Quietly it disappeared out of sight. For several minutes we stood in the silence awestruck.

The skeptic went home that night a believer.

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