Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Late Night visit by Pope John Paul II

Well he's not Pope anymore but obviously still engaged in spiritual work serving the Higher Light Kingdom.

But previously you spoke negatively of him.  Why the change of heart now?

Well, because of his visitation.  I thought negatively of him, yes, mainly because of the suppression of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, as, logically, he as Pope would have had something to do with it, or at least know of the conspiracy and the suspected fate of the real Lucy of Fatima.  We have already spoken of the two Lucy's, one an obvious imposter, an on going argument conducted by the traditional Catholics who have separated from the Catholic Church at the introduction of Vatican 2.  Just type in Lucy in the blog search to review what has been said.

So tell me about this visitation.  What happened and when?

It was on the night of his Beautification.  Some time after midnight.  Midnight itself is a mystical hour, even referred to in the Old and New Testaments.  My partner wasn't feeling so fantastic and she came and laid with me on my bed.  She had a few drinks and, somewhat emotionally, kept saying she wanted John Paul II to come and bless her while she slept.  She kept repeating it in a trance like whisper.  Thinking that this was a one in a million chance of happening I told her to rather invoke padre Pio who has on several occasions came to her assistance.  I trust you do understand the invoking of saints?

Yes, of course, I was raised Catholic.  Personally I don't practice the tradition.  Perhaps it's simply a lack of faith.

More than likely - a lack of faith.  Anyway, while she was invoking John Paul II we heard loud footsteps entering through the bedroom door.  You know John Paul was a tall solid man.  I then noticed his apparition at the foot of the bed.  He reached over and touched our feet, this action sending all manner of sensation traverse along the physical body.  He was only there for no more than a minute and his presence vanished.  He came again briefly while we were having a coffee in the kitchen discussing the occurrence.  Again his presence only lasted for a minute.  What he had bestowed upon us was not an act of healing, but rather a blessing.  Don't be surprised to hear many people soon coming forward claiming that John Paul II has interceded on their behalf.

That must have been a really beautiful experience?

Well, actually, she was very scared knowing there was a powerful presence in the room, and that this presence might materialize.  There have been many presences in her life but none of them actually materialized.  Which, of course, they can do.  Which is something she is afraid of.  She could not see the apparition, nor judge whether it's from Light or Darkness.  So I had to reassure her.

I can imagine the scary aspect behind it.  I once thought I felt the presence of a spirit and it freaked me out, sending cold shivers up my spine.  Especially when it's dark and you're alone in the room, as I was.

Yes, there is always a fear element behind it.  Anxiety and apprehension of the unknown.  Quite understandable.  John Paul II is a powerful spirit.  If you watched his funeral you may have noticed the strong wind surrounding his coffin.  That was psychic wind.  He would have had to reduce his spiritual frequency quite significantly to enter our room, still the air was electrified on his entrance.  The higher spirits always give a warning before they make an appearance, hence the heavy footsteps, to attract our attention, to prepare for the visitation.  These visitations always occur when you least expect them.

So, if he's not an Anti Pope how do you explain his part in the Lucy controversy?

We have already spoken of the Black Brotherhood which forms the inner circle of the Church.  It is highly possible that this circle acted secretly without the Pope being aware of what was happening.  Many of the Cardinals within Vatican are either part of this circle of darkness; those that aren't would be most certainly influenced, or even pressured by this circle.  The Pope himself may only have learned of this Lucy switch, and perhaps her sinister elimination, some time after the deed had been done.  He could only have continued this battle from within Vatican for most certainly he could not reveal the truth to the world.  Regardless of the demons he would need to fight within Vatican, such a fight could only be carried on in secret, behind closed doors, for the sake of the Church to remain intact.  Such a revelation to the faithful would have created irreparable damage.

To me, anyway, his name is cleared.

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