There are many things I don't understand. For instance, how does the Inner Circle, whether it’s the dark brotherhood or the brotherhood of light, manage to maintain their power throughout the centuries?
This is where reincarnation comes into it. You realize that this planet is ruled by only a few families of extreme wealth? You can call these the Puppet Masters who control everything from behind the scenes. For instance, its not the Pope or the president of America who either runs the Church or the country, but the Puppet Masters who sit and rule with their finical wealth. All countries, including the Church, are indebted to this financial institution. Whoever controls the money, controls the economy and the country. The government of a country, for instance, consistently needs to borrow from this financial institution to save it from bankruptcy, and thereby are always indebted to this institution. The president, for instance, in order to achieve his election promises, relies on the financial support of this financial institution. They will not grant this financial assistance unless their criteria and expectations are adhered to.
These families have diversified themselves through many channels of power, for instance, the World Bank, the majority of other world banks, the media, all major retail chains, and the list goes on. They are in control of all major avenues of power. They deceive us through the media and manipulate inflation and the stock markets. In all respects, they have enslaved us. This is not mere fantasy but fact.
Throughout the centuries they have been accused of being connected with the Freemasons, the Illuminati, etc. This is true and they always sit on the high chairs of authority from where they control and influence. The directive of this influence is always to serve their objectives and interests and never that of the people or common good. They are, in word and deed, the vampires within society.
Through the act of sacrifice to the powers of darkness, whether it be human sacrifice or otherwise, and knowing the ancient laws of this, they are reborn into the various bloodlines of these families and thereby these bloodlines are never broken. These people have no desire of heavenly existence for the demons of power and rulership have entrapped them within this lust.
But they also die from this world and return to spirit?
They certainly do. Not even the demons that they serve and work in conjunction with cannot give them physical immortality. After death they return to a realm of spirit that vibrates to their personal frequency. These places are found only on the lower levels of conscious reality from which they cannot ascend. These are not permanent levels and will one day, during the judgment of God, be dissolved back into nothingness, as it was before the creation and formation. Lacking the ability to ascend they will forever wonder in a void of nothingness. Only God knows how he will manage to bring back to light the spirits who have not repented by the time the last trumpet is blown.

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