Lets continue with the Inner Circle of Darkness within the Church. I have already mentioned that there used to be an Inner Circle of Light which has since been replaced by the darker brotherhood. The circle of Light consisted mainly of adapts who possessed, what St. Paul regarded as the solid food, or what is repeatedly referred to in the New Testament as the Sacred Secrets. It contained the deeper mysteries of Christ and not comprehended by the main congregation, those who were capable of drinking only milk and were regarded as the babes in Christ, mostly recognized as the outer circle. It is feasible to believe that various Knights Templar were a part of the Inner Circle but changed the identity of its members during the period of the persecution of the Order, so instigated by the reigning Pope, and many Popes were not particularly a part of the Inner Circle. As the centuries elapsed the Inner Circle became more and more private and secretive, depending on the comprehensibility of the reigning Pope.
Also within the inner circle were certain members of the Teutonic Knights. These knights acted mainly as defenders of the Church and thereby remained untouched by the slaughter instigated against the Knights Templar. Although the Knights Templar had secret documentation which they used against the Church they were satisfied with loyalties and special privileges as payment to conceal this evidence.
It was soon after the slaughter of the Knights Templar that the Brother Hood of Light, the then inner circle, disassociated itself from the main body of the Church, deciding to conduct their rituals in safer environments.

hi my name is catherine i have been having these strange continual dreams about these people who call themselves the inner circle and they ask me to follow them. i feel like a magnet being pulled towards this inner circle. One of the people is a red haired woman about 40. I saw this same woman from my dreams down the bikers club across the street. I muttered quietly under my breath i know you and there was no way she could have heard me with all the bikers and noise between us and she was standing across the road. But at that exact moment she looked up at me looked me dead in the eye and waved at me. A few days ago i told the guy i know from my local occult shop and it turns out he knows her and she is a practicing white witch and herbalist. Strange coincidence!! There has been other bizzare stuff happening to me over the last two years and always centered around this inner circle but i wont go into it now as it could take all night. I am freaked out and dont know how to go about this i dont know anything about this so called inner circle and if they are even good. Does thought transmission exist as in telepathy because this is what i think is happening to me. this is a difficult subject as i know there are lots of groups and inner circles but i feel strongly this is something in particular. If anybody knows more about the inner circle and can help me please contact me on catherine.fisher1991@gmail.com thank you your help will be most apreciated!!