As I have said previously, those of the Knight Templar that did not scatter during the onslaught of the Church united with the Teutonic Knights, thereby became brothers in arms, rather than later transforming into the Freemasons, instead maintained their identity and Templar title and coat of arms. This is not something that is generally known, although there still exists today groups who call themselves Knights Templar. In most cases this is only wishful thinking. The Sacred Secrets of the ancient Church remained with the medieval brotherhood of knights, and this brotherhood is only maintained on the higher astral level and not in the physical reality. In all respects, this spiritual brotherhood does no longer work as an Order of knights in the physical world but conduct their actions within their spiritual plane. In every life cycle one of these knights incarnates into the physical world wherever such physical contact is required. This is the part I play in this present incarnation.
To give you an example of my connection with the Orders I include one of my experiences with them and which I had previously revealed:
While I was contemplating over what I was seeing some movement at the corner of my eye drew my attention. Ghostly figures began to appear and then materialize. There must have been at least fifteen figures, all dressed in the white tunic of the knight, fully armed and in battle formation. This was okay as I had many incarnations as a knight and still in the spiritual Orders of the Knighthood. The first row wore the unmistakable red cross of the Knights Templar's, whereas, the next row wore the black cross of the Teutonic Knights. Vision was a bit hazy due to the mist that surrounded them. This mist is what we call ectoplasm, or astral matter spirit uses to achieve materialization.
While I was thinking, nice of you fellows to drop in, to what do I owe this pleasure, the lines parted and this hooded figure in pure white robe came out from amongst them and slowly came toward me. His face bore absolutely no sign of emotion, or at least it lay hidden behind his long white beard. Who he was I have no idea but, unmistakeably, a being of great importance, hence the knights who were simply his bodyguards. What he did next rather surprised me. He gave me spiritual healing by running his hands up and down my body. Well, he wasn't actually touching the body, but the spirit within. When spirit touches spirit the sensations can be divine, which in this instance, they were. Actually, they were so divine that, humorously, I turned onto my stomach and asked him to also do my back, which he did. After a few more moments of tender loving treatment, they were all gone...back into the great spiritual beyond.
Just follow the above link to gain a better understanding of my experience. The actual experience is about half way through the article.