Friday, February 18, 2011

Planet-X/Nibiru/The Destroyer is Real

From: Amy Evans

Most of you here know I have my own group, and have been digging for information on Nibiru for some time ... digging up all of the ancient accounts and sifting through science papers for any account that would lead me to it.

Well, sometimes luck favors those who keep looking, and never gives up.  And sometimes a little carelessness works as well.
A link to an article led me to posted works and a few tid-bits of information... the information was in the form of scientific papers regarding work that was done for NASA ... referring to data that was easy to verify, but hard to believe ... at first.
From 1983, NASA has been tracking a Brown Dwarf ... this was the object they said was seen by IRIS ... a large heat source that was between 4 to 8 times the Earth ... they tracked it and discovered what it was, but kept it secret ... this Dwarf Star has 6 moons or planets and has already swung around the Southern side of our Sun, and is on its way up from below our system ... and will pass through the Ecliptic somewhere between Jupiter & Saturn.

This Dwarf is almost the size of Jupiter, but can only be seen in the Infrared band until it enters the orbit of Jupiter ... it will then develop a tail, just like a Comet does.  This is why all of those nice Infrared Telescopes were built down in Antarctica.
Now this Dwarf is already effecting our Earth ... the Earth normally has a tilt of 23.5 degrees ... it is now 19.5 degrees.
This Dwarf will have other effects as it draws closer ... it will interact with our Sun & the planets in ways that will be dangerous to life on Earth.   But the biggest problem will come when the Dwarf itself passes through the Ecliptic ... the orbits of the 6 moons/planets will cross/intersect with planets on both sides of the gap between Jupiter & Saturn.

The outermost moon/planet could come as far into our system as Jupiter or Mars ... or closer.  This falls in line with all of the ancient tails/records that tell of something going past the Earth that was red/firely looking.  This object took up to 9 days to pass the Earth.

We have data that is still under review, but I can reveal some.  the idea of December 21st, 2012 was at first the projected date ... the work file revealed that in 2009, but newer information came in on the speed of the Dwarf's orbit, and that date was tossed ... it is moving faster than they thought, and will arrive sooner, some time mid to late 2011 to early 2012.
This is no April Fools joke ... this is real ... I suggest preparing ASAP I have been posting this information to other groups for a few days, and will continue to do so ... if the group owner can e-mail me when they have a chance Amy Evans

Update: massive-planet-lurking-in-the-outer-solar-system 


  1. Super Storm of 10,500 BC

    And the link to the commentary blog post

    Howard West

  2. Amy,
    There has been so many people crying WOLF, about all the comets entering our solar system lately that now that has just become the norm.

    Crying Wolf, and nothing is happening...

    Do you need a government telescope to see this area that is blocked out on google sky, and the other sky programs?

    If a 18" telescope can find Elenin then why can't anyone see this blocked out place on google sky, and post a real,and clear photo of what is behind the blackout?

    How come no one can say without any doubt as to how big Elenin is too? It seems everyone is guessing! Is there not one person in this world that can say for a fact as to how big this comet, or whatever it is ....really is?

    And put it in laymen terms for people like me....Like....It's half the size of earth, or 5 times bigger than earth, or even it's 30 miles in diameter.

    I know this all a lot like the Casey Anthoney trial....All the facts show that she really killed her daughter...But there is no solid proof for a conviction!!!

    Please show, or give solid proof...As I want to believe, but I think that if Elenin is so big that it will cause a ELE event then it would need to be as big as our moon, and we should have a well know source showing the footage from what ever part of the world you can see it in???

    This seems to be a reasonable request....

    I know the only real truth will come from a Non Government party!!!

    The Government will lie to everyone straight faced!!!

    I hope that 1 person will step up , and either prove that we better start spending what little money we have to protect ourself's,if that is even possible, or prove that this will not be a ELE event for humanity, so I can stop thinking about how I will try and protect my family!!!

    I'm sure there are a lot of other people that don't have money to spend on supplies,and can only afford to, if we really have to.....

    Thanks Amy

  3. to all who are wondering what the truth is go to red devil planet ,watch all 5 parts and then you will know the whole truth,then tell everyone you know to get ready this STAR is almost here? they are taking these videos down as fast as people are putting them up .So hurry
