Continuing with purgatory, if such a place really exists, then how do you explain what they call NDE's, or Near Death Experiences? You must have heard stories of people who died and ended up in heaven only to be told to return to earth as their journey is not yet over? How come they haven't ended up in Purgatory, or worse, ended up in hell?
Well, I'm sure you'll find that there are those who have died and come back having experienced not such pleasant surroundings. Like I have said, where you end up, the experiences you will feel at the moment of passing depends upon a lot of things. This is why spiritual development is of the utmost importance. Consider passing into death as an unknown journey, as you would do a physical journey from here to an entirely unknown place. Wouldn't you do everything possible to conduct a research into the place you are planning to visit? Wouldn't you make preparations and plan your route? Wouldn't you endeavor to read up on, or personally query those who have already travelled thus far?
Yes, of course I would.
Well, the journey into death is no different. You too at that moment will be entering into strange new world. So you need to learn all you can about this world to make your journey easier. Then you may not be caught up in a place where you have no need to be. The journey into death is far more mysterious and the road is spattered with misinformation and misleading sign posts. The best tour map that you can possess is your spiritual attainment, your knowledge gained and a well exercised memory of the things you have learned and, if fortunate, things you have personally experienced with this world.
In what sense do you mean memory?
Remember the things we are at this moment discussing. Exercise the brain cells by recollecting our discourse. This will stimulate the cells and reduce the possibility of those cells dying. But even if the cells should die, the memory itself is not lost but still retained in the spirit proper, it just won't be stored in the physical cells, and so the memory can't be physically recalled, unless your spirit proper, or Higher Self, decides to stimulate particular cells with the energy of that memory.
Like downloading from the internet into the memory cells of the computer?
Exactly. This is a serious matter and not a joke. Memory can be played with. At the moment of death, important memory can return to you when you most need it. So no knowledge, spiritual or physical, should ever be considered a waste of time. You must consider your head as your house - furnish it.
Most people detest the teaching of hell and purgatory. This denial comes from fear. It is not solely a religious scare tactic. These places do exist.
But why would a loving god have created these places? Why would he condemn souls that have sinned to eternal damnation?
God condemns no one. He has given us free will to choose and act upon our own destinies. It is mankind itself that has condemned itself. This matter is very complicated and in depth so we won't discuss it now. Lets just say there are certain laws put into action and God will not break his own laws. Regardless of the love that he, and other angelic powers may feel toward us, they wish not to interfere with our free will, nor will they prevent us from making our mistakes. It would not be a mistake to say that ignorance is the original sin and this very ignorance binds us to an endless cycle of life and death. I am convinced that many deliberately choose ignorance as to each and every one of us truth is constantly flashed before us, but most chose not to act upon it.
This could be because many are actually ashamed or embarrassed to admit that they have religious tendencies, let alone be seen attending church. Much of what religious teachers claim comes across as childish, even senseless. For instance - where is heaven? Where exactly is hell?
Ahhh, but this is because we have advanced in great leaps where technology is concerned but we have fallen spiritually into the pit of darkness. It has been foretold in Revelation that during the last days, knowledge will be in abundance. The earth has never experienced this abundance before - this is regardless of the high knowledge that had been gained by ancient Egypt, or more so, ancient India. Our technological advancement is one indication that we are experiencing the end of this cycle of things.
When you ask, where is heaven, where is hell, perhaps right in front of your nose. For starters, heaven is not one singular place, but one of many. In the Bible heaven is not referred to in a singular context but in the plural. It is always referred to as heavens, rarely is it referred to in a singular context as heaven. It is man’s lack of understanding that we err in the proper conception of the heavens, and even the way we perceive God. Paintings portray God as an old white bearded man sitting on his throne looking down at us with judgment.
I will show you a more accurate way to perceive God, a more accurate way to perceive yourself, and how you connect with these heavens.
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