What exactly is the spirit world? I know that spiritualists always talk about this world. How does this world fit into the many "heavens" scenario?
Well, there are spiritualists and there are spiritualists. Any given spiritualist is only as good as her/his own personal vibration, and this vibration determines the spiritual level they contact. Most spiritualists are not very high on the frequency scale and this limits their level of attunement.
The Spirit World is a layer of frequency just above the Astral World and both these planes are greatly influenced by earthly thought. This makes them practically an exact replica of the earth environment. Many spirits who have departed the earth experience spend a long period of time in the Spirit World, mainly because of the familiarity of the environment. They are at peace and quite comfortable there.
And the Astral World?
There is both a higher astral and a lower astral. The lower astral is usually the place where dreams take shape. Not many souls can actually penetrate the higher astral due to their low personal frequency caused by their lack of knowledge and understanding. Others, during their dream state drift vaguely in the earth's aura. Because of their dullness of spirit they just drift lazily and directionless. Often, because of this uncontrolled movement, they drift unintentionally into the conscious field of others, and even undesirable others, and nightmares start. Most of these undesirable encounters are brief because the fear or sudden shock of the encounter slams them back into the physical body. All these lower levels are influenced and shaped by human thought.
So you say that everybody during sleep goes to these worlds?
Yes, everybody. The spiritual consciousness does not stay in the physical body while it sleeps.
Besides the lower worlds, can we actually visit the Spirit World during sleep?
To visit the Spirit World you need to be very highly advanced, which we are not while functioning on the physical level. For instance, in order to visit this world, you will need to raise your spirit frequency to harmonies and blend with that world, and this includes even with the higher astral. Not only must you increase your frequency quite significantly, you must also maintain that frequency. Remember that even Christ's disciples and Paul could go no higher than the third heaven, which I believe was only the higher astral.
But what about the experience had by, Enoch, his journey of the seven heavens? He obviously journeyed above the third heaven.
No. I don't believe his was a journey in spirit, but a physical journey. I have not personally read or studied the "Books of Enoch" so I'm not an expert on the subject and stand corrected should someone convince me otherwise. I believe, Enoch, had a visitation from the ancient gods who gave him a cosmic journey of different worlds, probably within our own galaxy.
You mean a journey in a UFO?
Oh, definitely. You must consider the time period of when he was taken and when he was returned. A long time had passed. He certainly returned to a strange and unknown world. If you are taken on such a journey in spirit there would be no time difference. Spirit, which is consciousness, has absolutely no time barriers. No time or space boundaries or restrictions as thought travels faster then light. In spirit consciousness you can travel from earth to the constellation of Orion in mere seconds. This is why we state that time and space is mere illusion. Remembering that time and space are only physical man's perceptions of the physical environment in which he exists, an attempt to understand and master that environment. When he returns to spirit all this is of little significance. Time itself is not an absolute illusion as it can be felt by the spirit, for instance, time can go either fast or slow and is felt by the spirit consciousness even though the clock still ticks 60 seconds to the minute. I'm sure that everyone has felt the drag of time during particular experiences.
Yes, I recall you mentioned your connection with the Orion and also your UFO encounters. Are these all connected with what you regard as the ancient gods?
Yes, I've mentioned my journey to the Orion somewhere in my writings. I have not given my final conclusion concerning my UFO contacts. I'll discuss that later. Purgatory and hell are more interesting at this moment. The greater majority will not go to Orion, the Garden of Eden, but Purgatory, and worse for worse, God forbid, hell. Those that do, hopefully, not on a one-way ticket. The weather is hot and the natives are hostile and if you run out of beer, you'll rue to regret it.
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