Okay, what did we discuss - oh, yes, I think you brought up the spirit world. Well, the spirit world has nothing really to do with Purgatory. There is no Purgatory, suffering or burning in the spirit world. That's what you are trying to achieve in Purgatory - get to the spirit world. But you cannot go there, even though you have already severed your cord with the physical body, or vehicle, but 50 0r 60 years of existing within that physical body, the body has not severed its emotional ties with you, you the trying to advance spiritual consciousness. You cannot advance until these emotional connections have been cleansed from your astral body, or soul. Because the place you are trying to go to is on a frequency higher than your astral body.
Jesus, the Master that he was, said it best: "whoever puts his hands on the plough but keeps looking back is not fit for the kingdom of God." so, actually, the less ties you have in this life, the least distractions you have when you begin your journey beyond. Believe me, there will be many distractions. Mourning loved ones is one of those distractions, that woeful attempt to call you back. The force of that emotional drawing is twice as powerful on the spiritual level. To make it more difficult, you have you have an appointment to attend your own funeral. And what a sorrowful and emotional experience it shall be. More chains to bind you. You must disconnect from this emotion in order to progress. There are many spirits, even though they have freed themselves from the astral body, still linger as close as they can to their loved ones to try and help them, influence them, or whatever reason, sacrifice, or sabotage their spiritual progression. The spirit world consists of many of these self-sacrificing mothers, fathers, husbands, children, who are prepared to put their progression on hold until their loved ones meet the end of their earthly sojourn and join them. This is all great love - but its also just an emotional excuse.
Doesn't anyone discourage them? Encourage them to let go and move on?
Yes, in very gentle ways. They do not interfere with peoples free will. They will consistently feel a nudging, an urging to move on, and many do eventually surrender to this higher influence and move on.
And how does one move on in a situation like that? It's not like you can jump on a train or something like that. In order to move on you must have a vision of where to go. A place where you have a sense of belonging.
Yes, definitely, all this awareness manifests with the nudging, so to speak. You very gently are bathed with a vibration of a love focused on you which slightly supersedes the love and emotion you may feel for those you have left behind. You begin to realize that those left behind are busy with their own lives and that their emotions toward you have weakened. This assists in the surrendering to the higher calling. When you are on the threshold of surrender higher spirits will begin to approach you and lead you on.
What about those who have lived an unspiritual life on earth. How do they usually fare in the spirit world? Especially those who lived a life of evil?
Firstly, the spirit world also consists of many layers of frequencies. You can only go to the place that is in harmony with your own spirit, and no higher. Those who are on the higher can, and do, come down to the lower levels in an attempt to assist those who are not so spiritually advanced. They come to be an influence, and only an influence. No one interferes with a persons free choice. They also have a nudging, but a nudging much weaker than received by the more advance spirit. Bare in mind that the spirit world is not a permanent place, but an in-between state, and each spirit there must eventually return to its Group Soul, where ever that group is located within the Spiritual Spheres of consciousness.
When we speak of evil, or when we classify a person as evil, we should always exercise prudence and caution. We can never be certain what inspires a person to act in any particular way. This is especially the case in this century when the earth's aura is so contaminated with man's evil thoughts as it has never been before. The contamination within the aura are "thought forms" of energy. They also are of particular frequency ranges. The human brain, also, is a transmitter and a receiver. These frequencies consistently flood our thought process. It is extremely difficult to assess and determine what are thoughts of our own mental creation and thoughts received through the aura around the planet. We are not necessarily judged by the thoughts that traverse the rivers of our mind, but we are judged, once a thought manifest, whether good or bad, and we capture that thought and focus and meditate on it. If we focus on a negative thought, we intensify and strengthen the mass of the thought, and by doing so, we claim the thought as our own and are thereby responsible, and accountable for it. Jesus emphasized this by saying: "…every word that man utters, be it good or bad, he must give an account of it. For by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you shall stand condemned."
So the best thing to do when negative impressions enter our mind is to just let them pass through, without focusing on them?
Exactly. It is not really that difficult when we set our minds upon it. Because these dark, negative thoughts contaminate our souls. A contamination we must burn out in Purgatory. They become the chains that bind us. Our own personal demons with which one day we need to deal with.
What about rapists, or child molesters - how should we judge them?
This is best left to individual conscience. I, personally, deem them as misfits within society. They are a definite problem upon our social system. Should one choose to be an enemy to society then you should forfeit your right as a member of that society and be isolated from it.
On the same hand, I endeavor to be compassionate knowing the higher wisdom. What drove this person to rape or molest or even murder? Were these sins committed solely through his own initiative, or was there something much deeper, something more sinister that took control of this person's thoughts and actions? Were his actions committed through demonic possession? These things happen all the time, you know. Science yet knows so little about it. This person may simply have acted as a host, unknowingly, to a demonic force.
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