Okay, what did we discuss - oh, yes, I think you brought up the spirit world. Well, the spirit world has nothing really to do with Purgatory. There is no Purgatory, suffering or burning in the spirit world. That's what you are trying to achieve in Purgatory - get to the spirit world. But you cannot go there, even though you have already severed your cord with the physical body, or vehicle, but 50 0r 60 years of existing within that physical body, the body has not severed its emotional ties with you, you the trying to advance spiritual consciousness. You cannot advance until these emotional connections have been cleansed from your astral body, or soul. Because the place you are trying to go to is on a frequency higher than your astral body.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Purgatory and the Spirit World
What exactly is the spirit world? I know that spiritualists always talk about this world. How does this world fit into the many "heavens" scenario?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Purgatory and its Entrapment
You have emphasized the importance of, as you say, rid oneself of the soul after death. How do we manage to achieve this?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Planet-X/Nibiru/The Destroyer is Real
From: Amy Evans
Most of you here know I have my own group, and have been digging for information on Nibiru for some time ... digging up all of the ancient accounts and sifting through science papers for any account that would lead me to it.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Purgatory - the place of burning
We have already learned that there is more than one heaven, that it is in fact, one place of many. Purgatory, in this sense is the same. There are different levels to Purgatory that the departing spirit may encounter. Some levels are worse than others and which level you may well end up in is greatly dependent on the kind of life you have lived on earth, your level of spiritual attainment, your state of mind while passing from life into death. I have also suggested that, judging by some peoples NDE’s, the experiences of some of Jesus’ disciples, that a direct passing through the layers of Purgatory is also achievable.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Understanding Purgatory and Hell
Lets continue with our discussion on Purgatory and Hell.
Firstly, let us try and get a better understanding of God and our connection with him as living beings. To begin with, we have to try and unlearn the things we have learned, especially if we have been too entwined by Church teaching. We have to remember that the early Church Fathers were only men, and as such, subject to error. We should also remember that during the Church’s long history many self-seeking men have sat on the Pope’s chair. I won’t spent too much time on the errors of the Church and the Popes which ruled over it as this has been debated many times over. It behooves you to just do a brief revision of Church history and it’s Popes.
Monday, February 14, 2011
From Purgatory to Hell
Continuing with purgatory, if such a place really exists, then how do you explain what they call NDE's, or Near Death Experiences? You must have heard stories of people who died and ended up in heaven only to be told to return to earth as their journey is not yet over? How come they haven't ended up in Purgatory, or worse, ended up in hell?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Descent into Purgatory
Where judgment is concerned we are constantly brainwashed with eternal damnation into Hell. How do you explain this? The Bible doesn't teach of any Purgatory. This has to be purely an invention by the Church to keep us in fear.
Yes. Both Purgatory and Hell are main doctrines of the Church. I would not say that they are only inventions by the Church. Whether a Purgatory as described by the Church actually exists, I don't know. I have never been down that far and I have no intentions of going down that far unless I'm advised by higher guides to do so. And then again, they would need to take me as my personal frequency is not in harmony with such a lower vibration. I know how to raise my frequency at will, but I do not know how to lower it to such a degree.
Then you say that Purgatory does exist?
Yes, of course. So does eternal damnation, in some sense or another. Unless we intentionally do something to get us off the Cycle of Life and Death, yes, we shall remain forever condemned to it. It's not God that condemns us to it, but we ourselves. No spiritual force has any desire to see us entrapped on the lower levels of conscious existence. In order to escape the cycle of reincarnation we must stop our practices of selfish and evil desires and actions. We must realize, and thump it into our heads, that there is no escape from accountability. Like the shadow follows the body, so does karma follow the soul.
In reality there are many aspects of Purgatory but we'll stick mainly with the Church's conception and teaching of it. Purgatory is the place between heaven and hell and the place where much torture is inflicted. We have all seen the medieval paintings depicting these gruesome scenes of punishment. But somewhere within this place of torment there is a place of peace and quietude where must be those "asleep in Christ." Well, where else can they be? They can't be sleeping in hell.
This brings me to the truth of the matter - that Purgatory is a place of cleansing and also a state of mind. It is a place within many places, or frequencies within frequencies, or layers within layers. Where you may possibly end up greatly depends upon your past conduct, your spiritual advancement while on the earth, your current state of mind during the time of passing, as well as many other factors. In order to protect oneself from this place people need to take these things seriously, as their very future depends on it, stop feeding glutinously the physical body and start feeding the spiritual body as well. Do something, anything, to feed and nourish the spirit.
If anyone wishes to laugh - fine! They'll soon find out themselves.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Second Coming and Judgment
There are many people who are convinced we are living in the end times. What is your opinion on this?
Throughout the centuries there had been popular consensus that they, who preached it, at that point of time, were living in the end times. Thousands of years later and we are still here and still proclaiming that we are living in the end times. There are, actually, not many predictions that have come true. Even our friend, St. Paul, sincerely believed, and taught his congregations that they were living in the end of days. He believed that those who were alive at that time, including himself, would not physically die, but be raised up in the clouds and taken to be with the Lord. He regarded that the saints that had already died were simply asleep in Christ and were waiting for a predetermined day of judgment and hellfire, during which time they would awake. This moment of judgment, they believed, was reserved for their day. We all know that St. Paul was not physically lifted up into the clouds but ended up dying quite a miserable physical death. As did all of Christ's disciples.
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