Friday, November 16, 2012

Our celestial home

Our true state of being.

It is unfortunate that man often dwells in his own self-importance and purity.  None of us believe that we are actually living in sin, and that we commit sin daily.  I too have that same outlook upon myself as I endeavor, to the best of my ability, to do the right thing.  We often hide under the shadow with the belief that Christ died for our sins.  That may not necessarily be the case.  It only takes a few mistranslated words and a whole false doctrine and belief can develop from that mistranslation and misinterpretation of what was actually being said.  It may well be that Christ died because of our sins.  If I'm saved because of Christ's sacrifice - why am I still caught up in the cycle of life and death?  Something doesn't seem right.

We should remember that we are not on this planet because we are clean and virtuous beings, but that we have sinned and have fallen, fallen from Light into Darkness.  Are we any different than the so called Fallen Angels?  I do not believe that we are.  It is applicable to us as it was to the king of Tyre, when he was told by the prophet: you were like a shinning one, an inmate of the heavens, and look from the height you have fallen.  The uninitiated interpreters of this passage, failing to recognize the magnificence of the spirit, fails to see this significance connected with man.  So they assume that this must have been a message to Satan, for surely, individual man had no prior existence in the heavens.  So there is no confusion in what is written and meant, shinning one, is changed to Lucifer, the one and only time this name is used.  This name is pulled out of thin air and has absolutely no truth in what was spoken by the prophet to the king of Tyre.  This was a personal message and warning to the king concerned and was not symbolically directed at some ancient fallen angel called Lucifer.  We should read this carefully as it also refers to us.

Yes, we have had prior existence, and yes, we are on a path of predestination.  As it was spoken to the prophet Samuel, "before you were born, I knew you; and before you proceeded out of your mother's womb, I consecrated you as a prophet over the nations."  Yes, we are as St. Paul said, "citizens of heaven…so keep your thoughts in heaven, and not on this earthly life."

The Dark Brotherhood is well aware of the true nature of man and they prefer the kingdom on earth where they have absolute power and prestige something they cannot have in the higher kingdoms.  So it is in their interests to keep us in ignorance, and through ignorance we fall into sin, and through sin we are overshadowed by the universal laws of cause and effect.  We remain trapped within the cycle of life and death, birth, death and rebirth. 

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