Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A spirit of deep sleep

Judgment against us.

Due to our fallen state we are sentenced to a predestined time in hell.  Part of the judgment placed against us is….God has placed in man a spirit of deep sleep…so they have eyes to see, but never see, they have ears to hear, but will never understand; for if they did see and understand, then they would turn back to me and I would heal them.

The condemnation here is a "a spirit of deep sleep." So what we must do is awake the spirit that lies succumbed within us.  But in the majority of people, it is best the spirit stays asleep.  For this reason Christ spoke in parables to the multitudes, but to his disciples, "he expounded all things", " for to you it has been granted for you to know the secrets of the kingdom of God."  For this reason Mary cried out: "my soul does magnify the glory of my God, AWAKE my spirit so that the Christ can shine upon me."

You must not delude yourself in believing that to the awakened spirit the doors to the kingdoms are closed, even while you are still within your physical state.  No, you do not have to die to experience heaven.  The awakening brings with it a pardon from above and there are enough, " administering angels to administer onto those who are chosen for salvation."  The Jewish Temple and the curtain that separates and conceals the Holy, which symbolizes heaven, wherein only the Jewish high priest could enter, has been done away with, and is no longer applicable to us.  For Christ is the High Priest of the Most High God and he has entered within, and by so entering within, he has ripped apart that curtain, for all who hear can follow within.  "For I am the Resurrection and I am Life, and whosoever believes in me shall hear my voice and come to life…" 

And he rebuked the Jewish authorities: "Woe onto you, for you possess the keys to heaven, but you have no wish to enter, so you prevent others from entering within."

I doubt that the Church Father's really understand the serious implications behind this message or they are deliberately not emphasizing upon it.  During that encounter with the Jewish authorities Jesus is directly accusing them of not wishing to evolve spiritually to enter into the kingdom, obviously because of their earthly power and prestige, and deliberately with holding truth from their fellow Jews and gentile alike, needed knowledge to assist their way into Light and a return to their original spiritual state. 

This conspiracy to keep souls in ignorance and bondage did not just pass away after the death of Jesus.  It has continued throughout the centuries and has infiltrated deep into government, royalty and religious organizations to this present day.   


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