I can recall when the 3rd Secret of Fatima was first revealed and I can recall how disappointed I was when no knew revelation was revealed. After so many years I, and probably many other people, Catholics and non Catholics alike, had been eagerly awaiting the much harped about 3rd Secret, only to be told that it had prophesized the attempted assassination of Pope Paul II.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Revelation and the Imposter Lucy
Let us now look again at the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
We have already seen that faith in the intelligence, or straight out ignorance of the Church Fathers cannot be relied on. The Pope and the Bishops are supposed to be our shepherds but either through deception or straight out ignorance have led the sheep into untold tragedy. Due to the simplicity of the request asked of them, and yet they had not complied, it is difficult not to view this non compliance with the Virgin as deliberate deception. Pius XI has been regarded with utmost of respect in the pages of history and his autobiography is impressive. The die hard Catholics, naturally, still view him with respect and do not question how he could possibly not have understood the difference between consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rather than Russia, as the Virgin requested.
And there is another deception concerning the 3rd Secret of Fatima which the Church is having difficulties explaining away. The 3rd Secret, as requested by the Virgin, was to be revealed to the world no later than 1960, or at the event of the visionary Lucy's death, which should come first. Again, this very important expectation of the Virgin was deliberately ignored and the 3rd Secret was not revealed in 1960, but many years later, at least what the Church claimed to have been the 3rd Secret of Fatima. A revelation that the Traditional Catholics did not believe.
But there is a much more deeply seated deception which is surrounded with sinister intent. Surprisingly, not that many Catholics are aware of this deception, let alone non practicing Catholics, or they just simply brush the controversy away. The die hard Catholics put full faith in the belief that the Popes are inspired by God and are infallible.
This controversy concerns Sister Lucy, the bringer of the 3rd Secret, and how she was replaced, just prior to 1960, by an imposter look alike - a scapegoat whose main purpose was to authenticate the 3rd Secret as revealed by the Pope. I will not go into too much detail and supply the below links to be studied carefully by the reader and to come to their own conclusions.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Revelation - The Church's Deadly Failure
I have pointed out that where Revelation is concerned, the time frame it was given in, that there was no definite future, but only the path of Probability. Man can, at any time, change the path of his probable destiny if he chooses to do so. To further convince you of Probability rather than Future, we should draw our attention to the Revelations and warnings given to the three visionaries at Fatima.
We all know and have speculated upon what has become known as the Three Secrets of Fatima. We will consider mainly the Secret of the Immaculate Heart to further our discussion concerning the path of probability. Within the secrets of Fatima was the definite request from the Virgin for the Pope to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. Let me quote the details directly:
The statement given by the Virgin at Fatima on July 13, 1917 as follows:
“You see hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If they do what I will tell you, many souls will be saved, and there will be peace. The war is going to end. But if they do not stop offending God, another and worse war will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is a great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this I come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not she will scatter her errors through the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and it will be converted and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.”
We know that the Virgin's request was ignored and the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was not achieved at the end of WW I. It wasn't until 1942 when some attempt was made to comply with the Virgin's request by Pope Pius XII by consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But this is not what the Virgin requested, which was specifically for Russia alone to be consecrated. It wasn't until all the damage had been done when, in 1952, Pope Pius XII repented and specifically consecrated Russia alone to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We can easily see that in 1917 mankind stood on a crossroad, one leading to peace, the other to intense destruction. The alternate path to peace could easily have been attained if it hadn't been for one man, Pope Pius XI, and all the bishops under him, who cannot be excluded, either through complacency or deliberate action failed to abide by the Virgin's request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This refusal, or whatever excuse they have, committed mankind to continue upon the path of Revelation, our path of self destruction. By the time Pope Pius XII acted upon it, it was already far too late.
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Pope Pius XI |
So, what you are suggesting is that the destiny of mankind rested in the hands of one man, Pius XI?
Exactly. We all know that, even though he bears the title "Pope", he is just a puppet for much darker elements hidden within the Church. Most people are convinced that the Freemasons are the real power and influence within the Church. Many Bishops themselves are Freemasons. Several other requests by the Virgin were not initiated where it concerns the Rosary. But had Russia been Consecrated to the Immaculate heart of Mary the Second World War may not have occurred and mankind would have taken another path toward liberation.
It appears to me that consecrating the world, rather than Russia to the Immaculate Heart was devious moves by the Church?
Yes. Possibly to plead ignorant at a later stage when things become more public. The Virgin's request was quite straight forward and there is no way the Church could have misunderstood the request. Yet, even after the destruction wrought by the Second World War, even Pope Pius XII attempted to continue the deception by again Consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart. So, in some way, both Popes are guilty.
But, this is not the end - the deception goes much deeper yet.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Revelation - Future or Probability?
Lets consider Revelation based more on an occult perspective. The revelations were given to John just under 2000 years ago. Not even Jesus himself could state an exact date or time of when these things were going to occur. He stated that only the Father knows the exact date and time. This is because mankind's karmic fate and destiny are not fixed but constantly changing. There is a time to an outcome, but that is only known to the Father. Visionaries can only predict events with better clarity as mankind draws nearer to the outcome.
What I'm saying is that 2000 years ago there was no real future to see up to this present day, only probability. Mankind's fate and destiny is not solely based on one path of direction, but various paths, paths from which he can detour at any given moment should he choose to do so. Within mankind's blueprint there are various crossroads and detours marked out for him to take.
So, the revelation that was shown to John was not a prediction of a definite future, but events that would probably occur should he continue upon the path of destruction. The symbology of the End of Days can be interpreted as nuclear annihilation. John endeavored to the best of his abilities to interpret and describe what he was actually seeing. But this annihilation can also come from the skies with meteor impacts. A few symbolical references do suggest that. So, an encounter with Nibiru can certainly not be ruled out.
Throughout the centuries there have been various mysterious occurrences that altered man's path. You should study up on some of these matters. For instance, it is claimed that George Washington, when in the midst of loosing the major battle, had a mysterious encounter in the woods with a man who drew out a battle plan for Washington, and the following of this plan changed the tide of the war in Washington's favor. This mysterious intervention helped Washington to win the battle, then the war. These interventions are designed to guide mankind along certain paths.
Could it be that the spiritual powers are in some way playing with us?
Not playing, but guiding. There is a main path ordained for man to walk and, should he walk proper and righteously, the outcome would be much different than what Revelations has predicted for us. Should we venture off that path, for what ever reason, Divine Intervention tries to guide us back upon the path. That path should always be righteousness. But mankind has vast difficulties in walking a righteous path, and in that case, they will endeavor to steer us on a detour path that will do us the least harm. The beings of Intervention can only guide according to the dictates of karma, or call it Divine Law and Justice. This often severely limits the manner through which they can assist us.
Consider the Holy Virgin, Most Blessed Queen of Heaven, how many appearances has she done to encourage us to change our way of life? Countless times. And she continuously warns of the consequences should we fail. Because of these appearances we can ascertain that we can still venture of the path we're on, the path of Probable Annihilation, before the final door is shut.
So the future is not yet definite.

Friday, April 15, 2011
Freemason, Templar and the Church
The Biblical Book of Revelation? Do you pay much attention to it? What is your perspective on this?
The Book of Revelation, as you know, is supposedly nearly 2,000 years old. To the best of my knowledge no surviving original source has survived, or it exists in the Vatican archives. This means that there is no conceivable way that we can verify the accuracy of its translation, or whether anything has been added, changed or deleted. Lets face it, many centuries have passed and any Pope could have arranged an alteration to its contents. Without an original source, or quelle, we basically have to rely on faith and trust that there has been no tampering. This can prove extremely difficult considering the various dark phases the Church has passed through.
But haven't the Dead Sea Scrolls proved the accuracy of the Bible?
Certainly not. The scrolls were placed in the caves of Qumran before the time of Christ. They verify the accuracy of certain Old Testament writings but have nothing to do with the New Testament. This is regardless whether some scholars theorize that John the Baptist was, in fact, a member of an Essene community. It is fairly well established that the community at Qumran was destroyed by the Romans prior to the birth of Christianity. This is further substantiated by the fact that no New Testament writings, for example the Gospels, were found amongst the Essene scrolls. That their so called Teacher of Righteousness may have been Christ is pure speculation.
Whether Jesus was an Essene, or associated with the Essenes, is irrelevant. Jesus himself adhered to the sect of the Nazarenes, so, John the Baptist, being his cousin, would also have been a member of that sect, this includes the majority of his disciples. The Essenes were purely Jewish and adhered to the Jewish faith. There are some suggestions that the Essenes had gentile branches, which may be possible. Jesus came from Galilee, also regarded as the land of the gentiles, possessing an entirely different dialect and speech, including different religious beliefs. The Jews did not think too favorably of those from Galilee. Don't be surprised to one day learn that the entire genealogy line of Jesus has been fabricated. Simply because the Church needed to connect Jesus with Old Testament prophecy and to the House of David as the preordained savoir prophet. Remember, the Jews themselves never accepted Jesus as their long awaited savior.
Anyway, this is leading away from our discussion on Revelation.
Yes, but this is interesting. Isn't Old Testament prophecy proof that Jesus was the ordained Jewish messiah? It's there in black and white.
Not really. How can anyone prove that, for instance, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of an ass, as foretold in Old Testament prophecy, written centuries before the time of Jesus. How do we know that first century Christians, years after the crucifixion of Christ, or even later Church Fathers, needing to convince people that prophecy linked to Jesus, simply just scanned through the books of prophecy, taking a scripture here and taking a scripture there and built a scenario around Jesus actually having physically done these things? Whether Jesus actually did these things, or whether early Christians trying to authenticate their belief simply associated ancient prophecy into the life of Jesus we'll never know.
You understand what I'm saying? They needed to convince people that Jesus was the ordained Jewish prophet so they fabricated events of his life to coincide with ancient prophecy. Don't be surprised to discover one day that the life of the historical Jesus was probably very different than what the gospels proclaim. What if he wasn't the son of a carpenter, but perhaps a prince from the Parthian Empire? Now this may sound very harsh, and even infuriating to a practicing Christian, but it may be exactly what the Knights Templar discovered. A discovery the Church absolutely would not welcome. The Knights played a dangerous game and in the end they lost.

Monday, April 11, 2011
America's Devilish FEMA - True or False?
Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law
Do some homework on this while my writing time is reduced due to my weekly runs to Esztergom.
Do some homework on this while my writing time is reduced due to my weekly runs to Esztergom.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Another dark sign in the sky
The near-Earth asteroid named 2005 YU55 — on the list of potentially dangerous asteroids — was observed with the Arecibo Telescope's planetary radar on April 19, 2010 when it was about 1.5 million miles from the Earth, which is about 6 times the distance to the moon.Source: Huge asteroid to pass near earth in November
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Armageddon and the deception within the Church
It is perhaps fitting that, seeing that there is so much fear currently prevailing in the world that we address issues dealing with Armageddon and the Book of Revelation. There are many speculations and theories concerning the End Times, or Doomsday, as some prefer to call it. The signs associated with the End Times is certainly evident in current events. Mainly, we have the nuclear meltdown in Japan which posses vast dangers upon humanity, not only Japan. The prevailing situation there is getting more dangerous by the day with not all information being revealed by the main stream media.
Our next sign of End Times is the conflict within Libya and American intervention in what has become a civil war with the high potential of it escalating into World War III. Syria is also experiencing deadly turmoil with its current blood filled protests, the same beginning as it did in Libya. The entire middle east is being rocked with Israel standing in the background.
A further sign of End Times is the long debated approach of Nibiru or Planet X and the return of the Anunnaki, the ancient Mesopotamian gods. There is ample evidence that the earth had been visited in ancient times, and is still visited today. It is plausible that UFO's have a possible connection with the End Times and we will discuss my conclusions on this phenomenon as we proceed. My main focus will be on the Christian Revelations.
The Deceptions of the Church
It has been well prophesized that at the End Times your churches will become houses of darkness. It is common knowledge that the Church has been infiltrated by the Freemasons whom the Christians claim to be under the directive of the devil with the intent of weakening and destroying the Church. My theory on this matter is based around the medieval Knights Templers who, as some historians claim, and after their fateful end through the Church's hand, the survivors of the mass murders simply became the Freemasons. I have a tendency to agree with this.
Briefly, what do we know of the Knights Templers? The served in the earliest period of the Crusades to protect the pilgrims in Palestine. We know that during their free time they excavated beneath Harod's Palace, their tunneling attempts still visible today. It is believed that during their excavations they may have found some material, possibly scrolls, and the content of these scrolls appeared to be of great concern to the Church. Some say that they may have blackmailed the Church as the suddenly became very rich and were given high privileges by the Church. Some assume that whatever they had discovered concerned the Magdalene as they built cathedrals dedicated in her honor. We can only speculate on the dangerous truths they may have found. So it is feasible to assume that the willful destruction carried out in secret on the Templar's by the Church, with their Grand Master being burned at the stake, that the Freemasons have no love lost where Vatican is concerned.
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