Let us now look again at the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
We have already seen that faith in the intelligence, or straight out ignorance of the Church Fathers cannot be relied on. The Pope and the Bishops are supposed to be our shepherds but either through deception or straight out ignorance have led the sheep into untold tragedy. Due to the simplicity of the request asked of them, and yet they had not complied, it is difficult not to view this non compliance with the Virgin as deliberate deception. Pius XI has been regarded with utmost of respect in the pages of history and his autobiography is impressive. The die hard Catholics, naturally, still view him with respect and do not question how he could possibly not have understood the difference between consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rather than Russia, as the Virgin requested.
And there is another deception concerning the 3rd Secret of Fatima which the Church is having difficulties explaining away. The 3rd Secret, as requested by the Virgin, was to be revealed to the world no later than 1960, or at the event of the visionary Lucy's death, which should come first. Again, this very important expectation of the Virgin was deliberately ignored and the 3rd Secret was not revealed in 1960, but many years later, at least what the Church claimed to have been the 3rd Secret of Fatima. A revelation that the Traditional Catholics did not believe.
But there is a much more deeply seated deception which is surrounded with sinister intent. Surprisingly, not that many Catholics are aware of this deception, let alone non practicing Catholics, or they just simply brush the controversy away. The die hard Catholics put full faith in the belief that the Popes are inspired by God and are infallible.
This controversy concerns Sister Lucy, the bringer of the 3rd Secret, and how she was replaced, just prior to 1960, by an imposter look alike - a scapegoat whose main purpose was to authenticate the 3rd Secret as revealed by the Pope. I will not go into too much detail and supply the below links to be studied carefully by the reader and to come to their own conclusions.
