Lets consider Revelation based more on an occult perspective. The revelations were given to John just under 2000 years ago. Not even Jesus himself could state an exact date or time of when these things were going to occur. He stated that only the Father knows the exact date and time. This is because mankind's karmic fate and destiny are not fixed but constantly changing. There is a time to an outcome, but that is only known to the Father. Visionaries can only predict events with better clarity as mankind draws nearer to the outcome.
What I'm saying is that 2000 years ago there was no real future to see up to this present day, only probability. Mankind's fate and destiny is not solely based on one path of direction, but various paths, paths from which he can detour at any given moment should he choose to do so. Within mankind's blueprint there are various crossroads and detours marked out for him to take.
So, the revelation that was shown to John was not a prediction of a definite future, but events that would probably occur should he continue upon the path of destruction. The symbology of the End of Days can be interpreted as nuclear annihilation. John endeavored to the best of his abilities to interpret and describe what he was actually seeing. But this annihilation can also come from the skies with meteor impacts. A few symbolical references do suggest that. So, an encounter with Nibiru can certainly not be ruled out.
Throughout the centuries there have been various mysterious occurrences that altered man's path. You should study up on some of these matters. For instance, it is claimed that George Washington, when in the midst of loosing the major battle, had a mysterious encounter in the woods with a man who drew out a battle plan for Washington, and the following of this plan changed the tide of the war in Washington's favor. This mysterious intervention helped Washington to win the battle, then the war. These interventions are designed to guide mankind along certain paths.
Could it be that the spiritual powers are in some way playing with us?
Not playing, but guiding. There is a main path ordained for man to walk and, should he walk proper and righteously, the outcome would be much different than what Revelations has predicted for us. Should we venture off that path, for what ever reason, Divine Intervention tries to guide us back upon the path. That path should always be righteousness. But mankind has vast difficulties in walking a righteous path, and in that case, they will endeavor to steer us on a detour path that will do us the least harm. The beings of Intervention can only guide according to the dictates of karma, or call it Divine Law and Justice. This often severely limits the manner through which they can assist us.
Consider the Holy Virgin, Most Blessed Queen of Heaven, how many appearances has she done to encourage us to change our way of life? Countless times. And she continuously warns of the consequences should we fail. Because of these appearances we can ascertain that we can still venture of the path we're on, the path of Probable Annihilation, before the final door is shut.
So the future is not yet definite.

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