Thursday, April 7, 2011

Armageddon and the deception within the Church

It is perhaps fitting that, seeing that there is so much fear currently prevailing in the world that we address issues dealing with Armageddon and the Book of Revelation.  There are many speculations and theories concerning the End Times, or Doomsday, as some prefer to call it.  The signs associated with the End Times is certainly evident in current events.  Mainly, we have the nuclear meltdown in Japan which posses vast dangers upon humanity, not only Japan.  The prevailing situation there is getting more dangerous by the day with not all information being revealed by the main stream media.

Our next sign of End Times is the conflict within Libya and American intervention in what has become a civil war with the high potential of it escalating into World War III.  Syria is also experiencing deadly turmoil with its current blood filled protests, the same beginning as it did in Libya.  The entire middle east is being rocked with Israel standing in the background.

A further sign of End Times is the long debated approach of Nibiru or Planet X and the return of the Anunnaki, the ancient Mesopotamian gods.  There is ample evidence that the earth had been visited in ancient times, and is still visited today.  It is plausible that UFO's have a possible connection with the End Times and we will discuss my conclusions on this phenomenon as we proceed.  My main focus will be on the Christian Revelations.

The Deceptions of the Church
It has been well prophesized that at the End Times your churches will become houses of darkness.  It is common knowledge that the Church has been infiltrated by the Freemasons whom the Christians claim to be under the directive of the devil with the intent of weakening and destroying the Church.  My theory on this matter is based around the medieval Knights Templers who, as some historians claim, and after their fateful end through the Church's hand, the survivors of the mass murders simply became the Freemasons.  I have a tendency to agree with this.

Briefly, what do we know of the Knights Templers?  The served in the earliest period of the Crusades to protect the pilgrims in Palestine.  We know that during their free time they excavated beneath Harod's Palace, their tunneling attempts still visible today.  It is believed that during their excavations they may have found some material, possibly scrolls, and the content of these scrolls appeared to be of great concern to the Church.  Some say that they may have blackmailed the Church as the suddenly became very rich and were given high privileges by the Church.  Some assume that whatever they had discovered concerned the Magdalene as they built cathedrals dedicated in her honor.  We can only speculate on the dangerous truths they may have found.  So it is feasible to assume that the willful destruction carried out in secret on the Templar's by the Church, with their Grand Master being burned at the stake, that the Freemasons have no love lost where Vatican is concerned.

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