Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hauntings and Lost Souls

I only today heard on the news that a young couple in England, having just bought their first dream home, were driven out in fear by the spirit activity happening there.  Apparently they caught the spirit on film as well.  How do you connect these spirits, or ghosts, to the purgatory that you describe?

These kind of happenings are more frequent than you may realize.  We only just don't hear about these kind of happenings.  I myself, dealt with several cases like the one you describe.  They also caught the entity on video moving freely around the house.  They asked me to investigate after the entire family had left the house as they could no longer tolerate the disturbances.  Most of the activity was focused upon their teenage son who was being consistently physically attacked by this spirit.  For them it was indeed a very frightening experience.

What happened with the family?  Did you manage to clear the situation?

I went to the house on at least two occasions, each time being accompanied by the teenage son and his father, and at times their daughter.  As soon as I entered the place I felt the heavy vibration bearing down on me.  Mainly the lounge was filled with a white mist and an unusual smell.  The entire house felt unreal.  Although we could not see the entity we certainly felt his presence.  Yes, it was a male, perhaps just a few years older than the families son.  I reviewed the video clips that they took of the entity.  I was rather surprised, considering the frightening disturbances, they took the videos.  Anyhow, whether I actually got the spirit to move on, I never got to find out.  I gave them all the advise that they needed, the little rituals to perform, and they never re-contacted me.  I did find out later that, soon after, they had sold the house.  So perhaps they never did move back inside.

So why do you think this spirit couldn't be moved on?

Well, like I said, I don't know whether I did or not.  Spirits have many reasons for being where they are and I don't particularly like sticking my nose into these things.  There are many things we don't understand and we need to be cautious when we try to move these spirits on.  Some spirits, for whatever reason, do not wish to leave and can turn very aggressive if interfered with.  The spirit involved in this situation was a slightly bad apple, a rebellious teenager who lived in the house prior to his somewhat tragic death.  He had always been in trouble with the police and he met his death during a high speed police chase; he lost control and hit a tree.  Death, I believe, was instant.  Instant death, in his situation, did not prove advantageous.  He was in denial of his dismal fate and did not accept, or did not come to the realization that he had died and passed over.  So, rather than pass through the stages of purgatory, his rebellious character confined him within the earth's aura and he returned to the place he was familiar with - the bedroom in his parents home.  He could not understand what this other teenager was doing in his home and bedroom.  This, what he perceived as an intrusion made him very angry, and this anger turned to aggression, directed mainly, unfortunately toward the intruder. 

We call these spirits "Lost Souls", earth bound entities trapped in the earth plane, unable to move onto to higher levels of conscious existence.  There are many troubled souls lingering in the earth's aura.  In his case, anger and a rebellious character acted as the chains to bind him.

So what you mean is that he may well be earth bound forever?

No, not at all.  One day, sooner or later, he will tire of his situation and consider his entrapment much closer.  Each case must be considered on an individual basis and they are all different.  Some entities are there for a shorter time while others can be entrapped in their own ignorance for hundreds, if not for thousands of years.

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