Thursday, October 25, 2012

False Prophesies

What interests me are the various Doomsday prophecies and conspiracy theories that are still circulating around the internet and other media outlets and many of these have already run their course and have disappeared.

Exactly.  Various dates have come and gone.  The Doomsday theory has been around for centuries.  You cannot classify all of them as kooks as many of them sincerely believe that what they are prophesying is real and that these predictions have come from higher accurate sources.  For instance, even St. Paul believed the end of days was going to come about in his century.  We now regard Paul’s prediction as the Rapture.  But it never came.  And probably every century there after expected it to come about during their life time.  Two thousand years later and we are still waiting.

And he claimed to be in communication with, Jesus.  Wouldn’t you think that Jesus would set him straight?

Yes, you would.  Yet he did not interfere with Paul’s misleading information.  But how do we know that his writings had not been interfered with?  Paul was well versed in the “Sacred Secrets” and that he was taken to the 3rd heaven so we cannot doubt the wisdom he attained and which he only partially revealed to the general body of the congregation.

We accept perhaps too blindly that what has come down to us is accurate truth.  We have no originals to verify the authenticity of that truth.  Jesus himself stated that Satan was seated within the 1st century church and he only rebuked the congregation for allowing him to be there, and he has remained there throughout the centuries, to this present day. 

In revelation itself he has stated that the entire earth has been misled.  And this is solely through dark influences and satanic manipulation by both physical, and none physical devils that have infiltrated the Holy Church.  There has always existed a battle between Light and Darkness within the Church to this very day.  It is divided within itself and a house divided will fall.  We should not exercise blind faith, especially since we have been warned.


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