Monday, October 29, 2012

Arizona Wilder Conspiracy

Arizona Wilder, now she is a unique study.  Is she for real?  Only she knows that.  Though she has a large following.  It’s been many years ago since she told her story and I haven’t found anything new on her since.  To the best of my knowledge she seems to have disappeared. 

Do I believe her story?  I would say 80 percent – where the dark brotherhood is concerned and her involvement within their dark activities and rituals.  The dark brotherhood is still conducting blood sacrifices, of this you can be sure of, choosing those of innocence and purity, for instance, the blood of young children.  There are many of these devils connected with hospitals and are in high positions.  I’ve had contact with various people who have had very real and frightening experiences within the health industry and if they were to speak about these experiences they would be regarded as having wild delusions.  I know these people and certainly believe what they say.  I myself have been drawn into their dark practices and, the various individuals I went to have it out with, always had to leave their employment just prior to my coming to see them.  So I don’t doubt Arizona’s claims concerning these things.

The problem I have with this is: why have they allowed her to go public?  They could very easily have done her away with.  Maybe it is true when she said they still have need of her.  And if she has indeed disappeared – she is either back under their control, hidden away, or either dead.

Arizona Wilder

And we have David Ike on our list of conspirators.  He doesn’t have anything good to say about the Royal Family.  Even to the point of being absurd.

Yes, and why is he still walking around free?  Why haven’t they put him out of business?  If they wanted to they could entirely bankrupt him.  Sue him for everything that he has, yet they leave him alone.  Obviously, they don’t see him as any great threat, or he is being used by them as a vehicle for misinformation.  I believe Ike was one of the first, if not the first, to interview Arizona Wilder.  Now, I’m aware of other authors, for example, David Irving, the famed holocaust denier, whose life was torn to shreds and spent time in jail for his beliefs.  They could break Ike just the same.  It seems that many important people are just closing their eyes to his ranting and wild accusations.

Let’s just say I don’t disregard Ike’s accusations I just don’t further elaborate on them.  Let’s just say there are various fingers pointing at the Royal Family.  And they are a branch of the ruling elite bloodline.

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