Thursday, August 5, 2010

The non publicized passing of Lulin

How many of you were, in 2008, aware that a rarely ever seen green comet passed through our solar system? The orbit of the comet indicated that it came from the outermost edge of the solar system, the so-called Ort Cloud, which is about 100,000 times more distant from the sun than the Earth. Supposedly, it has taken millions of years to get here and won't be seen for another few million years.

It was Egyptian mythology that aroused my interest in the comet Lulin and not simply it's rarity. Not many people know that, Thoth, the Egyptian deity, was also referred to as the Lord of the Green Stone, which supposedly came from heaven and which Thoth utilized. This suggests to me that a portion of that comet broke away and survived its plunge through the earth's atmosphere. To the Egyptians, and to Thoth perhaps dating back to Atlantean times, it proved of good omen, the stone itself possessing vast energies that the Egyptians utilized.

So I was rather curious to see what this comet would leave in its wake. In February 2008, when it was at its closest approach to earth, we, here in Australia, had catastrophic disasters. In Victoria alone we had fierce fire storms taking the lives of 174 people. It did not bring us the glory it brought to Egypt.

A brief history of the Green Stone.

In its earliest period of history it was regarded as the "The Green Egg of Ra". The most sacred of Egyptian artifacts. The last recorded mention of it was when it resided in Tel el-Amana, the City to the Sun, built by Akhenaton during his reign. After the reign of Akhenaton, along with his queen, Nefertiti, the Green Egg of Ra disappeared from history. It is unlikely that Tutankhamen took it back to Thebes when he re-established the old religion.

I believe that if we really want to know where it went we must look inside the Ark of the Covenant in the possession of Moses. But the Ark also disappeared, and it wont be in Ethiopia as the Ethiopian priests claim. The Egyptians claim their heritage from Atlantis, this is why we even know of Atlantis, and should we look beyond the history of Egypt we would probably find that its original name was the Ball of Atlantis. It's about the size of a soccer ball, green, but multicoloured green, with white patches like clouds moving within it.

Further reading:
Orion and it's influence

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