Monday, August 23, 2010

Group Souls and Divine Intervention

Another subject you don’t hear very often within discussion groups is the concept of Divine Intervention. When people hear mention of “Divine Intervention” the immediate thought that comes to mind is either Christian oriented or the descending of angelic beings. Because most of us don’t personally experience such descending divinity within our own environment we tend to not think much about it. So very little is known and understood of the subject that we never really give it much significance, at least not enough to cause us to ponder on the subject.

So what exactly is divine intervention?

Thinking along theological lines divine intervention is the appearance of some omnipotent being, like an angel, that intervenes in human affairs. But in reality, it is not necessarily so. Divine intervention, in reality, is more of an individual personal affair. The Masters, for instance, intervene more on behalf of humanity as a whole and do not particularly intervene on isolated personal levels. For starters, their personal frequencies are far to high for us to have personal contact with; even their thought frequencies are way too powerful for us to adjust to should such thoughts impact anywhere near our environment. Because of the omnipotence of their being their thought energy is directed into our world at a global level. Should more personal contact be needed, then that Master, or even an angel, would project a part of its consciousness down the various planes.

Divine intervention on an individual level

The most common divine intervention occurs on a personal individual or small group setting. It may come from someone with whom you are closely associated, a divine influence to which they themselves may be entirely unconscious or unaware of. Whether divine intervention comes by way of global influence or personal individual influence, each is as important as the other. We may even stress that personal influence by less omnipotent beings may have better end results as compared to that which is directed globally. Global influence is rather impersonal and human beings are more comfortable with the more personal touch. The powers to be know just how important the personal experience is, so most of the divine intervening is left to man himself.

Once again we need to draw upon the diagram in discourse 7. We have already mentioned how closely linked the group soul of Henry is linked with that of Betties. But you will notice that the group soul directly beside Henry’s group is not linked to Betty’s group: this is simply because there is no karmic link. Because of this lack of a karmic link intervention can only come to Betty from within Henry’s group. But this does not mean that all spirits within Henry’s group are linked with Betty. Henry might be the only one within the group with whom she is linked. In reality, of course, her own group would be linked with various other groups close to her own frequency range. The lower you are on the group ladder the more you will be linked to other groups. In the same manner, the higher you evolve, the more the lower links will be severed.

You have probably noticed the gorgeous Hermit seated close to the top of the page. He’s such a charming fellow that higher groups couldn’t resist his smile and had made it an effort to assist him. As you can see, he himself has several links connecting him to other groups, but notice to what manner of groups to which he is linked. Most of his links are coming from above with a link connecting to Lazarus. He must have taken an interest to Henry, as you can see, he is linked there also. But then it could be anyone within that group that is aspiring to ascend and become a part of the Hermit’s group.

Where group souls are concerned, all are teachers, all are potential instruments of influence. As much as Henry is acting as a source of influence to Betty, Betty in turn is a source of influence to Sue Rumpusroom, who may be in a worse situation as she is. Well, she is further down the end of the ladder. Although each acts as an influential teacher, each can only influence or teach to the level of their own understanding.

During incarnation our circle of influence contains the friends which we have included within our personal lives whilst on earth. We may well say that we live within our own little worlds unless we include friends into our immediate circle. What we need to bear in mind is that the person to whom we have given permission to enter and penetrate our circle, are themselves part of another established circle. The other members of that circle may not have the same interests that you and the one whom you have given permission to enter have in common.

Lets take Henry’s immediate circle as an example. Now, karma has decreed that at some stage of his earthly tour he was to meet up with Betty with the intention of beginning a friendship. In the midst of his life span he had exercised caution in his selection of friends. But this all about to change for poor Henry. For his new found friend has a slight drug problem, and because of this problem, she hasn’t been overly cautious on who she allowed to penetrate her circle of influence. In fact, her circle is a bit overcrowded, and not all are desirable individuals. To make things worse, Betty’s ex is also very undesirable and very jealous and angry over the relationship she is forming with Henry. Before long, because of the strong external influences coming from Betty’s circle, Henry will find his own circle of comfort invaded as it gradually blends with Betty’s circle.

By looking at the Hermit’s link with Henry you will see that the link is broken, denoting a non karmic association…and he intends to keep it that way. He’s connections with Henry are on a purely spiritual basis, ensuring that the connection is not compromised.

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