Monday, August 9, 2010

The Mystery of Sahelanthropus tchadensis

If at all it can be proven that Sahelanthropus tchadensis did indeed exist 7 million years ago, then this would place him before the Lemurian root race existed, perhaps some 30,000 years ago.
 Archaeological discoveries confuse not only physical science but also the esoteric science. But then, it is always conceivable that two distinctly different species could have existed side by side. With the discovery of the long strands of hair, having no human connections, makes this argument very plausible.

The discovery of Sahelanthropus tchadensis, our most ancient ancestor, will ultimately open the way for some very serious questions, not only questioning Homo sapiens sapiens linage of descent, as well as the period of his existence—but questioning the theory of evolution itself. How is it possible that modern humans have evolved from apelike beings into Homo erectus to Homo sapiens when the smiling face of Sahelanthropus tchadensis states that he existed long before all these dramatic changes took place?

Could it be that science has it all wrong? Could it be that the theory of evolution is just another lemon in the bucket, like Yung and his theories about the subconscious...that it sounded plausible at the time, and kind of grew on us and stuck with us? Could it be that the only form of evolution is brought about by cross-breeding, rather than being a natural phenomenon? At the present, taking into consideration the strong contradictions in science, cross-breeding sounds very plausible, and most probably nearer to the truth.

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