Am I interested in UFO's? Not really. Do I believe in UFO's? Yes, mainly as I didn't have a choice in the matter. Following now, in sequence as I can remember, are some alien experiences that I have had:
Around thirty years ago. It was night and I was lying on the bed watching a television documentary. I can't remember what it was about, but I liked it. It was about 9 p.m. and the weather outside was chilly.
I suddenly had a very strong impression in my head to go outside and look up into the night sky. I ignored the impression and continued watching the documentary in the warm confines of the room. I ignored it as imagination, just one of the thousand random thoughts that pass through the consciousness without even thinking.
The impression for me to go outside was unrelenting, even to the point that I became loudly verbal with myself to not to go outside. I don't feel like it. It's too cold. I'm watching this damn program on the telly!
The impressions continued without cease and I became frustrated with these thoughts in my mind and, with a huff and a puff, I decided to go outside and look up into the damn sky. Get rid of this damn impression so I can get on with my documentary.
Leaving through the front I ventured onto the front lawn and, not unlike an idiot, glanced straight up into the dark sky. I saw it immediately. The sky was cloudless with no moon. The stars were bright on the dark canopy. A large cigar shaped object passed me slowly overhead. There was not a sound to be heard. It was hard to distinguish just how high up it was as I'm not fantastic in estimations. It appeared to be black and I could see lights along the length of the body.
Ok, it was interesting and I then certainly didn't regret going outside. Naturally, I did then, and I still do today, so many years later, ponder on the question - why me? Why would they be so persistent in wanting me to see them flying overhead?
I suppose some would consider my experience a bit bothersome. To think that, whoever they may be, is aware of my humble, insignificant existence, knows where I live and how to locate, and to tune into me. Make me aware of them. If they are aware of me - they'll be aware of you.