Sunday, November 11, 2012

Prison Planet

I've been noticing on some blogs where they refer to the earth as a 'Prison Planet.' I could go along with that conception.  Where my own interpretation of Biblical literature is concerned about hell I've concluded that earth is this Biblical hell.  Bearing in mind that Jesus never actually referred to any metaphysical hell but only to a place called Gehenna, outside the city gates where they burned rubbish, where the fires burned 24 hours a day and further back in history, a place where child sacrifices were performed.

I believe we can safely assume that, where God's Kingdoms are concerned, the physical universe in which we exist, must be one of the lowest levels of conscious existence.  Don't forget that this entire three dimensional physical universe lies within the Formation, the manifestation of Creation.  The higher aspect of this physical universe will be its electromagnetic field, or it's aura, it's metaphysical level of expression.  This aura functions on a higher frequency but it is not the fourth dimension, or the world of spirit.  It is only a sub plane.  It is within this aura that most spirits find themselves lost or entrapped.  It is also the place where people mostly astral project or where their dreams manifest, unless they are experienced, or advanced enough to raise their spirit beyond this level.  Within the murkier vibrations of this aura is where evil exists and the soul can be tormented in many, many different ways.  Here one experiences emotional hell.

There are many, many planets in this universe of ours.  We do not even have to travel outside of our own galaxy, of which there are millions, in order for us to encounter other worlds with intelligent life.  Much of this other life is very different to our own, we may say, non human, all depending on the molecular structure of its sun and the worlds that revolve around it.  One day we will discover that there are various different beings of intelligence that have an interest in our world, as well as other worlds, and not all of these beings have good intentions towards us.  Due to our evolutionary standing and development these beings, whether good or bad, are forbidden to interfere or disrupt our karmic condition of evolution and advancement.  This decision has been made by spiritual intelligences beyond the physical realms.

But that does not mean that the aggressive intelligences adhere to that ruling.

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