Friday, June 10, 2011

The Church and its Spiritual Manifestations

The proper understanding of the Imperishables was maintained within the Inner Circle of the Roman Catholic Church.  This Inner Circle did not exist within any of the denominations which later broke away but stayed solely within Mother Church, the original started by the Emperor Constantine.  Now I'm sure there are many who will scorn at the mention of Constantine, and perhaps rightly so, but in all reality it was ordained to be so.  Indeed, for the Christians who were being fed to the lions at the time, Constantine was indeed a blessing from above.  Their persecution suddenly came to an end.  The Roman Catholic Church was ordained to bring hope and consolation to millions, and to many thousands of others, deep despair and suffering.  That it was ordained to be so is further verified by the vengeance wrought upon Rome by Attila the Hun, for when he arrived at the gates of Rome he was, by the advice of angels told to spare Rome, for there rests the bones of the Apostles.

I can safely state that the Church was ordained to fall from the beginning.  What the Church calls Satan, was there from the very beginning.  We should always remember what Jesus himself said: that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.  The Church became the instrument for the Spirit of tests and trails for millions.  Even so, as the powers of Darkness have overshadowed the Church through many centuries, so also have the powers of Light overshadowed the Church.  Everything goes in cycles.  Every church has an angel commissioned to it, regardless whether Light or Darkness controls the cycle.  They are there to ensure that the prayers of the righteous and the virtuous manage to penetrate the darkness and ascend to higher realms.  It is not the interest of the Teutonic Knights whether darkness governs a cycle or governed by Light, they are the protectors of the Church and its sheep.  Today, though an Order of the Teutonic Knights exists in the physical world, they are name sake only, as with the Knights Templar,  whereas, the real Order of ancient times operates from spiritual planes. 

So far we have only discussed the Church viewed only through the physical, material perspective.  We have not touched upon its many spiritual manifestations upon the various levels of existence.  Each plane takes on an entirely different manifestation.  The higher the purer the manifestation becomes.  The forces of darkness, for instance, can only penetrate the lower manifestations and thereby influence and control that manifestation, whereas, it has absolutely no penetration or influence on the higher manifestations.  It is on these higher levels of manifestations wherein the saints exist and still interact with what we term the Lost Souls still caught within the lower manifestations.  Here also reside the individual spirits of the Imperishables while their physical bodies, or lets say, vehicles rest in hidden slumber.

If these things are true, then it is not really advisable to knock the Church?

Exactly.  They are judging and condemning the Church based on its physical appearance.  It is a lack of spiritual discernment.  You would have noticed that the brunt of the attack is aimed at the Catholic Church, more than any of the other break away denominations.  Sin exists within all.  Sure, we cannot excuse the sins of the past but we should also realize that the miscreants, when their time comes, will be dealt with, not so much by God, but by the Divine Law he put into place, Divine Justice from which there is no escape.  You may regard the Second Fire of Revelation an act of that Law.  In other words, most probably, instant reincarnation.  Whereas, those who sinned less, their hands not stained by mortal sin, may spent many years in peace and rest, until they too, get cast into the Second Fire.

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